Daily Archives: December 31, 2024

Gods Overcoming Grace for Perilous Times

Gods Overcoming Grace is understood as his favor toward us. I know that the Lord is almighty here; but it is not especially a good thing if we are outside his grace and favor. Here in the end of days we find perilous times. A person or a family can face personal challenges so great that it would break them. However, there is a source of favor towards us in challenging times as these. Furthermore, Grace is found in the beginning of the book saying, “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord”. Then in the last book of the bible it says as well; “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your all”! Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Gods Overcoming Grace for Perilous Times

Book of Hebrews Son of God Faith Substance Pt17 on Sound the Shofar

Faith Substance brings you that #hopefulfilled. We hope and yet at the time we do not have those things hoped for, but we see spiritually into the realm of the #Supernatural #God and his provision and #trust Him to provide those things. Yet #Faith today is best seen in the #hardtimes, tough times, and dangerous times. When we have it easy, have doctors at hand, stores with plenty of goods, and safety; we become fulfilled by the #armoftheflesh so close at hand. Hebrews teaches us about that God Faith and the examples reveal that others have found #promises fulfilled. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, B1 New Testament Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Hebrews Series | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment