Tag Archives: Persecution advocacy

Withstand Evil, Restoration, Sudan, Indonesia, Gospel Teaching, Advocacy Persecuted Church @WarnRadio

Withstand Evil brings us to this the third week in September of twenty-twenty-four. As we near the elections, and the coming year, there are a multitude of unknowns. We who have read the book, keep the book, and spread the gospel know the force of evil, darkness, and those who hate us and the message of Christ Jesus. Yet we are more than conquerors in Christ our Lord. Be encouraged and look to the Lord at all times and be sure to #WithstandEvil, All Evil! Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Withstand Evil, Restoration, Sudan, Indonesia, Gospel Teaching, Advocacy Persecuted Church @WarnRadio

They Overcame Him, Sudan Famine, Faith of Jesus, Philippines, Deliverance, @WarnRadio

They Overcame Him brings us to another advocacy for the persecuted church this week. This time we look at the threats and perils to all people and the war by the devil on the Saints. Today the war is ongoing, yet in spite of this; #keepthefaith and move forward as in #Christ we are more than #victors through our #LordJesusChrist. Be found in Him.
“He Comes”, be prepared, repent and believe! Revelation 22. #TheyOvercame Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on They Overcame Him, Sudan Famine, Faith of Jesus, Philippines, Deliverance, @WarnRadio

Christian Genocide Gospel News Classic Warn Radio

Christian Genocide, this week the battle is on as latest reports post the truth of Genocide for Christian believers worldwide. In addition, the truth of Mediums, Psychics, and other faiths being the same as Christianity. The push for one world religion, one God, and one faith is ongoing. The battle is now, and the time is the present. This episode is a featured Classic Warn Radio show. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Christian Genocide Gospel News Classic Warn Radio

Gospel of Peace, Nigeria, Faith of Christ, Martyrs, Advocacy Persecuted @WarnRadio

Gospel of Peace makes itself known in this week’s edition of Advocacy for the Persecuted Church @WarnRadio. This week we focus on Nigeria, Burkina Faso, the Faith of Christ, Christian Martyrs, and much more. Gospel of Peace rides alongside, persecution, prison, martyrs, faith, miracles, and provision. Taking the Gospel to the world as revealed in the scriptures can be a dangerous and daunting task filled with the divine, miraculous, deliverance all amidst those who hate the gospel and the Christ of the Gospel.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Gospel of Peace, Nigeria, Faith of Christ, Martyrs, Advocacy Persecuted @WarnRadio

The Persecuted Gospel and Christian Leadership

Persecuted Gospel and #Christian #Leadership have one major challenge. #Christianity is always one generation away from extinction. We do not become Christians by mere power of men. Nor do we become a follower of #JesusChrist by the strength or work of men. Denominational membership does not guarantee one entrance into heaven. Continue reading

Posted in Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Nations Drunk, Armenia, Pakistan, Testimony, Human Rights, Finding Jesus, Blasphemy, Faith of Christ @WarnRadio

Nations Drunk brings us to this week’s coverage of Advocacy for the Persecuted church. From Armenia, Pakistan, China, North Korea, and on to America we are discussing Human Rights, the Testimony of Jesus Christ. Directly from Revelation, we find the context of these words in chapter eighteen and verses three through six. However, the whole of this chapter gives a stark reminder of what happens to the nations of men when unbridled lust, greed, power gather in #MysteryBabylon. From there the sting of corruption and death envelop the nations and stand against the Lord, the Almighty Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Nations Drunk, Armenia, Pakistan, Testimony, Human Rights, Finding Jesus, Blasphemy, Faith of Christ @WarnRadio

Abounding Love, Troubled Souls, Street Evangelist, Persecuted Believers, Hunger Crisis, Pakistan, Kingdom of God @WarnRadio

Abounding Love sets the stage for a riveting program from the families of Pakistan to the streets of America. Within this we find Abounding Love, Troubled Souls, Persecuted believers, Hunger crisis, and the Kingdom of God. And in #America, this message is needed desperately! We do not apologize for this truth, we herald it. We do not apologize for #believing or following the #Gospel of #JesusChrist, #Yeshua. We bring it to the lost at the #costoflife, limb, and the #Gospel is #ourmessage. #AboundingLo Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Abounding Love, Troubled Souls, Street Evangelist, Persecuted Believers, Hunger Crisis, Pakistan, Kingdom of God @WarnRadio

Confessing Christ Testimony of Jesus, Finding God, Advocacy

Confessing Christ cannot be stopped. Even the #WordofGod announces that before the End of it all, this Gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness. Only then shall the end come. Make no mistake about it #nationsofmen are tirelessly working against the #Gospel of #Christ, the #testimonyofJesus, and #Christianity in general. Yet the fact is, scores of others who do not know God through #ChristJesus are coming to the Lord. #ConfessingChrist Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Confessing Christ Testimony of Jesus, Finding God, Advocacy

Faith in the Lord Jesus , Iran, Christianity, Nigeria, Believers, Spreading the Gospel, Advocacy Persecuted Church @WarnRadio

Faith in the Lord Jesus brings us to this week’s show, where we will look at the plight of believers and arenas of persecution in Iran, Nigeria, and more. We move forward to this week’s show the #Advocacy for the #PersecutedChurch. Here we are reminded of the Apostle Paul whose moving words to the Saints at Ephesus confirms His love for the Saints. As a Father cares for his own children, wife, and family; the Apostle prays for deep, #spiritualgifts, #wisdom, #revelation, #enlightenment, and more. #FaithintheLordJesus Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Faith in the Lord Jesus , Iran, Christianity, Nigeria, Believers, Spreading the Gospel, Advocacy Persecuted Church @WarnRadio

The Righteous, Christians, Murdered, Sentenced, Kenya, Gospel, Uganda, Haiti, Persecution Advocacy @WarnRadio

The Righteous finds us again looking into the abyss of darkness where people find themselves. Yet the light of Christ shines and delivers men from that grip of sin to find salvation. Despite the dangers, #martyrsoffaith, and the imprisonment of many; the results of the battle serve notice to the devil that the #powerofGod in Christ will deliver the message of Hope that breaks all the bondages people face. Turning them from #unbelievers and a lost people into #dynamic voices and #Evangelists who walk in Christs name the power of His Spirit. #TheRighteous Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Righteous | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Righteous, Christians, Murdered, Sentenced, Kenya, Gospel, Uganda, Haiti, Persecution Advocacy @WarnRadio