Israel Contending with the LORD in Deliverance Warn Radio End Time
Israel Contending with the Lord on Classic Warn Radio. Israel, her own people; proved to be their own worst enemy. Israel out of bondage, yet flesh and carnal minds bound by years of Egyptian influence had to be removed. As in all of us, the world and the flesh must go. Lord led Israel the “longer way around”, lest Israel “i.e. the people change their minds” when faced with war. It was imperative to the Lord to get Israel out! Israel did not have this same idea in regard to this, for many times they wanted to go back to Egypt. Israel in typical fashion today exemplifies many Christians and churches. It also reminds us of America. So too, with Israel coming out of Egypt, Egypt had to be removed from Israel. This was the task; the Lord was going to do. It would be Moses that would face Israel down in many different troubles that faced these people who came out of Egypt.
The Watchman