Tag Archives: Christian Hope

God of Mercy, Widows, Orphans, Christian Lifers, Satellite Ministry, Persecution Advocacy @WarnRadio

God of Mercy finds #Christiansglobally today face hate, trickery, prison, lies, and deceit as their enemies do not stop. Yet, we do see the #redemption of many of the #enemiesofGod. These persecuted Christians and their #God and #Savior out of total #ignorance and #blindness. God of Mercy brings to us the feeding of Widows and Orphans in the midst of very difficult times. Further, we find Christians who have been in prisoned for Life. Many without a fair trial. Hate propels the systemic and deceitful enemies of believers who live to get rid of these believers. Continue reading

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End Day Gospel, Prophecy News, Laodicean Classic Warn Radio

End Day Gospel, Prophecy News, Laodicean Classic Warn Radio. America the divide between people is chasms as big as the Grand Canyon. Yet for the believer we are moving through the times Paul warned as Perilous. The Lord said “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth… And then look up and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” – Luke 21:26, 28.” This is our latest Classic Warn Radio feature. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

 Believers Endtime Faith Kingdom of God Pt3

Believing God for supply, healing, deliverance, and knowing that in the midst of persecution for the Faith of Christ Jesus, we are overcomers in Jesus Christ. It is about supply to the point where there is no supply of water, food, safety, health, or even getting by day to day seems impossible. It is then that as Believers in Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, we believe the Lord can and will, through supplication, fasting, prayer, and walking close to our Lord deliver us. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Book of Hebrews Son of God Lifestyle Faith Pt19

Lifestyle Faith brings the real purpose to the forefront. To have faith and live it daily. This does not mean the miraculous or supernatural every moment of your life. In fact, many have faith and are today imprisoned for that faith in Christ Jesus. We begin this week with more examples of faith and in this groups, we now find Moses. Scripture says he refused to be identified with Pharoah’s daughter but chose his own people. Here directly mentioned as the people of God. We find the phrase “#sufferaffliction, #reproachofChrist, and forsook Egypt.” Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Hebrews Series | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

I have Redeemed Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt121 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio

I have Redeemed brings the relationship between Judah, #Jacob here and the Lord. It was the Lord who blessed #Abraham and his #descendants. It was His guidance, care, and love connected to the covenant that kept this line. Even during the judgment of #Judah, God was going to redeem them from Babylon and the captivity which had engulfed them for their sins. When we speak of Redemption and the #newcovenant, we also find the #LordGod, His Son #Jesus; #Yeshua and the work of #atonement on the #cross. But this section addresses the fact which pointedly describes Gods keeping and protection of the #redeemed. Continue reading

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Word of God, Arrests Christians, Religious Extremism, Cost of Faith, Persecuted Believers @WarnRadio

Word of God arrives this week with Christian Believers sharing the Gospel and meeting head on with those who oppose the very existence of Christians. The Gospel came to the Thessalonians, and they heard the #Gospel and received it. Here they not only were just #Believers at that point, but they received not as a mere word of men as Paul says above. Not at all, these people received it as the Word of God and became followers of the #ChurchesofGod in Judaea. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Word of God, Arrests Christians, Religious Extremism, Cost of Faith, Persecuted Believers @WarnRadio

The Resolute Christian Amidst Chaos

The Resolute Christian finds a world of confusion greeting the faith which Jesus Christ demonstrated. Without such faith we cannot please God. Events in the world today has made our societies full of confusion and many times we see unjust people committing the most horrible crimes. Death rates skyrocket because of murder. Dangerous criminals are released back into society by corrupt politicians. Our borders are overrun creating havoc in the land, which was once blessed, free, and safe. Today more than ever we need the Resolute Christian amidst the Chaos of our world. Continue reading

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Children of Light Warning America, Food shortages, Unjust Punishment @WarnRadio

Children of Light are the #light of the #Lord. But these children were formerly in darkness, but the #Lord #JesusChrist set them free. This battle of darkness versus light is not new. But today the battle heats up worldwide. On the cusp of the frontlines are many #Christians, their #families, #churches, and #ministries who try to help them. Today radicals worldwide work to bring in #agendas of control, Marxism, Islam, and more. While people of the nations of men have enjoyed #freedoms, many today do not have any freedoms as we know it Continue reading

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Believers End time Faith Spirit of Life Pt2

Christ who can save us, deliver us from our sins, and then give us this Spirit of life to empower us to live above the fleshly lusts. It is clear therefore, as Christians to not walk after the deeds of the #sinfulflesh but the righteousness of the Spirit avoiding the deeds of carnal lusts, hate, and other deeds Romans chapter eight, verse two tells us: “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” Paul writes more in Romans and also Galatians on related topics to this.

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Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

A Refuge in the Day of My Trouble

A Troubled #America needs A Refuge in the Day of My Trouble; Every American needs #hope today beyond this nation which has become compromised and in danger! The #Psalmist was determined to sing of the #power and #mercy of the #Lord in the Morning. He uses two words; which in English the first one is #Defense strong H4498 and the other one #Refuge also strong H4498. Two different words in English, Defense and Refuge from the same Hebrew word.
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