Daily Archives: March 6, 2025

Jesus Christ Enemy or Lord in America

Jesus Christ Enemy or Lord in America? This is a much-needed question, yet the truth will come out in time. We have churches, Pastors, congregations, religious institutions, Faithful people, and more freedom of religion than many nations. Freedom of speech as well goes a long way to prove that the Faith of Jesus Christ is alive and well in America. Yet, one could also point out the myriad of items that are an abomination to the Faith of Christ. I won’t go into detail, for if I must list them out for you; then it is clear you have no sense of moral Christian rage over the things we have seen in this nation. Continue reading

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Society may sink into oblivion of global disorder but the Foundation of God Stands True. Our future includes being Redeemed, Resurrected, and Reigning; To be sure the Lord Knows those who are His own. Yet today for those on this planet much turmoil and tribulation occur. More is coming, be sure of it. For much is at stake in the souls of men. But know this the Foundation of God stands true. Here that which will win the day is Gods Truth. God cannot lie and His Word stands. For believers, there is a seal to which has brought us into the beloved.
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