Category Archives: Christian discipleship

Believers Endtime Faith God Defends Pt11

Today Christians also need to be a #Warrior for Christ using the #LovingFaith of Christ Jesus to bring deliverance to those who need it. Here the Lord has given to us His #HolySpirit, #healing, #deliverance, and much more to help, heal, and bring the unbeliever to Christ Jesus. Even as we discuss the persecution and the death of many Christians on a global scale, we know God defends the righteous, stands up for them, and brings more help for these believers. If anything be True, it is that our #Lord and #Savior #JesusChrist is #KingofKings and #LordofLords and we shall be #kings and #priests #untoGod. AMEN! #GodDefends Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Wells of Salvation Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt18 on Battle Lines

Wells of Salvation -We wrap up the vision of the millennium and conclude in chapter twelve with the Wells of Salvation. In all the judgment and those events to come we find the Lord God is in control and his full redemption awaits for those redeemed. Further he waits for the unredeemed to choose life or death. Either way they will come and kneel before him.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, B2 Prophets Isaiah series, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged | Leave a comment

Preparation; Time of the End Approaches!

This is an article which includes two Psalms of the Watchman, which are Preparation for the Time of the End. This is unique writing and was written with experienced and well tested words. You will find within this writing, the WORD of God! The Time of the End Approaches brings us to the arena of the Valley of Decision and the Redemption of the Righteous. Herein describes the eternal truth that what a person does will ultimately find themselves examined on the day of Judgment. However, it is also true that many ignore this event, especially the young. Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Day Lord Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Book of Hebrews Son of God Chastisement Pt22 on Sound the Shofar

Every Believer is a partaker of Chastisement once in a while. I do believe we can be at a point where we receive guidance and there is no need for harsh correction. The #ApostlePaul says in #Hebrews chapter twelve, verse Eleven “that no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous.” But the real meaning is ‘#tutorage’, here meaning education or training. It has an implied meaning of ‘#Disciplinary #correction.’ Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, B1 New Testament Series, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Hebrews Series | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Believers Endtime Faith Foundational Psalms Pt10

Today we look at a few #Psalms and find the nuggets and understanding to help us in our journey through #ChristJesus and the supply of #HisSpirit. The Brit Chadasha, with the word Brit meaning New and Chadasha meaning covenant is our New Testament. You can no more take the Tanakh out or ignore it than any other scripture. Tanakh is the Jewish Bible, also called the Hebrew bible. It is also the Old Testament portion of the bible to Christians today, however the Hebrew bible is divided into portions.
#JesusChrist said “Think not that I am come to #destroythelaw, or the #prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled” -Mat 5:17-18. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Rejoice in Truth, Gospel, Spread the Love Native Pastors, Persecuted Believers @WarnRadio

Rejoice in Truth brings us to the Apostle Paul’s words found in first Corinthians and is part of a larger section. That section in part has words like rejoice not in iniquity but rejoice in the truth, found in the thirteenth chapter. The Persecuted Believers stand amongst a hurricane of danger and more importantly is that they have the witness of the Spirit of God within them that they are not alone, for God is near them. We urge you to #repent today and seek the #Lord #JesusChrist if you are not a #believer in #ChristJesus. #RejoiceinTruth Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Holy Mountain Righteousness Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt17 on Battle Lines

Holy Mountain Righteousness – It will be the place of the King of Righteousness and judgment. The whole earth shall be filled with his glory. In Holy Mountain Righteousness we find the true nature of our God and King in his blessings where he resides with his saints.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, B2 Prophets Isaiah series, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Lost Glory of Americanism

There is a lost glory of Americanism, that ideal for which many have fought and died for. The departure from England at the beginning of our nation was one to create a new world and lose the old European system. There are many Patriots today in America. They come in all sizes, shapes, and races. The attraction to freedom and the constitutional guarantees is not bitten off because of race or sex. Freedom is innately in the soul. It feeds the appetite for that freedom which began so long ago. My own Grandfather and Great Grandfather knew of this well. As did our many forebears in our own family. The question today is, can we keep it, restore it, and continue to enjoy today with enemies in our congress, government, and law enforcement? Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Believers Endtime Faith Psalm Directives Pt9

Psalm Directives – A directive is an order or official notice that comes from an authority. #Believers #Endtime #Faith Psalm #Directives Pt9 we look at directives, or notices, coming from our #authority of #scripture sent by the #LordGod to us. This week we look at the past #Psalmists and what they wrote at the time and see their #faith, #hope, and plea to the #LordGod to #intervene, #encourage, and #guide them. As David wrote in Psalm chapter three, verse eight saying “#Salvation belongeth unto the #LORD: thy #blessing is upon thy people.” #PsalmDirectives Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Awaken to the Sound of the Trumpet

Awaken to the Sound of the Trump. Choose You this Day, whom will you serve? The Lord, the Christ of God, Yeshua HaMassiach, is the Almighty! Today through Christ Jesus and the Atonement he fulfilled Salvation for all! Indeed, it was Redemption by His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection that gave hope to all mankind. He did not come to destroy the law but fulfill it. It is here that both Jew and Gentile can come unto the Lord. There is a relationship to be completed with our Lord and God and our Savior, redeemer, and Jesus, Yeshua, Christ our Lord. Awaken to the Sound of the Trumpet, By Dana G Smith. This psalm contains three prophetic and very direct warnings of the coming of the Lord, the corrupt state of man, and the call to repent and come to the Lord Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments