Category Archives: A3 Sound the Shofar

Believers Endtime Faith Keys of the Kingdom Pt7

Keys of the Kingdom are accessed through the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Without Him, you have nothing, with Christ the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Kingdom of Heaven! The truth is, the Gospel given to us brings us the reality and truth of the Keys to the Kingdom. That is coming into this Kingdom through the faith and testimony of Jesus Christ. Today the church has the same promises, scriptures, and calling to bring the gospel to all nations. Through this, the gospel, the power, and the deliverance of Christ can be accessed, preached, taught, and people will be delivered from the power of darkness. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Book of Hebrews Son of God Cloud of Witnesses Pt20 on Sound the Shofar

Cloud of Witnesses surround all of us. But as this chapter follows the faith chapter, we acknowledge those #Witnesses. Be sure there are many who have gone before us. They are witnesses as everything unfolds. Those on earth that surround us are also witnesses to the offer of #eternallife through #JesusChrist our #Lord. The unseen realm is full of both the #Angels of #God and of #demons; they also are witnesses to what is going on. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, B2 Old Testament Series 'New', Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Believers Endtime Faith Victory Overcomes World Pt6

Victory Overcomes World meets the world and the lawlessness of this age. We meet the daily challenges in our family, life, job, and everyday living by Faith. For the Victory that overcomes the world is our Faith, In Christ, and In Him we stand. The Lord Himself will strengthen and deliver you. However, as believers, we must stand strong and tall, with faith; looking to the Lord Jesus Christ for the muster in these end times is being taken. Stand tall and say “Here am I”. Deep within we say to the Lord and to our very being “I will stand tall for the faith and testimony of Jesus Christ.” Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

America to Hear or not to Hear on Sound the Shofar

Herein lay another Watchman message which will lead to the final portion of Hebrews 11. It is connected to a message of warning for America, the Church, and all people living in this nation today. You are hereby warned this is a judgment and a tough Word given. Within lay the survival of those who will hear. While this nation of America is good at many things, it is very good at ignoring such given utterances. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, B1 New Testament Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

 Believers Endtime Faith Watching, Watch, Watched Pt5

Watching, Watch, Watched -This week we look at the #Lordscoming in the task of watching, watch, and watched. Watching signifies continual observation while Watch signifies to #observe; and further Watched signifies past tense, I have Watched. There is no doubt literally looking at the sky for the #Lord maybe fine for a bit, but I doubt you will last 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; even if you post a guard to watch the skies; it simply won’t work. Yet, time passes and troubles continual for the nations of men and our Messiah Yeshua, Jesus Christ has not yet broken the skies. There is a path, a way forward, and one hard truth. We are to watch the nations, those around us, and the heralders of these prophetic times. #Watching, #Watch, #Watched.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian, Christian living, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Believers Endtime Faith Lord Delivers the Righteous Pt4

Many #trials, #troubles, and even prison or death is faced by #Christians today. Yet, the gospel continues to spread, miracles are occurring, and many are getting the gospel out to the people. As Psalms thirty-four, verse fifteen says “The eyes of the LORD are upon the #righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.” Know that we live in troubled times, but the #Lord knows how to #redeem, help, and #deliver those of #Hischildren that call upon Him in #faith, #truth, and are walking in the #Light as #JesusChrist walked in the #LightofGod. #LordDelivers Continue reading

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 Believers Endtime Faith Kingdom of God Pt3

Believing God for supply, healing, deliverance, and knowing that in the midst of persecution for the Faith of Christ Jesus, we are overcomers in Jesus Christ. It is about supply to the point where there is no supply of water, food, safety, health, or even getting by day to day seems impossible. It is then that as Believers in Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, we believe the Lord can and will, through supplication, fasting, prayer, and walking close to our Lord deliver us. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Book of Hebrews Son of God Lifestyle Faith Pt19

Lifestyle Faith brings the real purpose to the forefront. To have faith and live it daily. This does not mean the miraculous or supernatural every moment of your life. In fact, many have faith and are today imprisoned for that faith in Christ Jesus. We begin this week with more examples of faith and in this groups, we now find Moses. Scripture says he refused to be identified with Pharoah’s daughter but chose his own people. Here directly mentioned as the people of God. We find the phrase “#sufferaffliction, #reproachofChrist, and forsook Egypt.” Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Hebrews Series | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Believers End time Faith Spirit of Life Pt2

Christ who can save us, deliver us from our sins, and then give us this Spirit of life to empower us to live above the fleshly lusts. It is clear therefore, as Christians to not walk after the deeds of the #sinfulflesh but the righteousness of the Spirit avoiding the deeds of carnal lusts, hate, and other deeds Romans chapter eight, verse two tells us: “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” Paul writes more in Romans and also Galatians on related topics to this.

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Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Believers Endtime Faith Introduction Pt1

Believers Endtime Faith arrives with Part one. Today, you could say that many believe we are in the last times, or the #endofdays. That time leading to many #prophetic events as well as, #wars, #cataclysmic #weatherchanges, and the rise of the #manofSin commonly called the ‘#SonofPerdition’ or the ‘#Antichrist’. It will focus on the endtime with all its issues, stresses, battles, safety, and the enemies of the gospel. This series is aimed at looking at what is coming, what we can do to be prepared, and brushing up on scripture.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments