Category Archives: DanaGSmith Articles

Thy Many Gods who shall save you!

The post by The Watchman Dana G Smith is a stark critique of modern American society, likening it to a wasting figure, consumed by multiple false gods and dominated by a spirit of anti-God attitudes. Using Biblical references and allegories, Smith calls into focus a narrative of spiritual darkness, moral collapse, and rampant injustice. In a passionate plea, he casts America as a spiritually lost nation, calling for its return to one true God, Yahweh, through understanding His Word and seeking His forgiveness. Continue reading

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Nations Drunk on Wine of the Harlot

The Nations are Drunk on the Wine of the Harlot! We are careening down the Prophetic Word of God as it has been revealed. As we see the nations in turmoil, we see the rage! Yet we can also find this scriptural question. Why do the heathen rage? The Psalmist asks this question in his second Psalm. He experienced the same things we are going through today! One thing about man, although today they think they are smarter than ever; yet they are ignorant on many counts. Having knowledge, they cannot come to the knowledge of the truth. There is a Way, a Truth, and True Life to find Continue reading

Posted in Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

The Land of Shadows

The Land of Shadows awaith the day, it is dark and threatening. Future and Hope have given way to what is now before them. Will they listen? There is an example in my Word for judgment comes and I ask, “why are you not prepared.” Continue reading

Posted in Christian living, Day Lord Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman | Tagged , , | Comments Off on The Land of Shadows

Ageless Memories, On the Wings Of A Dove and Mom

Ageless Memories reminds us how short time is. When a love one is gone, they are no longer with us. We cannot visit, acknowledge, or enjoy their presence anymore. Here is a tribute to a loved one. Included are verses from Ecclesiastes. Continue reading

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Lion and Prophet Biblical Truth

do not see the truth of judgment, one day it will bring you face to face with it. At stake are those led astray by prophets, priests, pastors, apostles, and others. It may seem mute to many today, but the lesson is clear. This is a direct lesson for the Prophet of God who does not follow to the letter what the Lord commanded him to do. For this in a modern era, we disbelieve and chuckle. The truth is before us and only a fool takes lightly what God has commanded or done. A Lion, a Man of God, an Old Prophet, and the end time chaos unite in this latest article.  A lesson for today’s believer! Continue reading

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The Materializing of Evil: The Light bearer

The Materializing of Evil brings to the forefront “The Light Bearer.” Age of Nibiru, age of Horus, the New Age, the next consciousness, no matter what you want to call it, it is here. That systematic revelation of a new light coming into man’s inner consciousness. I Continue reading

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Materializing of Evil Orion’s Shadow

Orion’s Shadow Materializing of Evil has prophecy, stars, signs, aliens, and purebred evil. Against this comes purity, redemption, and truth; in a battle as old as life itself. It is said that history is something we need to understand and learn from. Continue reading

Posted in DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

A Deliverer Comes – Age of Delusion

A Deliverer Comes and the Age of Delusion are Psalms of the Watchman Dana G Smith. He comes out of the land of Promise, herein the Psalm below addresses the fact and prophecy of that deliverer. The Messiah, Yeshua. This is one of the Psalms of the Watchman that come from His never before published writings, psalms, and prose. From the Writings of the Watchman Dana G Smith come these special writings and articles. Continue reading

Posted in Christian Faith Life, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Prophetic Endtime Shaking and Division

Prophetic Endtime of Shaking and Division. There is today continual shaking of nations, dividing of people, and tearing down of principalities. The organized nations, leaders, churches, and all principalities will be shaken. There will be wars, division, death, murder, hatred, and consummate evil. But there will be the righteous, called out ones, who have overcome the devil and world of evil temptations. This Prophetic Endtime Article has an Audio from our Classic Warn Radio Prophecy news shows. We produced the show from this article written by the Watchman Dana G Smith. You can listen to this Classic Warn Radio show below later in the article. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Discern Signs amidst the Times

Discern Signs -The Signs are evident, allowing us to Discern the Times in which we live! When dealing with signs, wonders, prophecy, and plain good sage teachings from the Apostles; one must pay attention. The Apostle John says in his second epistle, chapter one; verse ten, that if anyone comes to you and as John says, “bring not this doctrine”, then do not have anything to do with him. If you give quarter to him, invite him in, then you are a “partaker of his evil deeds”! Siding with evil or giving your consent to evil or wrong doctrine is wrong. John here is giving solid biblical teaching. Continue reading

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