Trusting Arm of Flesh Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt77 @Warnradio WIBR WARN Radio Ministry |
Trusting Arm of Flesh brings us to the fact of men and nations. As Psalms two warns of "heathen rage and people imagine a vain thing", so too we find the Prophet Isaiah warns us today. Israel went down to Egypt because of the nation’s mighty army, horses, chariots, and horsemen. They were strong and mighty. Now that an enemy threatened Jerusalem, the choices were clear. So, they thought. Get help from Egypt, which marks the Trusting in the Arm of the Flesh. So too, today's world dramatically does this. With all the technology, devices, sciences, and more; we do not understand how wrong it is to place all our trust in these things. Egypt and the surrounding nations found out the issue. So did Israel in a practical and extremely dangerous lesson to the House of Judah and to all Christians today. Whom or what do you place your trust in.
Dana Glenn Smith