Category Archives: B1 New Testament Series

The Word of the Lord Be Not Deceived Pt3

Be Not Deceived in America there is an endless immoral flood that is today aiming its torrent of corruption at today’s youth. Our leaders as well are ill equipped to stop it. The point being in these #endsofdays be sure you know the #True and #LivingGod and #ourFather and His Son who is the “#Almighty” in #Revelation chapter one. #BeNotDeceived Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian Living Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The Word of the Lord Righteous Branch Pt2

Righteous Branch brings us to part two in our study “the Word of the Lord”. This week we key in on the Righteous Branch, Preaching the Word faithfully. Just as the #Lord warned in the #Gospels that the #endofdays would bring #deception, He said to “Be Not Deceived” – Matthew 24. It is time to awaken America to the Truth of God through Jesus Christ our Lord! #RighteousBranch Continue reading

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Love Fulfills Law Book of Romans pt26 @warnradio on Sound the Shofar

Love Fulfills Law brings the focus into the center of the #Law. For the Jews who believed in the #Messiah, Paul’s address to #Rome the importance of Love. For #Love #fulfills the #law, not just keeping the law letter for letter. A contention among the Jews to this day. Yet the truth is that the #Gospel of #JesusChrist is about love. But this love puts the Gospel into action with showing that love works no evil. It loves your neighbor. In this, Paul speaks of the #Night and of the Day which reveals who is in the #darkness and who walks in the #light of Jesus Christ. The #Armour of Light needs to surround us as we are found in Christ Jesus. Love fulfills the Law and is the light which shines through us. In an evil darkened work where man and the many #nations seek to #justify themselves through many gods or many ways; it is clearly the point of Paul to show the difference.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, B1 New Testament Series, Christian discipleship, Romans Series | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The Word of the Lord Message and Messenger Pt1

Message and Messenger relate purposely to the Message of Scripture, the Gospels, and the Atonement provided by Jesus, Yeshua; Massiach.
However, we will present a clear and workable scriptural redemptive and caring God who sent his only begotten Son to die for our sins on the cross. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Authority Over the Nations, Christian Living Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Ordained Powers of God Book of Romans pt25 @warnradio

Ordained Powers of God brings to the forefront those powers that have the freedom or ability or privilege to rule. #Ordained #Powers of #God are those as magistrates, potentates, authority, #jurisdiction, #liberty, and #power. Such powers that are determined, appointed, or set up by the #Lord. The #LordGod is ruler over the #nations. His ultimate rule as the #Governor of the #nations and #Judge of the #nation’s brings to bear here the fact that #Christians live in the world. In this world, powers are already setup, other powers at times challenge them. Such is the case today with #America and many other nations as they face upheaval, war, murder, and more. We are automatically subjected to those #powers on the #earth, in the earth, in the #spiritualrealm. It is through #Christ that we are set free from the #bondage of #sin and #death. Yet as #believers, we are subject to the #laws and #governances of a society unless that society and its #laws are #opposed to the #lawso God. It is then we obey God rather than men. This is the fine line and the subject of contention even within the
#church today. Continue reading

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Grace thru Faith brings Gifts Book of Romans pt24 @warnradio

Grace thru Faith brings Gifts, this is not just an assumption here. For out of #God’s #love flowed His #Mercy. Mercy was revealed in His #Grace or favor toward us, in that while we were yet sinners; #Christ died for us. So it is as the #ApostlePaul relates three powerhouses: Grace Faith #Gifts. #Godsgrace did not just bring us redemption but much more. These Gifts propelled by our Faith work to minister to those around us. It is here that God’s favor is shown to others through our hands, eyes, feet, and heart. But we are warned here to do so without deceit, dishonesty, #diligence, and #cheerfulness. The #bodyofChrist #ministers, loves, and works to help one another.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, B1 New Testament Series, Christian discipleship, Romans Series | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Grace thru Faith brings Gifts Book of Romans pt24 @warnradio

Conformed Transformed Renewed Book of Romans pt23

Conformed Transformed Renewed are the first points that the #Apostle #Paul makes. #Conformed #Transformed #Renewed are the three words that brings forth your reasonable service. We are to carry the #cross, here as Paul says, “present your bodies a #livingsacrifice.” The goal is to be #holy and #acceptable to #God, this is your reasonable service. We believe and have #faith, #justified thereby. But also, as his Children and disciples we are not to be #conformed to the #world but transformed by the renewing of our minds. This is done through the #Spirit and the #WordofGod. These admonishments come on the heels of Paul’s defense of Israel and the discussion of the gospel, the Jews, and the Gentiles. In the end we are all, through #ChristJesus; #Yeshua HaMassiach, all found in Him as one body with many members. Christ is the head, to the glory of the Father.
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Gospel Gentiles Fullness Book of Romans pt22 @warnradio

Gospel Gentiles Fullness brings us to the surrounding events of the Fulness of the Gentiles. While the #gospel must go forth into all nations; the deciding factor here is that it must do just that. These three words #Gospel #Gentiles #Fulness reminds us this end and the fact it will come when all prophecy lines up in God’s Word. Also, with the Fulness of the Gentiles, the #blindness on #Israel will be removed. It brings to the forefront #prophecy, Israel, and the Gospel of the #Kingdom. This is found in one of the best #defenses of Israel. I say Israel here, as the Apostle Paul directly speaks of Israel and blindness, fulness, the gospel, and the #salvation of Israel. The entire world is being prepared for the #endofdays with all the events lining up. As we go through this we can see how #God has dealt with Israel. It also stands as a warning to the #disobedient in the #faith. It also reminds the #faithful in #ChristJesus that in the end God works to redeem as many as he can.
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Apostle to the Gentiles Book of Romans pt21 @warnradio on Sound the Shofar

Apostle to the Gentiles brings forth the discussion from the previous Election and the point of #God’s #Grace. The point here is that Paul points out that although the #gospel of #Jesus, #Yeshua; #Christ has spread enormously throughout the #Roman empire. Here the ‘known world’. It would seem that the #Jews stumbled and fell, not knowing the #Messiah and in fact rejecting him. The #ApostletotheGentiles in direct speech does not mince any words here, categorically making his point. It comes forth here of Paul’s own heartfelt burden for #Israel. He says that #God has not cast away his people. But in their fall, #salvation came to the Gentiles. Later in the discussion he points out the #blindnessofIsrael and the #remnantofIsrael which will be saved. He also warns the gentiles in the #faith to not be #highminded thinking the gospel or the #Messiah is just for them. #Pride goes before a fall, and the warning is clear. A point the Gentiles have laid aside in the many decades since Paul writing it.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, B1 New Testament Series, Christian discipleship, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Romans Series | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Kingdom War and the Coming King The Word is Coming Pt14 @WarnRadio

The Word is Coming, the Almighty in Revelation chapter one, who is the Resurrection and the Life. This leads us to part fourteen in the Kingdom war and the coming King. The world today with all its technology can easily be deceived as to the fact of the Lordship, Godship, and the Almighty force that is coming to redeem His own. Get Smart, Get Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. Continue reading

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