Author Archives: The Watchman

About The Watchman

Veteran Watchman, broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]....

Comforters of Job in Times of Trouble

Comforters of Job that show up in Times of Troubles is an experience all it’s own. Not all who come to help or comfort those in trouble are like these in Job. Yet we can look at this experience and think “how would I survive such an ordeal as Job.” In addition, I have experienced the “pain on my bed”. But I know of many others who go beyond pain and have a battle with death itself in the abode of the destroyer. Their bones waste away, they cannot eat, there is no strength left. They wait to die, hope is in the Lord, but there is no hope nor faith for healing. We look at this in this Comforters of Job in Times of Trouble. Continue reading

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End of Days: The Gathering of Ephraim

End of Days: The Gathering of Ephraim -In thee shall all Nations be blessed! In these End of Days, there is are the lost tribes of Israel and they are lost. Both in History and in the reality of their identity. But the Lrd will collect them. Where did they go and how will they be Gathered in the End of Days. In Israel today we have Judah, Benjamin, and the Levites; among others. But the Lost Tribes are lost! But they are being gathered from among the nations and in this, they will be found. Continue reading

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Way of Truth, False Prophets, & Heresies

Way of Truth, False Prophets, & Heresies. The Refining Fire of Repentance is needed! As we look at the America today is in trouble from the highest murder rates, political fights over more abortion, and endless immorality. Most of this comes from a prolific batch of deceit flowing today. Continue reading

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Expected End Image of Christ

Expected End Image of Christ is the Goal of God our Father and Jesus [Yeshua] Christ our Lord. Plain and simple, yet hard to bear. All who are in Christ Jesus will be brought to an Expected End. That is an End of peace, faith, love, comfort, and everlasting joy in the presence of God. Yet, it is the beginning. Paul said in Acts “through much tribulation do we inherit the kingdom of God. Howbeit, the present sufferings are not to blot out our hope and victory in Christ.” Much has changed over the years in America. For believers the change is evident, if you are looking. We have accepted many common things done in the world to be classified as okay in the lives of Christians and the Church. When we read of the Harlot in Babylon 17, the fruits thereof can clearly seen in the nations of man. Continue reading

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Life Journey Paths Folly or Wisdom

Life Journey Paths Folly or Wisdom is a “A modern prose about eternities Warning.” I wrote this over 11 years ago. Since then, I have used this gift to write others as this Prose. It is a piece every believer should read. Life Journey Paths Folly or Wisdom is a “A modern prose about eternities Warning.” This is a parable as well which is presented through a figure of speech. It brings forth certain truths thereof in the telling, which are to be reflected as Eternal truths out of the HOLY Book, The Word of God, the Torah, and the Bible in its entirety. We follow an unknown person, nameless if you will through a long path to find wisdom. Continue reading

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Thomas Jefferson’s “In The Course of Human Events”

Thomas Jefferson’s “In The Course of Human Events” reminds Americans today of the great hand in forging this nation. In the beginning God, in this nation brought many different people. All of whom, wanted to have a peculiar nation. One different in many ways. Equal rights and one nation that stood before God. Here is one small picture into American History from one of early forefathers of this country, Mr. Thomas Jefferson. Continue reading

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American Tophet Valley of Hinnom

American Tophet -We have seen horrific pushing of the killing of babies directly out of the birth canal in the third trimester. It is akin to Tophet and the blood guilt therein. During Pres. Obama’s reign the abortion issue was pushed through by his hand and his minions. Why do liberals and others love to kill babies so much. If we look at the bible and history, it is something that has history. Get the Ebook Continue reading

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The Work Unveiled ‘Opus Postestas Revelare’

Unveiling Opus Postestas Revelare , it is revealed, unveiled, and is here in front of us. Since the days of John the Revelator we have had this information, but today we are living it! We have the words of Christ both as a warning and a comfort. There is going to be a time as this, but we have overcome the world. That is, if you meet the requirements. Be sure to download this: The Work Unveiled ‘Opus Postestas Revelare’ Continue reading

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The Bane of Lawless People

The Bane of Lawless People within a nation can be not only seen, but what they do will tear down the #moral #fabricofsociety. It is true, our system of #government was not made for #unrighteouspeople. As we can plainly see today, the #dividednation of #America brings to the table such hate and vitriol that it #threatenssociety. While they declare it righteous, the guilt flows from the lips of these thugs. They are financed, controlled, and fed by powerful #politicalelites. But here, it is not just an #American issue. #BanelawlessPeople
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