Tag Archives: advocacy gospel news

Persecuted Not Forsaken Secret Believers Faith of Jesus

Persecuted Not Forsaken for those uncounted #Masses of the #Faith of #JesusChrist is one fact of life today. No matter how hostile, the #FaithofJesus persists. As the #ApostlePaul correctly attests to the fact of the power within all believers in #ChristJesus sustains these #believers. Perplexed? Maybe, but not in despair as Paul points out. Persecuted for sure but never forsaken; a lesson that the #modernchurch in #America needs to learn. Finally, many may be #castdown or even #murdered for faith, but will never be destroyed. For to live is #Christ and to Die is gain. Lift those knees which sag, the back that is bowed; and look up for your #redemption draws near. We may find ourselves #Persecuted but #NotForsaken!
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Faith and Hope, Redemption, Martyrdom, Deaths Door, Unreached People, Gospel of Jesus Christ, @WarnRadio

As the world turns on the proverbial end of days, persecuted people are facing death, discrimination, prison, and hatred. Peter speaks about the truth “that your faith and hope might be in God.” See context in 1st Peter, verses eighteen to twenty-one. That is our Hope brought to us all who are in Christ Jesus Today. Faith in the Lord of Lords and the redemption he brought to all people on Calvary. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Faith and Hope, Redemption, Martyrdom, Deaths Door, Unreached People, Gospel of Jesus Christ, @WarnRadio

Breaking Powers of Darkness Gospel Advocacy Classic @WarnRadio

Breaking Powers of Darkness Gospel Advocacy brings former Warn Radio Episodes and make them Classic Shows. In the last twenty years we have seen a massive increase in persecution, hunting down and murdering, along with showing no mercy towards Christians of all denominations. These murderous thugs bring terror and to this buffet of blood, they are sealing their own damnation unless they repent. However, in these End days we are living in, there is power and deliverance in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, we bring the power and look at Breaking Powers of Darkness. One breaking power of darkness is the fact this Gospel shall be preached in all nations and then the end shall come. Powers of darkness will stop the gospel from going forth. Continue reading

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The Testimony, American Bells Toll, Shine Gospel Light, Israel, Persecuted Church Advocacy @WarnRadio

The Testimony arrives as we look at the Persecuted Church Advocacy @WarnRadio. The shining forth of the Gospel Light and the testimony of Jesus Christ meets opposition in the world today. Strictly, here it is “Not ye that speak, but the #Spirit of your #Father which speaketh in you.” The emphasis is not guns, swords, or other weaponry of man. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on The Testimony, American Bells Toll, Shine Gospel Light, Israel, Persecuted Church Advocacy @WarnRadio

Gospel Prophecy News Classic Warn Radio

This latest Classic Warn Radio features one of our premier shows. Gospel Prophecy News -Around the world the call of the Cross moves the people of God and servants of our Lord Jesus Christ to exalt him, move forward with the Gospel, and to endure all things for his name’s sake. It is a moving experience, a humbling thing to understand just what people will go through for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Next question is what would you do for Him? By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer! Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Hated of all Nations, Redemption Truth, Enduring Hope, Nigeria, Beginning of Sorrows Persecution @WarnRadio

Hated of all Nations as the #Persecution of the #Christianchurch continues all fronts. Even in America there are many who are #cold, #lukewarm, and even #belligerent attitudes and actions towards #Christians.
Nevertheless, we have seen many forms different faiths come to the #Lord #JesusChrist. This week we discuss top articles, stories, news, and the end of days known as #beginningofsorrows. Continue reading

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Faith Advocacy Gospel News Classic Warn Radio

Faith Advocacy Gospel is presented in this latest Classic Warn Radio features one of our premier shows. -The Apostle Paul writing to Timothy related that the aged Apostle who knew he would be dying soon said this about his work for the Lord Jesus Christ. He said, “I have!” He purposely had finished his mission as he was told to do. Here I have the Apostle said, which is “Past Tense”! He already had done these things and summing them up said “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, and I have kept the faith” -2nd Timothy 4:7 KJV. This is what the end of days Christian must strive to do for the Lord. Joins us for this special Classic Warn Radio show. Continue reading

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The Gospels Sake Peril, Many Gods, Student Terrorists, Death Sentence, Martyr’s, Christian Persecution @WarnRadio

For the Gospels Sake there is Peril as the good news of Jesus Christ is spread among the nations of men with many gods. Educational arenas are funneling Student Terrorists to battle the Word of God. Meanwhile, an old man in prison has been there twenty-two years for being a Christian, while another believer faces a death sentence for his faith. All the while Christian Persecution demands advocacy for the Persecuted church. Continue reading

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Agape Benevolent Love, Times of Trouble, Rebuilding Lives, Gospel is Real Advocacy @WarnRadio

Agape Benevolent Love; We are in this world but not of it. Globally Christians are among the most persecuted groups on this planet. Agape Benevolent Love rises in the hearts of believers as these times of trouble continue. We are in this world but not of it. Nevertheless, as believers we are to be full of love, Compassionate, Sympathetically charitable, and have the Agape Love of Jesus Christ. Continue reading

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Christian Faith Persecution Advocacy Classic Warn Radio

Christian Faith Persecution Advocacy Classic brings you this latest Classic Warn Radio features one of our premier shows. Many believers today are facing death, imprisonment, wife kidnappings, forced conversions, and every other evil. Evil that is pushed to destroy believers in Jesus Christ. Yet despite this, we find miraculous conversions, strong faith, and the enemies of Christ coming to the Lord. Join us as we look at troubled spots in Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Congo, and even in America. Continue reading

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