Tag Archives: American Watchman

American Pygmalion Expose’ Transformed

American Pygmalion Expose’ Transformed comes to the American shore and to those who live here. Pygmalion itself is not new. In this writing we followed the truth of this word and what it means. In just this first paragraph, unless you can state the deception and how it has been pushed in the nations of men; then you could possibly, I say possibly understand the outcome to which it states categorically. Although connected to it are plays, shows, writings, and moral dilemmas, it brings with it deception that threatens this nation at this time. Continue reading

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The House That Mammon Built

The House that Mammon Built is a Psalm warning America and those who live in this nation. In addition, it also is a warning of the future judgment of nations and of the great white throne judgment. Christ Jesus, Yeshua Ha Mashiach died on the cross to redeem all people from the second death and to set people free. Continue reading

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Deliberate Deception of That Wicked One

Deliberate Deception -Preparing for the Deliberate Deception of That Wicked One. We look back at events, people, and those who do use deception on purpose to get what they want. We discuss how lawlessness will lead to the fulfillment of the coming Wicked One. The social and economic climate in America and the world is leading the nations directly into a cataclysm. Yet amidst this there is Hope. We are currently living in the days of lawlessness, known as the Mystery of Iniquity. Then the coming Evil one who will lead a people into one of the most final deceptions of all time. A society divided, a world in chaos, and people rife for the arrival of this Wicked One Continue reading

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American Vipers Destroying Souls of Men

American Vipers Destroying the Souls of Men is today a past time for many. The fact is our social media has allowed people to strike others as a Viper. In short, we are destroying the Souls of men without a whim or a whimper from those doing this evil. Today as the Biden administration works to overthrow the rights of Americans the scene on social media, on the streets of this nation, and in the politics of the day face an ongoing separation. This occurs by division, pride, and a will to destroy those who disagree with you no matter the cost. Thus, Americans have already been destroying the souls of men. That is not all the issues, but today; with this post we discuss the foolishness, the fools, and the vipers who will face the Word of Almighty God in fulfillment. For every idle word, that men and woman and children shall speak will be accounted for. Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian living, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Being Kept in a Time of Evil

#Being #Kept in a #TimeofEvil is not a challenge when the area you live in is not full of evil. Growing up in my day the evil was basically, World wars or regional war like Vietnam. #America had evil in it, but the #churches were on every corner and we said the #pledgeofAllegiance and repeated the #LordsPrayer. The effects of #Christianity and #Christianevangelists and #preachers stood against the #evilsoftheirday. Continue reading

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The Aftermath Day of Judgment

The Aftermath Day of Judgment is a Prophetic Psalm written by Dana G Smith. It is an Indepth biblical look at the results of judgment on a nation like America or other nation. As I put in this Psalm the words of Isaiah in chapter three and verses ten through eleven, there is the key directive here and escape. Continue reading

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The Briar Patch We Call America

It is a time of division in this Briar Patch we call America. But it is more than mere division. It is immorality, hatred, and a day of racist tension. A day of lies and deceit; in fact, it is everything we were warned about in Scripture by our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a time, a day, and the hour of Judgment upon the societies of men and the nations they inhabit. Today Technology and Science are the modern-day gods of the elitists and globalists. Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment


False Visions and Untempered Mortar are the common bonds of a society that has fallen away from the Lord. Not to mention that America is not a theocracy. Israel was one, but she too; eventually fell away from the Lord. Those of both houses of Israel encouraged each other in deception and in rebellion were in common agreement. So, it is today! As it was then, so it is now with America and other nations! Continue reading

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Mystery of Iniquity and the Truth

Mystery of Iniquity -Have generations of children been in the dark concerning these truths? The answer is obvious. Do you know this answer yourself? The Mystery of Iniquity feeds on this. It grows and nourishes itself in this. I have it on good authority, the “World is Crazy”! Yet for this world, trouble is here to stay. Generations have rejected the Truth; therefore, delusions and fears shall consume them. They will be comforted in their own deceptions and led astray by their own fears. The technology, knowledge, and humanism will only go so far. Very definitely not far enough as they will find out! Continue reading

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As the Mule is in Understanding, So is America

As the Mule is in Understanding, so is America! A dramatic statement about a nation gone under and a people that has not yet realized it. This article has a companion post. It is called The Righteous Lord, a Prophetic Psalm warning America. Both the Psalm and the Article have been totally edited and, in some areas, re-written, updating details and writing. The original post was written in 2008. Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments