Category Archives: B1 New Testament Series

Book of Hebrews Son of God Immutable Counsel Pt8

Immutable Counsel given to the #heirs of the #promise. This is not just to the #Jews but also given to the #gentiles. Hence, all peoples can receive of this promise. The promise is unchangeable for the #Lord is #unchangeable. That unchangeability of #hiswill is confirmed by a sacred restraint or oath. That being it is impossible for God to lie; thus, we have a strong #consolation or solace, comfort, or entreaty. This is a #hope which being an #anchor for the #soul is steadfast and sure. Continue reading

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Book of Hebrews Son of God Word of God Pt7

Word of God comes to the forefront as the Apostle deals with the principles of the #doctrine of #Christ and other #foundational #truths. However, if time permits; the Apostle noted; we will cover those things. But had an important teaching to cover. That of a warning that once enlightened through #ChristJesus and the Holy Spirit. A warning here that if a believer having tasted as Paul says the “good word of God” and a #knowledge of the “world to come”; if that believer falls away from all this, then it is impossible to renew them again to #repentance. The truth here is that they would be crucifying the #SonofGod afresh. In #America we find many do not count this as even something which could happen. The truth, however; will be finalized on the #JudgmentSeat of #Christ and of the #GreatWhite #ThroneJudgment. Do not mistake this, our Truth lay in the #WordofGod!
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Many Antichrists and The Redeeming Christ Pt4

We must be #ChristJesus Based and, in #HisWord, #decerning every jot and tittle. Be sure you know the #Christ and the #Father, and #dwellinhisWord, #keepingthefaith. Today in America and the world there are more denominational churches and branches you would be worn out trying to track them all. The achievement is to Know Christ and Him Crucified #ManyAntichrists Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Christian Living Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Book of Hebrews Son of God Order of Melchizedek Pt6

Order of Melchizedek is who #ChristJesus was #Called of #God after. For #JesusChrist the same yesterday, today, and forever is also of the Order of #Melchizedek who had no beginning and end. #Yeshua, Jesus Christ was not called a #HighPriest after the fleshly order of the Levites but was called of God and whom is #eternal. His #ministry not #ordained of man, but of #God. Confirmed of God, Confirmed by His own testimony, yet testified of men; but the #Father confirmed his order and calling by the #miracles which he did through #Yeshua #HaMassiach. Of the #OrderofMelchizedek. Continue reading

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The WORD the Redeeming Christ Pt2

The WORD reaches into our modern world to remind the world that without Jesus Christ, the WORD in the lives of people; they will be lost. Even in America we have revivals, baptisms, and repentance going on amidst all the trouble in this nation. The message and position that #John through the #SpiritofGod place in the first verse, this #Message of the #WORD is paramount in understanding the #divinity, the #power, the #work, and #purpose to #redeemMankind and #defeat the #devil and #hell and #death. #TheWORD Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian Living Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Book of Hebrews Son of God Great High Priest Pt5 on Sound the Shofar

Great High Priest Enters in #Hebrews amidst the teaching of entering His rest. We are commanded to Go, #preach the Gospel in all nations. We are to make #disciples of all men. We are to baptize them. In the #commission there is plenty to do, but in #Gospel work the enemy never sleeps. Here we find in our duties, lives, and #blessings; troubles arise. Here we find a Great High Priest who intercedes for us. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, B1 New Testament Series, Christian discipleship, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Hebrews Series | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Book of Hebrews Son of God Great High Priest Pt5 on Sound the Shofar

The Word of the Lord the Almighty Pt15

The Almighty, Revelation states that “I am Alpha and Omega” and in the same sentence “the Almighty”. This begins our study of The Word of the Lord. It is here we are looking at the authoritative Word on the book of Revelation. This puts the Authority of the entire book not in the hands of John who saw it and wrote it. It firmly places it in the #SonofGod #Jesus, #Yeshua the #Christ who is now the #Almighty who will triumph over all the #enemiesofGod and #redeem the #righteousfaithful. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian Living Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

The Word of the Lord Hope and Faith Pt14

Hope and Faith brings us to part fourteen in our series, The Word of the Lord. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was that Word, who became the Savior of the World. In the battle for Truth, Life, and Redemption we as Christian followers of our #Lord #Jesus #Christ can fight the enemy and win. #Darkness holds no power over us because of the #redemption through the #blood of #JesusChrist, #Yeshua. #HopeandFaith Continue reading

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The Word of the Lord Nations Spirit and Life Pt13

Spirit and Life brings to the forefront phrases, words, and truths that means the difference between life and death. Yeshua, Jesus had done many miracles, signs, and wonders; the likes of which no one had ever seen. #Jesus #healed and #delivered many, but his #mission was one of #redemption of #man. This is so even today. It is not a mere humanitarian effort or work of the flesh. It is a work of the #SpiritofGod. #SpiritandLife Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian, Christian discipleship, Christian Living Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Book of Hebrews Son of God Partakers of Christ Pt4 on Sound the Shofar

Partakers of Christ is found within the context of the Apostles teaching to keep our confidence in Christ #steadfast to the end. It is a race; therefore, we run and must finish that race. Our duty to be #faithful and ##trust in the Lord to the very end. As the Father was with #Christ, so our #LordJesus will be with us. In this section the #Apostle reminds the Hebrews that some in Israel had an #evilheart of #unbelief. This caused them to depart from the #LivingGod. It must not be so with those to whom he was writing. Do not harden your hearts. As with the #Hebrews, today’s believer faces many challenges, one of which is keep our eye on our Lord. Too many distractions for the #Christian can bring such troubles such as unbelief or skepticism. Our Goal is to be #Partakers of #Christ, found in Him, to the very end.
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