The I AM, The Eternal One who is, who has always been, and will ever be the LORD. In the beginning the Apostle John wrote, was the WORD. The same was in the beginning with God. The WORD was God. I remind all nations lest they forget their ways shall be found out. Rebellion will cease in the nations of men. Those who sought me and are my chosen redeemed Ones will see the Salvation of the Lord. All shall behold when the Sons of God come near unto me, and they shall shine like the Sun. So, it is and so all things will bring in the new dawn of my Kingdom. For He Comes to restore, to heal, and to build. The wicked shall cease and those that have lost their lives for my sake and the gospel will be forever healed, restored, and made anew.

Americas Raging of Nations
Americas Raging of Nations – If I were the most famous preacher on earth, I could not do it. If suddenly everyone in America were listening to me, I could not do it. Wickedness set in the hearts of men and women cannot be stopped by mere preaching. If this were true, then all wickedness would be ended by now. But God gives to his human creation choices. It is by these choices’ men, women, and children live by. God, in the end will judge all the nations of men. Until that time, God’s grace has given the wicked a choice, the righteous a path to walk therein, and the undecided to choose the right path.
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