Category Archives: Special Series-John

Johns Gospel Series A Parts 1-7 on Classic Warn Radio

John’s Gospel Series on Classic Warn Radio has 12 parts in two separate posts. Section A has 7 parts of the witness and testimony of the Apostle John.
This is a republished series of 12 parts on two separate posts. We combine more audios per page for easier access and listening. We polishes the article up, and brings the message and the original story to you.
Classic Warn Radio brings to you our Gospel of John series. He had been told who to watch for and the signs of his appearance. This was to be Johns witness to not only Jerusalem and the Jews; but to the entire world.
A Holy Spirit born witness, the voice crying in the wilderness; John whom saw the Lamb of God and spoke to those around him. His words ring out to us these many centuries later
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Special Series-John | 1 Comment

Johns Gospel Series B Parts 8-12 on Classic Warn Radio

Johns Gospel Series A on Classic Warn Radio brings to you our Gospel of John series with 24 hours of biblical teachings. The Apostle John had been told to watch for the signs of the Messiah’s appearance. This was to be Johns witness to not only Jerusalem and the Jews; but to the entire world. A Holy Spirit born witness, the voice crying in the wilderness; John whom saw the Lamb of God and spoke to those around him. His words ring out to us these many centuries later.
We combine more audios per page for easier access and listening. We polishes the article up, and brings the message and the original story to you.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Special Series-John | Tagged | 1 Comment