Category Archives: Christian living

Son of God Witness I Saw and Bore Record

Son of God Witness -It would be a dynamic testimony for anyone would be able to say, ‘I saw and bare record that this is the Son of God,’ but for us today, we live by faith and have not seen personally this Son of God, but we still believe, based on this testimony and others like it. For with this testimony, and the work of the Spirit of God, the anointing breaks open the darkness in our hearts to let in the light of the Gospel, the good news of salvation. That good news is, God sent forth his Son to save sinners, of which, I am; but thanks to God, through the ‘Lamb of God, I now have been rescued by the ‘blood of the covenant’. God has also given us his Spirit, which bears witness in our hearts, that we are the children of God! Continue reading

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America Held in Contempt

Its sins are many in this place called America. But I add that the nations of men on this planet are also rich in Sin and debauchery, along with blood guilt. But God’s love and his redemptive Spirit gives man more grace and the ability to find freedom and faith. God can free anyone if they repent and come to Him. Continue reading

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America, We Have Piped You Have Not Danced!

America, We Have Piped You Have Not Danced! Herein lay wisdom and a warning directed at America and her generations. Wisdom, Jesus said “is justified of her children”. Today more than ever there is a way out to find Truth, Freedom, and healing directly from our Lord. Do not pass these words and this article by. Continue reading

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Johns Gospel Series A Parts 1-7 on Classic Warn Radio

John’s Gospel Series on Classic Warn Radio has 12 parts in two separate posts. Section A has 7 parts of the witness and testimony of the Apostle John.
This is a republished series of 12 parts on two separate posts. We combine more audios per page for easier access and listening. We polishes the article up, and brings the message and the original story to you.
Classic Warn Radio brings to you our Gospel of John series. He had been told who to watch for and the signs of his appearance. This was to be Johns witness to not only Jerusalem and the Jews; but to the entire world.
A Holy Spirit born witness, the voice crying in the wilderness; John whom saw the Lamb of God and spoke to those around him. His words ring out to us these many centuries later
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Special Series-John | 1 Comment

Johns Gospel Series B Parts 8-12 on Classic Warn Radio

Johns Gospel Series A on Classic Warn Radio brings to you our Gospel of John series with 24 hours of biblical teachings. The Apostle John had been told to watch for the signs of the Messiah’s appearance. This was to be Johns witness to not only Jerusalem and the Jews; but to the entire world. A Holy Spirit born witness, the voice crying in the wilderness; John whom saw the Lamb of God and spoke to those around him. His words ring out to us these many centuries later.
We combine more audios per page for easier access and listening. We polishes the article up, and brings the message and the original story to you.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Special Series-John | Tagged | 1 Comment

Sign of Jonah Fighting God The Kingdom War pt7 on Sound the Shofar

Sign of Jonah brings to our memory Nineveh. This gentile kingdom and enemy of Israel repented. Yet 70 years later the prophet Nahum warned of their impending doom. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, Christian Living Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Foolishness Foibles and Follies

Foolishness Foibles and Follies could roll into any American city at any moment. In truth, many United States citizens are already filling the cities with this nonsense. While quite a lot on the other side see this foolishness amidst the foibles of the woke. Continue reading

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Christians Standing Guard Spiritual Battle

Christians Standing Guard reminds us that there an entry into our arena of living, family, and way of life. Many nations have in the past fought wars, been invaded, and lost their very lives when the enemy entered into the camp. Christians Standing Guard brings to the forefront here in America and overseas the daily issue of being sure you are on guard. In addition, the Spiritual War must be fought as well. Included in this article is our Spiritual Warfare series in four parts. You will find near the end of this article. Continue reading

Posted in A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged | 1 Comment

American Constitutional Republic Today

When speaking of our American Constitutional Republic Today, many people that live in our nation do not have a clue as to what it is. Politicians are to swear allegiance to our Constitution and Bill of Rights and swear to uphold it. Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged | Comments Off on American Constitutional Republic Today

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom!

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom brings to the forefront radical lifestyle article Pete Seeger. He is known to our generation because of his folk song of change Continue reading

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