Tag Archives: Christian Persecution

Volatile World on Edge Classic Warn Radio

The “Volatile World on Edge” from the Warn Radio broadcasts contains discussions revolving around global socio-political concerns, apocalyptic predictions, and Christian faith. Analyses include reflections on past events like Pastor Brunson’s trials in Turkey and current situations like Iran’s issue, Evangelical Christians’ support to Israel, and religious persecution. However, they also highlight undying faith in times of trials, citing miraculous healings and conversions. The program warns of an impending loss of religious freedom but underscores the generational responsibility of proclaiming Christianity. Continue reading

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End of the World, I ‘am with you always, Turmoil of nations, Religious Freedom, Critical India

I am with you unto the End of the World says the #Lord #JesusChrist as he gave his #commission to the #Apostles. Over the many hundreds of years since that declaration the #gospel went out. Yet, at times; people thought the end was near. Continue reading

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Radicalisms War, Nigerian Genocide, Distress Nations, Christ in War Zones, Gospel Hope @WarnRadio

Radicalisms War is clearly stated in #scripture. We find the #dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make with her seed. These are those who keep the #commandment of #God and have the #testimony of #JesusChrist. Simply, the #Christian #believer. #Revelation 12:17, 13:7; 17:24 all warn of war not only with the believers and followers of Jesus Christ. Scriptures tell us they will make war against the #Lamb, who #LordofLords and #Kingofkings. Today, dragon inspired Radicals globally warn against the Lamb by killing his followers, #destroyingchurches, #takingcaptives, running them off into the wilderness. If it were not for #humanitarian organizations who find these groups in the jungles; they would die. But not all make it, many die daily. There is no doubt with open borders in #America due to liberal policy from D.C., radicals will now flow more openly into our country to bring it down. Continue reading

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Shaking Nations Advocacy Amidst Global lawlessness

Shaking Nations Advocacy is being highlighted for its effort to emphasize God’s grace and unshakable kingdom amidst global challenges. Connecting today’s societal upheavals with biblical teachings, the organization helps global believers in Jesus Christ navigate through these difficult times and uphold their faith. Through their work, they spread the word of God’s mercy and grace, supporting believers amidst a rapidly changing world landscape. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Antichrist terror Faith Advocacy Gospel Report

China crackdown, Bulgarian threats, Turkey’s Antichrist, Charity terror, Hindu vs Christianity, Advocacy, Faith, and Gospel News.
Hotspots in the world continue to embroil Christianity and those who hate the gospel of Jesus Christ. We look at the push by China to stop Christianity. This is out of fear by authorities over the Christian populace who now sees Beijing push as trouble. We look at the persecution of Believers in Bulgaria, plus we cover the Antichrist spirit ebbing out of Turkey. Then we look at a Charity group who funds terror but uses California fires to raise money. Finally, we look at the long-time existence of Hindu extremism and the cost of Christian lives there in India.
This is a Classic Warn Radio premier shows. Continue reading

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Nations Prophecy End Time Battle for the Harvest @WarnRadio

#Nations #Prophecy End Time enters into the Battle for the #Harvest. The #Apostles and the #earlychurch knew all too well of this war. The #gospel goes forth amidst cultures, races, nations, and other #religions. We are told to go into the world with the gospel, here we herald the #goodnews. In many nations we are seeing #miracles, #signs, and #wonders in the toughest areas for the #bible and for the #believers of the #WordofGod. Yet as we see the chaos and troubles in the nations of men, people find themselves searching for truth. Here they find it with the #LordJesusChrist, His #Word, and redeeming #Spirit. Today the troubles are global but so is the #hope and the #grace for those who really want the truth. There will always be enemies, but one day these former things will be but a distant memory away.
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Christian Gospel Converge Last Days on Classic Warn Radio

Christian Gospel Converge in these Last Days on Classic Warn Radio. We cover these stories as we have time; Operation shoebox, European Sharia, Filipino Believers, Cameroon, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Vietnam, and Israel-Iran. This is a special featured Classic Warn Radio which are from our vast array of episodes from the many years of our broadcasts.
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Gospel Amidst Perilous Times, Wars, Violence, Morality @WarnRadio

Gospel Amidst Perilous Times meets the #turbulent days of the current age. With our #technology, #knowledge, traveling to Mars, and more; we have not come to grip with #immoralmorality, #violence and #wars, #starvingnations, and the #murdering of thousands of #Christians worldwide. Then there are the rogue nations like #China who oppress #Ughur’s in prison camps, and Christians who have been jailed, imprisoned, and harassed. In North Korea, a Christian faces death for the family or life imprisonment. Yet amidst these days which are unstable and violent; people are coming to the #Lord as the #Gospel is preached, #bibles are handed out, and the enemy still working to kill believers. These are the days the #Apostles warned about. Even in #America, our stability is threatened, and our #constitution is violated by our own congress and President daily. With a #bordercrisis unlike any other in our history, the blame is squarely on the shoulders of #Biden and the #Democrats who specialize in denying it all. Such is peril in the #USA. Continue reading

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Christian Gospel Persecution Classic Warn Radio

Christian Gospel Persecution Classic direct from the WIBR/WARN Radio advocacy and gospel news we cover Prophecy, Gospel News; Egypt, Iraq, Boko Haram, Nigeria, Christian Persecution, and More. This is a special featured Classic Warn Radio Continue reading

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Living by Faith Persecuted Believers of Jesus Christ @WarnRadio

Living by Faith finds its way into the lives of the Persecuted Believers of Jesus Christ. Not that #America and many of the #Christianized #western #civilizations are to be forgot. More and more in America and these related nations, #Christianity is lukewarm and for those who are moving forward in ##faith and carrying the cross; there is persecution. With recent statements in Congress, of and about faith; we find our Congress in the realm of #Anti-Christ instead of Christ the #LordofLords. We have so separated ourselves from the #faithofChrist that this nation finds a divide ever widening. So it is, through this very #persecution we find ourselves knitted ever so closing in the womb of #JesusChrist. For as they suffer for the name of Christ, so we need to stand for them and for Christ. Listen America, the #wicked shall be turned into #hell, and all the #nationsthatforgetGod.
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