Category Archives: B2 Prophets Isaiah series

Wells of Salvation Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt18 on Battle Lines

Wells of Salvation -We wrap up the vision of the millennium and conclude in chapter twelve with the Wells of Salvation. In all the judgment and those events to come we find the Lord God is in control and his full redemption awaits for those redeemed. Further he waits for the unredeemed to choose life or death. Either way they will come and kneel before him.
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Lords Chosen Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt125 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

Lords Chosen is illustrated here by the fact of #Israelssins and perverseness before Him. Despite this, he corrected them in measure. Although, #Judah went into captivity for seventy years; he was going to #forgive them, #restore them, and bring them out even if they were blinded to how or the why. For they saith he is “#myChosen”! Gods’ #mercy, #judgment, #righteousness, and #deliverance are revealed here because of #GodsLove for his people. Continue reading

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Holy Mountain Righteousness Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt17 on Battle Lines

Holy Mountain Righteousness – It will be the place of the King of Righteousness and judgment. The whole earth shall be filled with his glory. In Holy Mountain Righteousness we find the true nature of our God and King in his blessings where he resides with his saints.
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Creator of Israel Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt124 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

Creator of Israel is #Jehovah who proved to be specially Israel’s God by delivering them. The prophets foretold what God would do. They warned Judah, as did they give warnings to Israel [northern tribes]. But after so many years in captivity in Babylon, the nation’s saw that #Israel had been removed almost to the last portion of Hebrews in the Land. Yet they did see #Judah restored, Babylon brought down, the temple restored, and #Jerusalem rebuilt Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, B2 Prophets Isaiah series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Righteous Branch Reign Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt16 on Battle Lines

Righteous Branch Reign – In one of the most prophetic arenas of the coming Kingdom of Yeshua, Jesus Christ we find the section in Isaiah chapter 11. It is an overview of the coming Righteous Branch Reign in his established Kingdom. It also is connected to Judah and it’s troubles.
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My Witnesses Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt123 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

My Witnesses Brings the #nations together to witness the truth of the #LORD. It is by his strength, blessing, judgment, and mercy that all peoples will be called upon to stand before. Here there are those who are blind and deaf, which never believed or heard the warnings. Even in #Judah, who were judged did not hear nor see. After seventy years, they now are being delivered. It is now time to know in whom all things exist and by whom all men and nations must give an account to. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, B2 Prophets Isaiah series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on My Witnesses Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt123 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

Righteous Branch Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt15 on Battle Lines

Righteous Branch – The first Ten chapters of Isaiah are finished. Yet we have from the beginning found pertinate prophecies wound in the warnings to Judah. Here we begin the interlude of the Branch and His Righteous Reign. This is found in Chapters 11-12. Correspondingly, Revelation 19-20 we find the kingdom of the Greater Son of David arising and being established.
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I Will Bring Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt122 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

I Will Bring follows last week’s show of “I Have Redeemed.” There is no doubt that in this week’s episode we are at Pt122 and well on our path of the #prophetic and the #redeemed. Along this road we have been alongside #Isaiah, Hezekiah, and #Judah as they thwarted by the hand of #God the #Assyrians at the gate of #Jerusalem. What followed eventually was Babylonian captivity. Feeling rejected, lost, and forsaken; Judah felt the captivity for 70 years. Now in these sections we are following through the many discourses of Isaiah both presenting the case of judgment and the #redemption of Judah. Continue reading

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Judgment and Glory Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt14 on Battle Lines

Judgment and Glory- This week we follow the House of Jacob and the invasion of the land. The sins of Judah has brought this to pass. However King Hezekiah looks to the Lord to deliver him from the approaching army. What follows is judgment and then glory.
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I have Redeemed Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt121 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

I have Redeemed brings the relationship between Judah, #Jacob here and the Lord. It was the Lord who blessed #Abraham and his #descendants. It was His guidance, care, and love connected to the covenant that kept this line. Even during the judgment of #Judah, God was going to redeem them from Babylon and the captivity which had engulfed them for their sins. When we speak of Redemption and the #newcovenant, we also find the #LordGod, His Son #Jesus; #Yeshua and the work of #atonement on the #cross. But this section addresses the fact which pointedly describes Gods keeping and protection of the #redeemed. Continue reading

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