Lord God Governor of the Nations Pt16 Judicial Justice

Judicial Justice may seem far away, but it is nearer than many think. #Judicial is the fact that this arises from the #Sovereign #Lord and executes #Justice in the earth. When we look at Justice in the earth, the true justice can be far from any real justice or legal settlement at all.

Lord God Governor of the Nations Pt16 Judicial Justice  article image
Lord God Governor of the Nations Pt16 Judicial Justice

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Lord God Governor of the Nations Pt16 Judicial Justice
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I will Bear Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt139 on Battle Lines

I will bear says the #Lord, I bore you and carried you from the womb, even to your old age I am your #creator and #God. I have also made, I #willcarry, and #willdeliver you! These statements bear out the personal #mercy, #grace, and action “I will bear you.” He is not an idol, a standard god of the nations. I AM he and no other is. There is no other God. #IWillBear.

Jacobs Israel Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt126 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio article image
Jacobs Israel Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt126 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
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Chosen in Christ -Redemptive Inheritance of the Saints Pt1 on Sound the Shofar

Chosen in Christ – It is a jaded, corrupt society that we live in today. In the time of the Apostles they experienced the same thing. The same hope the Apostles and early church found in Christ Jesus, many today have also experienced. Even with this, the trials of the world and living in such a society demands that the power found in Christ’s Resurrection be found in us, through him who first loved us.

Redemptive Inheritance of the Saints Pt1 article image
Redemptive Inheritance of the Saints Pt1

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Redemptive Inheritance of the Saints Pt1
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, B1 New Testament Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Tomorrow we Die -Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt39 on Battle Lines

Tomorrow we Die -When speaking of judgment we come that moment in time when the duties and pleasures of man meet the Governorship of the Lord of Hosts. Here in our example this week we find those who admit they will die as they ignore the call to repent and continue to party on. This is also a point aimed at today’s generations who are bent on this aspect of life living for today and ignoring the repentance to which they are called.

Tomorrow we Die -Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt39 on Battle Lines article image
Tomorrow we Die -Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt39 on Battle Lines

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Tomorrow we Die -Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt39 on Battle Lines
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Power of Christ, The Breaker, Martyr’s, Missions Advocacy  @WarnRadio

Power of Christ is revealed when the powers of light and dark collide. Although #Christ triumphed overall #principalities and #powers, #evil continues to exist alongside #sin in the world. #Christians #delivered by the #power of #ChristJesus live and daily know the battle of #good and #evil upfront.

Shield of Faith, Blood Vendetta, Gender Policy, Ukraine, Gospel, @WarnRadio article image
Shield of Faith, Blood Vendetta, Gender Policy, Ukraine, Gospel, @WarnRadio

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
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Pride: Destruction at What Moment

Pride Destruction connects two words when addressing both cause and effect. Pride leads to Destruction. Pride goes before a fall. In America we have Pride of all shapes, sizes, reasons, and all of it to cause an effect. When looking at this we discuss Babylon of old. Making it pertinent for today we speak of Mystery Babylon whose destruction was “Double for her Double.” Modern nations of men do not give credit, credence, or any reason to give cause for this destruction nor fear it. Neither do they fear God. Yet a delusion comes in the form of the Beast of Revelation chapter thirteen.

Pride Destruction At What Moment article image
Pride Destruction At What Moment

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Pride Destruction At What Moment
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American Destiny Hate Driven Rebellion

American Destiny Hate Driven Rebellion which lay before us. It is not new. History is replete with Marxist rebellions and other forms of political change. The division and battle is evident today. Every American, no matter what side they are on, know the dangers of such hatred. Has our Hatred for each other become our American Destiny? We see this Hate Driven Rebellion especially in the Congress, politics, and in elected officials. These people are usually backed by liberal money like Soros who wants to see the destruction of America.  We also see this on the streets of this nation. This has become the common theme about this nation

American Destiny Hate Driven Rebellion article image
American Destiny Hate Driven Rebellion

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | American Destiny Hate Driven Rebellion
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Martyrdoms Advocacy Christian Persecution Classic @WarnRadio

Martyrdoms Advocacy covers the blood and guts of missions. From a testimony of a woman who was in chains to the bloody scenes of conflict on the mission field. This is modern missions but with a twist. Faith, miracles, and the standing strong of those afflicted for the one reason they are followers of Jesus Christ. Living in the western world many people have no clue to what it is like to live as we do.

Martyrdoms Advocacy Christian Persecution Classic @WarnRadio article image
Martyrdoms Advocacy Christian Persecution Classic @WarnRadio

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Martyrdoms Advocacy Christian Persecution Classic @WarnRadio
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Day of Trouble Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt38 on Battle Lines

Day of Trouble is one step into the Valley of Vision. This vision the Prophet Isaiah saw concerns Judah. But also brings into the future written in the book. These also relate to Revelation and the time of the end. The prophets vision is so real, he feels the trouble with every bone and muscle in his body. The spoiling of Judah is imminent because they have fallen away. The church in the new covenant is also warned of a time, the judgment will begin at the house of God Peter says.

Day of Trouble Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt38 on Battle Lines image article
Day of Trouble Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt38 on Battle Lines

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Day of Trouble Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt38 on Battle Lines
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Breaker He who leads to Victory

Breaker He who leads to Victory. The first time I heard of the Breaker was many years ago. It was in reference to the Messiah Yeshua; Jesus Christ who would go forth, leading His people to victory. We find this Breaker in Micah chapter two. The phrase Breaker-through was one of the titles of the Anointed one, the Christ whom was known to the Jews according to Albert Barnes. This Messiah or Anointed one would gather all those captive from Gehenna or hell here; and from the presence of God, Sheehinah or glory according to Barnes. Yet as Christians, we know the Lord Jesus Christ shall gather all the saints from the nations, when he comes; and the Saints in glory. For He has already saved us from the second death.

Breaker-through He who leads to Victory Article image
Breaker-through He who leads to Victory

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Breaker He who leads to Victory
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