Category Archives: DanaGSmith Articles

The Apocalypse Waits for No One

The Apocalypse waits, or does it? While the World marches on in all its faint-hearted glory, the Apocalypse will wait for none of them! Apostles James and Jude warn about what is coming, but for the most part; the world ignores this. Instead choosing to do their own thing. Party on is the mantra, live for today for tomorrow we die. It can be solidly stated today, The Apocalypse Waits for No One; that is, except the Lord. All things are held in balance by, supported by, and for the Lord and his glory. Continue reading

Posted in Christian Faith Life, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Your Salvation Comes

Salvation Comes, thus the Lord has Proclaimed this to the End of the Earth. Thy Salvation Cometh -Eternity closes in and nearby comes the judgment. As Paul said, “knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men.” How can a nation live unto itself and forget the Lord? How can a people turn inward from the very life that has sustained them? Can you convince people of truth if they reject truth? The answer is before us, yet we do not see it. Continue reading

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God of Justice Sovereign Prophetic

This Psalm the God of Justice Sovereign Prophetic follows a message of redemption and mercy. In this we find a call from the Watchman to all nations of men to repent and seek the Lord. It follows that many are not prepared as are the nations of men to meet head on with the judgment of Almighty God. This Almighty is mentioned in Revelation chapter One, referring to Yeshua, Jesus as the Almighty. Continue reading

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Faith and the Idolatry Kings

Faith and the Idolatry Kings – As America watched and endured what was going on, the situation became worse. Even today, the landscape of America is deceit, crime, lies, and video tape. But the worst of it, has not yet been written nor revealed. Stay tuned. Continue reading

Posted in Christian Faith Life, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Faith and the Idolatry Kings

American Prophecy Dead to Rights

American Prophecy Dead to Rights and you can be sure that there are enemies of our nation who are among us. We had a President who wanted to make America Great Again. This President known as Donald J Trump still loves America wants to make it great again. Why would Liberals and alt-liberals; socialists, communists, Liberals in Helly-wood [my word to describe the term Hollywood] hate this now former President so much. The fruits of their labors shall find them wanting even if they succeed to destroy America. They shall thus destroy themselves. Continue reading

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Christian Faith versus Fiction or Failure

Christian Faith has a lot of enemies. Most notable it can be we, ourselves. Many times, it can be our Christian Faith versus our Frailties, Fiction, and finally Failure! Frailties of our own making by our own hand has made society its own worst enemy. What is worse, social media, Hollywood, and the news networks have made it worse. True to form, it can be stated in the nations of men; We are our own worst enemy 😠! It up to us to show the Lord’s strength and redemption to this generation. Taking this truth, revealing it to everyone that is to come. Therefore, stand up in Christian Faith and take the gauntlet before you; for it is a race we must all run. But Christ Jesus has overcame, so be of good cheer. Continue reading

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Enemies of the Cross of Jesus Christ

Enemies of the Cross exist! Even in America today the tide of immorality floods the nations of men. In addition, the rise of Christian persecution brings to forefront the gospels which warned us that the world would hate the Cross and the Christians who follow Jesus Christ. Continue reading

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Eternal Winds of the Inevitable

The Eternal Winds of the Inevitable hold the counsel of men and their actions in the hands of Almighty God. His judgment is eternal fire and His understanding beyond human comprehension. His Mercy is extended to countless generations of those who he created. These are those who have repented, turned to the Ways of the Lord walking in truth and Justice, keeping the Righteousness of our Most High God Continue reading

Posted in Christian living, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Faith Believing Unseen

Faith Believing Unseen -Believers in Jesus Christ having not seen Him. There are many such Christians, having never seen him, but they believe. Thus, Believers and Believing -Blessed are you who have believed not yet seen Jesus Christ! In America we have churches, faith, and we go about our daily life without any persecution. Continue reading

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Be Sure to Read Heavens Victory in Jesus Name

It is a #Prophetic #Battle #Awaken to the #Truth! Read Heavens Victory in Jesus Name! #HeavensVictory in #JesusName is a phrase that delivers to us #victory today. #Christ did not come to #deliveryou tomorrow or next week from #yoursins. He is a #rightnowSavior and the #Lordofall Lords. Even the #devil knows his #GatesofHell #donotPrevail against the #Lord. Take time, sit down, and read this article. Get the bible and get going in this end of days. Continue reading

Posted in Christian Living Series, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment