Ransomed, Redeemed, Returned Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt91 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio WIBR WARN Radio Ministry |
Ransomed Redeemed Returned find those who have been delivered from the #judgment that fell upon them. The entire section we now look at is one picture of what the #blessings, #deliverance, and presence of the #Lord does. #Israel fell into bondage due to sins. Thus being #ransomed #redeemed and having #returned we find the true glory. Both houses fell. Ransomed by the #LordGod through his #mercy, #Babylon fell, and #Judah returned to #Zion. They had been redeemed. Yet as we look at this chapter, we find it also points to a greater end time event when those who also had been redeemed, this time by the #bloodoftheLamb. They will one day Return to be with the King having been Ransomed from their sins. Further, we find that the effects of the fall, which not only affect mankind but nature, finds it too being redeemed. A newness and fully glory encompasses the scene here.
Dana Glenn Smith