Book of Hebrews Son of God Partakers of Christ Pt4 on Sound the Shofar WIBR WARN Radio Ministry |
Partakers of Christ is found within the context of the Apostles teaching to keep our confidence in Christ #steadfast to the end. It is a race; therefore, we run and must finish that race. Our duty to be #faithful and ##trust in the Lord to the very end. As the Father was with #Christ, so our #LordJesus will be with us. In this section the #Apostle reminds the Hebrews that some in Israel had an #evilheart of #unbelief. This caused them to depart from the #LivingGod. It must not be so with those to whom he was writing. Do not harden your hearts. As with the #Hebrews, today's believer faces many challenges, one of which is keep our eye on our Lord. Too many distractions for the #Christian can bring such troubles such as unbelief or skepticism. Our Goal is to be #Partakers of #Christ, found in Him, to the very end.
Dana Glenn Smith