Tag Archives: Christian Persecution

Shaking of Nations, Prophecy, Nigeria, Pakistan, Christian Persecution @WarnRadio

Shaking of Nations brings us to the next episode of the Advocacy for the Persecuted Church. Here we look at the Shaking of Nations and prophecy as we go over the latest news happening on the Persecuted Church level. The landscape today #globally is one of shaking and stirring the status quo of everything within the global situation of the #nationsofmen. Be prepared for anything. #ShakingofNations Continue reading

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Christian Persecution Today the Gospel News on Classic Warn Radio

#ChristianPersecution of #ChristianBelievers is never far away. Despite this #persecution, we find the #miraculous occurring and today we have the stories of the #Lord moving in the lives of #believers and #unbelievers. In this latest Episode of #ClassicWarnRadio we look at Christian Persecution. Continue reading

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My Name’s Sake, America’s Revival, Battle for Truth, Miraculous Spreading Gospel, Christian Persecution @WarnRadio

My Name’s Sake brings us the latest on the Spreading of the Gospel amid Christian Persecution. This episode touches in Nigeria, Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, and in America. This week on #ChristianPersecution @WarnRadio, our episode looks at the events and the stories about those caught up in a #real #lifeanddeath struggle over the #gospel amid the push of the #enemiesofChrist to silence all who speak the name of #Yeshua, #JesusChrist. #MyNamesSake Continue reading

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Sent Into the World, World in Chaos, Power of God

Sent into the World is a phrase describing what the Lord planned for his disciples. In #John seventeen we find him #praying to the #Father that we would not be taken out of the world but kept from the evil. Further he tells the father that as the Father sent Him into the world, even so the Lord sent his #disciples into the world. This describes today as the gospel goes forth. When it does the conflict arises immediately from the dark forces of the #spirit #world. But the power of the Gospel and the work of the #HolySpirit breaks all opposition.
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Modern Martyrs, Endtime World, Killing Christians, Food Insecurity, Attack American Churches Advocacy Persecuted @WarnRadio

Modern Martyrs brings the Endtime world of Killing Christians on a scale that increases, and it is systemic persecution. The news and reports do not lie, neither do those on the ground bringing aid to those who need lifesaving help. Modern Martyrs in today’s world reflects what is going on #globally in a #Satanicwar against #Christianbelievers. To deny the truths about the world #waragainstChristians would be out and out betrayal. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Modern Martyrs, Endtime World, Killing Christians, Food Insecurity, Attack American Churches Advocacy Persecuted @WarnRadio

Warring the Saints, Africa, Iran, Nigeria, India, Christian Persecution

Warring the Saints begins the episode where we look at the real war in the world. One that began before most modern nations formed. It is here that a real-world War is ongoing against #Christians. The #earlychurch and #Apostles knew very well that this is a #realwar. Continue reading

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Persecution Sheep to the Slaughter Classic Warn Radio

The year was 2019 and 4,136 Christians were killed for faith-related reasons,” according to Open Doors USA Those who are tracking the persecution and slaughter of Christians worldwide do so out of love for the brethren. While we do not accept the slaughter of any human on this planet, today many nations ignore what is going on.

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Mysterious Iniquity, Border deals, African Caliphate, City Violence USA, Anti-Christ War

Mysterious Iniquity brings us to the reality of our world today. It is a #Mysterious #wickedness, compared to being inducted into a #secretcult. This is the #lastdays Mystery of #Iniquity which is now freely expanding worldwide. Continue reading

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Warriors of Jesus Christ, Gospel, Faith, Persecuted Christians

Warriors of Jesus Christ on this episode of #Advocacy for the #Persecuted #church from #WarnRadio. This week’s #Warriors episode of #JesusChrist begins with #Paul’s admonitions to #Timothy. “Be strong in the #grace that is in Christ Jesus.” Further Timothy was to find #faithful men who could #teach others as well. He was told though “endure hardness as a good #warrior or soldier of Jesus Christ.” There is no doubt Paul was addressing this to Timothy as a warrior who warred against those who would destroy the message, the faith, and the #gospel of Jesus Christ. He was warned to not get involved or entangled in the daily lives or affairs or business thereof, he was to focus on his call and purpose.
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Enemy of Mine Enemy of Christ, Vietnam, Human Rights, Pakistan, Persecution

Enemy of Mine Enemy of Christ is very real in the world today. As we find in America, a land that has never seen much in the way of #persecution for the #Christianfaith; we are divided and hate one another, yet Christians fill the church all over this nation. The #EnemyofMine are those believers worldwide in many areas of the world who accept #JesusChrist, #YeshuaHaMassiach as the #Savior of #Mankind and the #SonofGod. Their faith is dear to them, and the cost can be paid in blood. Both for them and their families. We find the Enemy of Christ in China, North Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, and in many other nations of the world including in America today. So, the Enemy of Mine is the #EnemyofChrist as well. Welcome to an age-old truth that the Lord said, “all that will #livegodly in #ChristJesus shall #suffer #persecution.” It is time for the apathic, self-absorbed among these Americans to wake from the sleep for the time of the judgment is nearer than we thought. It is also time for those in darkness to realize the love of God and the gift of redemption found in Christ Jesus. We find today that many of the enemies of Christ have come to him.
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