Category Archives: DanaGSmith Articles

Nation State Pollution or Evolution

Pollution or Evolution, that is the question. Does man evolve into lawlessness within it’s society or does that people become polluted from the sin and lawlessness that surrounds them. As I have said, I again quote it to remind people “People deserve the government they allow to rule over them!” How true, especially so when I remember back to my childhood and then to adulthood. There is a cancer destroying societies today. In addition there are human powers and principalities willing to destroy this earth in order to carry out their godless plans of death. Continue reading

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Eyes of the LORD Behold All

As we begin a stint into the world of the #radical #globalist #agenda led by #leftwing #American #leaders; the #future can seem #ominous. I believe without a doubt, The Eyes of the LORD Run To and Fro in the Earth. He sees all and knows all. It is here we can find #comfort, #deliverance, and #strength to fight any situation. As the world turns and tosses in its #endtime #madness; we can #walkinfaith, have #patience, #believe with #hope, and find his #sustainingSpirit with us.
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Christian Battle Field Earth Last Days

Here Christian Battle Field on Earth in these last days! Here is the scene from the United World Space station today. As our cameras on the ground send images which in fact go into all the nations. Continue reading

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Persistent Faith Perilous Times

Persistent Faith Perilous Times means survival can be ‘At any cost’. Many families know that such Peril can mean starvation, no home, no place to lay your head, and even death. In America, the good times, free lifestyle, and no such thing as sin clouds the understanding of many. Our technology, social sites, and our lifestyle itself, in many cases, are self-centered. For a nation who needs to be God centered, today the question is why should I? Then there is the question, what God do you mean? Being kept from the Evil that may surround you and your family is paramount. Here is more on these Perilous Times.
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Weeping over National Sins

Weeping over National Sins and laying prostrate before the Lord should be happening today. However, most protest our rights and the ongoing leftist takeover of America. But the real enemy today is our National and personal Sins. These are evident. Continue reading

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Apocalyptic Faith Battle Perilous Prophetic Times

If you are human, you have Faith in something. There is no such thing as someone with no Faith. They may have no faith in God or believe that he exists, but that same person believes or has faith in something or someone else. In these End of days come troubled times, events, and these make for what Paul says is Perilous Times. Events fill our days and they make life hard to bear with. At times, it is dangerous; especially for believers in Jesus Christ around the world. For you today there is an Apocalyptic Faith battle every hour and every day. But be of good cheer, there is Hope. ✝ Continue reading

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Kingdom Hope Kingdom Come

Kingdom Hope Kingdom Come speaks of the kingdom coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is that Hope in us of the coming Kingdom of our Lord and our place in it which is a branch in the whirlwind of these last days. Continue reading

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America, The Ax is Laid at the Root

America The Ax is Laid at the Root of the Tree. Further it is not encouraging to see the division in America. There is a new beginning through Christ. It is Redeeming to know this! Continue reading

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Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

The beginning of America’s trouble is targeted during the presidency of Former President Obama. You can connect Biden to Obama, and their policies along with Susan Rice is also connected to Biden’s role in the oval office. Continue reading

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American Eagle has Landed

The American Eagle had landed, it was the hot days of summer. July 20th, 1969. So long ago, but I remember it well. President JF Kennedy made it a goal to reach the moon. We did. This was long before the internet, cell phones, computers, and all the technology we have today. It would be decades before the time of 2020 would arrive. Now here we are. America’s Eagle landed, but today we face troubles worldwide. Nevertheless, as we consider America, we also look to other nations. The temporal fixture of a nation rests on each generation. Continue reading

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