Tag Archives: Persecution advocacy

Sent Into the World, World in Chaos, Power of God

Sent into the World is a phrase describing what the Lord planned for his disciples. In #John seventeen we find him #praying to the #Father that we would not be taken out of the world but kept from the evil. Further he tells the father that as the Father sent Him into the world, even so the Lord sent his #disciples into the world. This describes today as the gospel goes forth. When it does the conflict arises immediately from the dark forces of the #spirit #world. But the power of the Gospel and the work of the #HolySpirit breaks all opposition.
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Modern Martyrs, Endtime World, Killing Christians, Food Insecurity, Attack American Churches Advocacy Persecuted @WarnRadio

Modern Martyrs brings the Endtime world of Killing Christians on a scale that increases, and it is systemic persecution. The news and reports do not lie, neither do those on the ground bringing aid to those who need lifesaving help. Modern Martyrs in today’s world reflects what is going on #globally in a #Satanicwar against #Christianbelievers. To deny the truths about the world #waragainstChristians would be out and out betrayal. Continue reading

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Love of Christ Jesus, Tribulation, Gospel Cost, Christian Faith, Persecution Advocacy @WarnRadio

Love of Christ Jesus was revealed for all Eternity at the Cross where His blood was shed as an atonement for all people. The reward is real and the #Lord we follow is the #KingofKings and #LordofLords. #PersecutionAdvocacy is the #realstory of #cost, #faith, #life, and #death in the real #worldofmissions. Continue reading

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Testify Jesus Christ Gospel Classic @WarnRadio

Testify Jesus Christ brings this Classic @WarnRadio episode brings you into the reality of the cost of following the Lord Jesus Christ. It takes faith, guts don’t just cut it. Today we face a world of nations that take issue with the gospel. In this avenue the United States continues to do business with many of them such as China. The fact is, the Lord is moving in the nations, and many are coming to him. However, the cost is real, the Martyrs for Jesus are real, the persecution of the Saints is real, and those who live for Jesus Christ must also bear his faith and his testimony to a lost and dying world. In so doing, many will pay with their lives. But even in this loss of human life; they will be saved and give a new body to live in. Not a hair on their head will perish as the Lord said. Continue reading

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I Trusted in Thee, Yeshua Ha Massiach, War on Christian Faith, Increasing Persecution, Advocacy @WarnRadio

I trusted in thee – rises on High amidst the troubles in the world. Evil knows no bounds nor limits, but one day it shall be vanquished. “And they #overcamehim [the Devil, Satan, the Beast] by the #bloodoftheLamb, and by the #wordoftheirtestimony; and they #lovednot their #lives unto the #death.”#ITrustedinThee Continue reading

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I have Chosen You, Prophetic Events, Persecuted Church 2024, Christians Starving, Persecution Advocacy @WarnRadio

“I have Chosen You” is a promise that is connected to David as he was surrounded by enemies. This is the Persecuted Church 2024 and the enemies of God, Faith, and the Lord Jesus Christ never rest. It is to the believers and followers of the Lord the wicked plot and use evil devices, ideas, and the sword to make war on the Christian Church. Today, even more we must remember whom we trust and follow. Continue reading

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Enemy of Mine Enemy of Christ, Vietnam, Human Rights, Pakistan, Persecution

Enemy of Mine Enemy of Christ is very real in the world today. As we find in America, a land that has never seen much in the way of #persecution for the #Christianfaith; we are divided and hate one another, yet Christians fill the church all over this nation. The #EnemyofMine are those believers worldwide in many areas of the world who accept #JesusChrist, #YeshuaHaMassiach as the #Savior of #Mankind and the #SonofGod. Their faith is dear to them, and the cost can be paid in blood. Both for them and their families. We find the Enemy of Christ in China, North Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, and in many other nations of the world including in America today. So, the Enemy of Mine is the #EnemyofChrist as well. Welcome to an age-old truth that the Lord said, “all that will #livegodly in #ChristJesus shall #suffer #persecution.” It is time for the apathic, self-absorbed among these Americans to wake from the sleep for the time of the judgment is nearer than we thought. It is also time for those in darkness to realize the love of God and the gift of redemption found in Christ Jesus. We find today that many of the enemies of Christ have come to him.
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Rejoicing in Hope, Representing Jesus, Persecuted Lives, America Anti-Christ, Christian Faith @WarnRadio

Rejoicing in Hope tells us to stand up oh #Christian for the #faith of Christ and to give your testimony. The #rewards are enormous for those who are at a loss in the turmoil of these #lastdays. Souls, Lives, and #redemption for those who hear the #SpiritofGod calling all men to come and #repent. #RejoicinginHope Continue reading

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Antichrist Antichristian, Myanmar, Militants, Human Rights, Following Jesus

Antichrist Antichristian is revealed in both #America and the nations of men. There is no doubt here that the world is on a collision course with both #Christianity and the #Christ of the #Faith. In Johns Day, the words “it is the last time” also speaks volumes. If it was the “last time” in his day, what is the #prophetic #time today. To be sure, it is later than you think. While the #wrath of #God tribulation is not here yet, #tribulation and #trouble are found worldwide. For #Christians especially. We know that the #Judgment must first begin at the #HouseofGod, then it will move to the #unbelievers and those who do not honor the #Gospel of #JesusChrist. As for liars, John speaks volumes “whoever denies Jesus is the Christ” is a liar and antichrist. #Antichrist #Antichristian behooves us to put this litmus test to work in America and find out what you can about who we really are. More and more, the division in this nation is widening. Today, the Christ of the Faith, His Gospel, and His #WORD is the truth in the societies of men.
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His Cross His Life, True God, Political Agenda, Persecutions, Afflictions, @WarnRadio

His Cross His Life brings us His example. I speak of the Only #begotten #SonofGod, #JesusChrist; #Yeshua! Testifying of the #Father and bringing #redemption for all the #humanrace, we were given certain and sure Hope. #HisCross and #HisLife has been given to us. Thus, If we receive him, believe upon him, and become born again through the #SpiritofGod the #witness of the #GospelofChrist will eventually flow through us to others. The #Lord warned “if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his #cross, and follow men. Further “if you save your life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake, you shall find it.” This is the cost of spreading the #gospel, teaching the gospel, and being a Christian follow of our Lord. There is no clearer message nor redeemable fortune for us than to have this #Hope in and through #Christ Jesus. Nations will come and go, but the redemption through Christ is #eternally sure and safe and will not disappoint. It is with these thoughts we do today’s show.
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