Category Archives: Psalms of the Watchman

Ageless the Footprint of Man

Ageless the Footprint of Man & the Psalm Footprint follow article! Yes, it was in the beginning that God, brought forth the earth, the heavens, and all that therein is. It was this sovereign, just, and true God, whom then was known yet unknown. For when man first came out of the earth, so God formed man, then woman afterwards. Thus, the relationship began between God and man. It is a straightforward look at the application of the human race. Continue reading

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Eternal Call of the Day of the Lord

Eternal Call of the Day of the Lord meets every human being from the beginning of time to the end of all things. Humans spend their time under the auspices of the Eternal Himself. His Grace, Mercy, Benevolence, and Love shadows over mankind even as the world which the Eternal created finds itself in turmoil. This turmoil has had gigantic effects, even during the time of these United States from creation of it to now. Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Council of God Call Upon Me!

The Council of God Call upon Me is a collection of two psalms. These are a prophetic warning of the Day of the Lord, the Wickedness of a Nation, and a final Word to Call upon the LORD. It calls upon the nations and the people therein to take heed. A staunch warning given in two prophetic psalm Continue reading

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The I AM, The Eternal One

The I AM, The Eternal One is a Psalm written by Dana G Smith. It was originally written in 2008 under the title of Eons, Icons, and Images. This article and content are copyright of Dana G Smith dated back to 2008 and to this current republishing 2024. In the style of the Old Testament writers, this is a direct call to the nations and especially to America and its people. Continue reading

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Hear Ye the Thunder

Here Ye the Thunder! Do not ignore, do not laugh, for the Day of the Lord and the Judgment of all people comes. However, those who have come unto me and walk righteously in the earth before me shall sit at my table and feast with me on that day of restoration of all things. Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian living, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Hear Ye the Thunder

Look unto the Lord

Look unto the Lord “All ye Ends of the Earth” is a psalm, a warning, and a call from the Lord to heed what is coming. The signs are all around us today, yet you have not a clue what is coming. I have called you and you did not answer. Continue reading

Posted in Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Day Lord Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Out of the Belly of Nations

Indeed, #America was formed out of the #BellyofNations. It was in that womb of the #nationsofmen that they came. It was to be free, safe, independent, and to #worship the #Lord as they so choose. The #foundation was laid, #constitution written, and the #forceofwar brought the #womb and the #infant #nationtobirth. Continue reading

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On the Wings of the Wind

On the Wings of the Wind, in the early morning. I seek thy face oh God, herein lay on the Wings of the Wind which carries my plea and praise to the Lord. In this #psalm I see an #Eagle against a blue sky and early morning, and it is on the Wings of the Wind that I look to the #Lord through the #SpiritofGod, #prayer, and the #WordofGod. Thanks be to the #LordJesusChrist for my #redemption and #Hishand in my life. #WatchmanPsalm, #WingsoftheWind Continue reading

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The King of Glory Shall Enter In

The King of Glory Shall Enter In, Even Him who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Wickedness and evil penetrate the nations and the people succumbed to the darkness upon the land. There is no escape to those that reject the one who died for all people giving himself as a Ransom for all the sins of men. Continue reading

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In Your Mercy Deliver Me Oh Lord

In Your Mercy Deliver Me Oh Lord. A #compilation of two Psalms written by the Watchman Dana G Smith. The First is A #Psalm of the Watchman titled “Deliverance in the Day of Affliction.” Included is a grouping of verses from psalm 119. Here we find the letter “Resh” which introduces verse 153 of the 119th Psalm. Then we follow with another short Psalm by the Author titled “Dispatched”. Here in we find Mercy, #Deliverance, and #Help in a time of need. Continue reading

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