Ominous Babylon Prophetic Book Pt102 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio WIBR WARN Radio Ministry |
Ominous Babylon is arriving soon. It is no coincidence that #Babylon shows up. They have heard of the destruction of #Assyria and the death of #Sennarcherib. #Hezekiah here is happy to see such a powerful visit from #Babylon. It does not occur to the #King here in the least that there is a reason for the visit. This sets up the coming chapters of Babylon and the eventual #judgment on Judah and the carrying away of almost all its people and wealth. The lessons are not lost here. A lesson to Judah concerning the deliverance from Assyria. Finally, the lesson of Babylon will be one that will stick to Judah for the rest of her #existence and beyond. But all this is not lost to us today. #Ominous Babylon has many things to glean from this section.
Dana Glenn Smith