Steel the Darkness Christian Fiction Release

Steel the Darkness Press Release Original Announcement

Contact: WIBR/WARN Radio Media Attn: Dana G Smith Ref: Steel the darkness

Current Events, mysterious forces, and principalities undertake to bring America Down in the Steel Series.

The first book in this series is Steel the Darkness.

The second book in this series is The Rising!

Contact: Dana G Smith through our Website online:

Modern America, Prophecy and current events featured in new book Steel the Darkness.

The Second book is ‘The Rising’. If you think what is going on in America by socialists and communists and the woke crowd is scary; then here is where it began. Long before it occurred, I authored the book of the beginning of it. The Rising takes the next step, it was finished before Covid, Riots, and election stealing took place. Be sure to go to our book page to find out more. Dana G Smith

Steel the darkness book image
Steel the darkness book image


Steel the Darkness and The Rising

Originally this Press Release was distributed in November of 2017. We take note of that and bring it to you with an addition to this series.

Go to our Bookstore where you can both Steel the darkness and The Rising, books one and two in this series set in America. It is the Steel Series.

The Rising and Steel the Darkness by Dana Glenn Smith article image
The Rising and Steel the Darkness by Dana Glenn Smith Get the Books!

In America where division over politics, ideals, and the bedrock foundation is ongoing; a power lurks beneath the surface. One that reaches back to the founding Fathers and the beginning of this nation. Two forces, two principalities, and a war which has been fought for millennia. It is here that Steel the Darkness, by Dana Glenn Smith takes place.

How Dark is the Night?

Follow the set-up of the forces as you enter the underground bases and follow those within the facility. Here we introduce for the first time a new species of hybrid human called the Mortiphilim. You find the human like aliens and their agendas and their human counterparts who have made allegiances to put forth their plan. Here for the first time is the Luciferian leader himself and we describe him and his appearance as he leads humans on their destructive path.

Excerpt from Chapter three: The Colonel and Gen. Tommy Johnson are discussing ‘Steel the Darkness’

“At the highest levels Colonel that is where our arm reaches. You and I are on the front lines and merely doing the bidding of people that have had this planned for many years. The public thinks they elect him. That is poppycock, we elect who we want; that is all there is to it. We have worked hard to ‘steel’ the darkness; that is to make it impervious to attacks. Just like solid steel, we must be hardened! As we have covered this land with our own people and thus increasing our power; we are nearing the day when this land will be ours and the darkness will be a ‘steel’ coating impervious to attack! So, colonel, can there be anything that could ever destroy what so many ‘principalities and powers’ have put in place?” The General stopped and took a drink of coffee and looked at the Colonel.

A Christian fiction thriller with roots in today’s Events.

Dana Glenn Smith is President of WIBR/WARN Radio Ministries. He has been the voice of Warn Radio for twenty years as they broadcast around the world on shortwave, satellite, and FM. Over the years he has **interviewed top experts in biblical prophecy, UFOs, and the end times. Dana is a graduate of Trinity Bible College in Ellendale N.D. He and his wife Tara have been married for 44 years, have two grown children.

Dana works from the WIBR/WARN studios to produce shows, author articles, and publish books on the end of days. Steel the Darkness is Dana’s first Christian Fiction Thriller. Go to our website to set up an interview with Dana or to find more information.

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About Dana Glenn Smith

Dana Glenn Smith is a Veteran broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]! He was a Watchman when being a Watchman was not cool! He is the President of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministries and endtime preaching, teaching, and warning agency. It is also an advocate for the Persecuted church worldwide.
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