Category Archives: DanaGSmith Articles

Christian Schoolgirls still missing -Nigeria!

Christian Schoolgirls still missing and somewhere in Nigeria. Once again, we bring this article to the forefront going back to 2014 when these girls went missing. What part of missing don’t the nations of men and governments understand? Why are punks with rifles who steal away girls and boys by kidnapping them get away. There is a damnable method going on by Islamic radicals. To this day girls are still missing. Among them is Leah Sharibou. Others have since been kidnapped. A young lady who refused to deny Christ. Nigeria’s leaders have put this on the back shelf. We find globally, governments refuse to do anything about Islamic radicals. One solution is to shoot them deader than a fence post. Continue reading

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Steel the Darkness Christian Fiction Release

Steel the Darkness is a Christian mystery fiction that is book one of the Steel series. Here current events play out in modern America, where prophecy and current events take place. It is a no holds barred force intent on destroying the nation. We now introduce book two “The Rising.” Don’t miss this series! Continue reading

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America By Their Fruits

A walk into the End of Days where many things are not as they seem, and the fruit of Righteousness is only sown in those who are found in Christ Jesus. A time when lawlessness and deception will rule the day and the Love of the Truth is rejected. We speak directly to the Believers who are found in the Light of Jesus Christ and walking as He walked. Continue reading

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Road of Life Intersects with Death

Cure! The Road of Life – America today faces many troubles and divisions. It is not unlike her past when this country faced many difficulties. Events such as disease, pandemics, depression, bankruptcies, unemployment, war, death, and more. But in it all, her citizenry had managed to pull together and bring the nation of freedom out of the slump. Yet in it all, life was what America had been about. Even today, that four letter word [life] is what many Americans pursue. This nation has been about the “Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Freedom.” Even so, as they do, the way they go about it has been affected by current troubles. It is hard to pursue life, liberty, and happiness if your unemployed or your children are in some ongoing war that never ends. It is hard to find peace if all you see is the world in chaos and trouble. Continue reading

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The Rising Prophecy Protocol

The Rising Prophecy Protocol from the book itself, we find a man who walks. He meanders unaware of what happened. Around him are others and he joins in the long walk. To where? He knows not. He passes by soulless people on these streets, but it is now on that Day of the Rising Protocol. A staunch warning to America. For these did not listen, just as many today do not. In this first-person narrative, we bring you into that moment one second after it occurred. Continue reading

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Last Witness of the Last Generation

The Last Witness of the Last Generation of Americans who lived Free. As hard as it is to grasp there is a truth here from History. While those who record history may not know, there is a Last Witness. He or she is one that every generation has. As America has come full circle it seems; now too we may be seeing the Last Witness to truth, biblical efficacy, and a message for all within the holds of that nation. America also has had witnesses and today many are deaf to all warnings of heeding the message of biblical important. While we find a Christian Witness and believers who may agree, many follow along their daily routines. Continue reading

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Revelation Stark Vision

Revelation Stark Vision where we find an all-encompassing evil with powers to subdue, conquer, and make War. From the end of days comes this thought proving look at the look at the aspect of this time. Continue reading

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Technology Building God

Technology Building God who or what is your God? The world today is filled with societies that daily bring technology to its people. It is an ongoing conflict between faith, prophecy, and technology. Continue reading

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Lords Lighthouse Keeper – A city on a hill cannot be hidden, nor can a lighthouse that is brightly shining on a high outcrop on the rocky cliffs overlooking the seas of life. Keep the light house maintained so that the light will shine out for all those passing by in the stormy seas of life or in the dark of night. For those passing by our light houses in the stormy seas of life, that light must be well maintained and bright so all can find a safe passage during these dark times.
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What is Truth?

. What is Truth! It is also pertinent to ask, who will hear the Truth? For the Truth will set you free. For only Jesus Christ is the True Savior of all Men. He said “I am Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father but by me”-John 14:6. Continue reading

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