Enemy of Mine Enemy of Christ, Vietnam, Human Rights, Pakistan, Persecution WIBR WARN Radio Ministry |
Enemy of Mine Enemy of Christ is very real in the world today. As we find in America, a land that has never seen much in the way of #persecution for the #Christianfaith; we are divided and hate one another, yet Christians fill the church all over this nation. The #EnemyofMine are those believers worldwide in many areas of the world who accept #JesusChrist, #YeshuaHaMassiach as the #Savior of #Mankind and the #SonofGod. Their faith is dear to them, and the cost can be paid in blood. Both for them and their families. We find the Enemy of Christ in China, North Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, and in many other nations of the world including in America today. So, the Enemy of Mine is the #EnemyofChrist as well. Welcome to an age-old truth that the Lord said, "all that will #livegodly in #ChristJesus shall #suffer #persecution." It is time for the apathic, self-absorbed among these Americans to wake from the sleep for the time of the judgment is nearer than we thought. It is also time for those in darkness to realize the love of God and the gift of redemption found in Christ Jesus. We find today that many of the enemies of Christ have come to him.
Dana Glenn Smith