Gospel Gentiles Fullness Book of Romans pt22 @warnradio WIBR WARN Radio Ministry |
Gospel Gentiles Fullness brings us to the surrounding events of the Fulness of the Gentiles. While the #gospel must go forth into all nations; the deciding factor here is that it must do just that. These three words #Gospel #Gentiles #Fulness reminds us this end and the fact it will come when all prophecy lines up in God's Word. Also, with the Fulness of the Gentiles, the #blindness on #Israel will be removed. It brings to the forefront #prophecy, Israel, and the Gospel of the #Kingdom. This is found in one of the best #defenses of Israel. I say Israel here, as the Apostle Paul directly speaks of Israel and blindness, fulness, the gospel, and the #salvation of Israel. The entire world is being prepared for the #endofdays with all the events lining up. As we go through this we can see how #God has dealt with Israel. It also stands as a warning to the #disobedient in the #faith. It also reminds the #faithful in #ChristJesus that in the end God works to redeem as many as he can.
Dana Glenn Smith