Book of Hebrews Son of God Covenant of Mercy Pt13 on Sound the Shofar WIBR WARN Radio Ministry |
Covenant of Mercy just doesn't not look at us in the face as a mere document to read. It is written in the pages of #Heaven, on the hearts of #believers in the #bloodofChrist who died on the cross. God intended to not only deliver #Israel as a complete and whole nation, but to redeem the #Gentiles as well. #Hebrews reaches to us today where the point is that from the least of men to the greatest shall all know of the #Lord. Here though is the #biblicaltruth of the #Lord who said "I will be merciful to their #unrighteousness, and their #sins and their #iniquities will I remember no more"- Heb 8:12 KJV.
Dana Glenn Smith