About WIBR/WARN Radio

Doing our work heartily, as unto the Lord! Pleasing our Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of the Father! 

Col 3:23-24
(23)  And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
(24)  Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

👉About WIBR/WARN Radio

👉🔥Note all information has been updated to reflect current activity. Also note we do not give pertinent private information here.

About WIBR/WARN Radio and online ministry, which is an End time, preaching, teaching, n Warning agency heralding in the Second Coming of Yeshua Ha Mashiach. The WIBR/WARN Radio is formed from two main Acronyms. One is the WIBR, standing for the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research; our media and publishing arm of this ministry [also going by Warn Media]. The other is WARN, standing for Watchman Alert Radio Network, which is the broadcasting and website arm of the ministry. Together these form the End time Ministry which you are now reading about.

👉About WIBR/WARN Media:

The WIBR/WARN Media is a natural outgrowth of the prolific writing of Dana G Smith through the Grace of God given to him. At the early age of ten he wrote his first book. He has written countless articles, psalms, and other items. Many are now published through our websites. We now utilize Amazon publishing for most of the media books, kindle, and other items we publish. However, we do use Ingrams as well. We produce our own graphics, movies, shows, audios, books, and more. Read about our Copyrights and policies here! Check out our other website Here!

👉About the WIBR/WARN websites:

WIBR/WARN radio over the years have maintained many websites. We were on about every main social site, and maintained the Radio show as well. The websites had to be maintained, databases upgraded and installed, and the S.E.O., among other items had to be done. This was done by the Watchman. Today, we have combined our sites, done away with others, and now have these main sites.

www.Warn-Usa.com www.DanaGlennSmith.com

👉About the WIBR:

The WIBR stands for the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and stands as the original research and Warning agency for this ministry. Many years ago WINGS ministry began and this was formed into the WIBR as we developed more and more people heard about us through our writing, articles, websites, tracts, and other publishing.  There is one goal here, that is to Declare our testimony and the warning which the L_RD G_d had given the Watchman to declare. According to Isaiah 21:6 “let the watchman declare what he seeth”, the Watchman has declared, preached, witnessed to others of the vision and burden which our G_D had placed upon him. It is through Yeshua Ha Massiach, [Jesus Christ] our L_rd that we stand. He is Alpha and Omega and everything in between. The websites, radio shows, articles, books, and any other media form comes out of that calling.

👉About WARN Radio:

👉The WIBR/WARN Radio network and the Remnant

Many years ago we started out in college broadcasting over our college transmitter. Then we broadcast into 150 nations over World Harvest Shortwave Radio and World Wide Christian Radio

Today, we are still moving forward with the gospel. We are the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and the Watchman Alert Radio network.

👉The Watchman bio summary:

Warning the Nations and Preparing Generations for over Twenty-five years! Dana G Smith is the Watchman of the WIBR and the WARN Radio and Online Ministries. We are an End Time Warning, Preaching, Teaching, and Advocacy Ministry.  The Watchman declares according to Isaiah 21:6 “let the watchman declare what he sees”. Dana has written the Steel series that has book one “Steel the Darkness” and Book Two “The Rising”. He also wrote a warning of judgment back in 2005 with D Day for America. He also wrote many E-Books such as Living Waters; One Truth, One Salvation; and many other E Books.
We use all our resources, i.e. media and websites in our ability to warn, exhort, teach, and prepare people for what is coming. The of Glory is Coming, he is Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, the only begotten Son of God, Adonai, our Father. The Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is “Alpha and Omega” the beginning and the end, and everything in between. Be ye saved all the ends of the earth, repent all men everywhere.

Dana G Smith Bio

👉Covering the World this is WIBR/WARN Radio

  1. Our WARN Radio Website is this Warn-Usa.com site.
  2. Take a look at the Watchman Institute

👉Origins: Experience, Dedication, and Anointing

Many years ago, we started out in college broadcasting over our college transmitter. Then we broadcast into 150 nations over World Harvest Shortwave Radio and Worldwide Christian Radio. Today, we are still moving forward with the gospel. We are the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and the Watchman Alert Radio network. Now over twenty-five plus years of broadcasting, writing, publishing, and spreading God’s WORD.

Contending Faith, Corruption, Algeria, Nigeria, Aid for Christians, Christians Starve, @WarnRadio Article image
Contending Faith, Corruption, Algeria, Nigeria, Aid for Christians, Christians Starve, @WarnRadio

👉WIBR/WARN Current Broadcasts Worldwide!

We are now on many sites like Spreaker that broadcast the show automatically to all their connections, we do this through multiple partners in streaming. You can listen to all our shows from our Warn Radio main site Warn-USA dot com. We provide for downloading the show or listening to them on our website. We also provide a Blog Talk Radio show streamer for you to listen too from either website. See our sidebar on the websites to find particular streaming sites to listen from.

Our targets for each show are as following:
1. We work to each week to bring the latest Advocacy information for our Wednesday broadcast on the persecuted Church, then Friday mornings the Watchman does a commentary followed by a biblical message.
2. The Watchman and Tower do their shows in their studio setup. Recording the show to put on other streaming sites.
3. Those who listen through our networks detailed on our website beneath the player can hear it live.
4. The goal is to then get the show posted automatically by 9:30 pm MST.
5. You can listen through your Smart phone, laptop, and all other devices.
6. We have worked to reduce the download time to make it easier to hear on these devices
7. This is an ongoing process

👉 Blessings have a great Day!

(10) He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.  (11)  And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.  (12)  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

1Jn 5:10-12

542 Responses to About WIBR/WARN Radio

  1. Pingback: Bedrock Hope -7 Foundation Truths for the Remnant Believer| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  2. Pingback: Perilous Times: America living in the Last Days| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  3. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Spiritual Fruits: War of the Worlds pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  4. Pingback: Eclipse 2017, Revelation 12 sign, and Prophecy| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  5. Pingback: Secrets of God and Men Pt6 "Secret places and Prophets"| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  6. Pingback: Final Faith lessons from Habakkuk Pt4 'Bottom Line Faith'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  7. Pingback: Thy WORD is Truth, Whose Word is it you Have?| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  8. Pingback: Whose WORD is it? | Dana Glenn Smith

  9. Pingback: Anticipation and Preparedness Mark Eclipse 2017 Event | Dana Glenn Smith

  10. Pingback: Anticipation and Preparedness Mark Eclipse 2017 Event| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  11. Pingback: 2017 Eclipse ‘Harbinger of Portent’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  12. Pingback: Prophecy’s Long Shadow | Dana Glenn Smith

  13. Pingback: Prophecy’s Long Shadow| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  14. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Spiritual Fruits: War of the Worlds pt2 'righteous fruits'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  15. Pingback: No Greater Love Pt1 ‘Word incarnate’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  16. Pingback: The Answer was Simple and this Man got his greatest Miracle| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  17. Pingback: The Answer was Simple and this Man got his greatest Miracle | Dana Glenn Smith

  18. Pingback: Prophecy -World Moving towards Global War | Dana Glenn Smith

  19. Pingback: Prophecy -World Moving towards Global War| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  20. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Spiritual Fruits: War of the Worlds pt3 'Christian Fruits'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  21. Pingback: No Greater Love Pt2 ‘Testimony’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  22. Pingback: Eclipse Mania -2017 Great Summer Eclipse is heating up| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  23. Pingback: Eclipse Mania -2017 Great Summer Eclipse is heating up | Dana Glenn Smith

  24. Pingback: The American Civil War Then and Now| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  25. Pingback: The American Civil War Then and Now | Dana Glenn Smith

  26. Pingback: House of Mourning, House of Mirth | Dana Glenn Smith

  27. Pingback: House of Mourning, House of Mirth| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  28. Pingback: Prophecy News plus Spiritual Fruits: War of the Worlds pt4 'Rooted in Christ'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  29. Pingback: No Greater Love Pt3 ‘faith produces works’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  30. Pingback: Wyoming Eclipse in the Summer of 2017 'latest, cars lined up heading north' | Dana Glenn Smith

  31. Pingback: Eclipse in the Summer of 2017 'latest, cars lined up heading north'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  32. Pingback: Prophetic Eclipse 2017 a Shadow of Unity| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  33. Pingback: Prophetic Eclipse 2017 a Shadow of Unity | Dana Glenn Smith

  34. Pingback: Eclipse 2017, Revelation 12 sign, and Prophecy | Dana Glenn Smith

  35. Pingback: Perilous Times: America living in the Last Days | Dana Glenn Smith

  36. Pingback: Christian Living in Turbulent End Times| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  37. Pingback: Christian Living in Turbulent End Times | Dana Glenn Smith

  38. Pingback: Nations of Men, who is Lord over us? | Dana Glenn Smith

  39. Pingback: Nations of Men, who is Lord over us?| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  40. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Spiritual Fruits: War of the Worlds pt5 'Joy and Judgment'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  41. Pingback: No Greater Love Pt4 ‘Manifested’ on Sound the Shofar| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  42. Pingback: Finite Life and the Infinite Truth| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  43. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Spiritual Fruits: War of the Worlds pt6 'Redemptive Joy'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  44. Pingback: No Greater Love Pt5 ‘Fountain Opened’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  45. Pingback: Feasts Rosh Hashanah Sweetness n Abundance | www.warn-usa.com

  46. Pingback: Prophetic, Enduring, a Shadow; This is the Fall Feasts! | Dana Glenn Smith

  47. Pingback: Prophecy, the Feasts, and the Word of God| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  48. Pingback: Christian living in these times and seasons | Dana Glenn Smith

  49. Pingback: Christian living in these times and seasons| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  50. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Spiritual Fruits: War of the Worlds pt7 'Shalom| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  51. Pingback: No Greater Love Pt6 ‘Example of Love’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  52. Pingback: Trumpets 2017 and the High Holy Days | Dana Glenn Smith

  53. Pingback: Sukkot, The Feast of Tabernacles for all Nations -Video's| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  54. Pingback: Tabernacles 2017 Pt1 'Rejoice' plus Prophecy news hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  55. Pingback: The Twilight of the Dawning | Dana Glenn Smith

  56. Pingback: America Twilight of the Dawning| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  57. Pingback: Finite Life and the Infinite Truth | Dana Glenn Smith

  58. Pingback: Seven Biblical Imperatives -Recommended Reading| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  59. Pingback: Seven Biblical Imperatives -Recommended Reading | Dana Glenn Smith

  60. Pingback: Tabernacles 2017 Pt2 'High Priest' plus Prophecy news hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  61. Pingback: Yom Kippur 2017 Pt2 'Azazel'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  62. Pingback: America ‘Mystery of Iniquity’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  63. Pingback: America Mystery of Iniquity | Dana Glenn Smith

  64. Pingback: Perceive Truth: Loving Praise of Men| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  65. Pingback: Perceive Truth: Loving Praise of Men | Dana Glenn Smith

  66. Pingback: Yom Kippur Pt1 2017 'Redeemed'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  67. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Spiritual Fruits: War of the Worlds pt8 'blessings of peace'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  68. Pingback: No Greater Love Pt7 ‘love of God’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  69. Pingback: Pride: Destruction at What Moment | Dana Glenn Smith

  70. Pingback: Pride: Destruction at What Moment| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  71. Pingback: Prophecy News, Persecuted Church, World events plus Spiritual Fruits pt9| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  72. Pingback: No Greater Love Pt8 ‘Almighty: Rejection n Judgment’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  73. Pingback: Halloween pt1 Satan's Holiday 2016 Plus Prophecy News Hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  74. Pingback: Halloween pt2 Satan's Holiday 2016 'Global Sorceries' Plus Prophecy News| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  75. Pingback: Obama then Trump: Politics 'The Fools Folly' | Dana Glenn Smith

  76. Pingback: As Jesus said rise take up thy bed and walk -latest from the Watchman | Dana Glenn Smith

  77. Pingback: Rise for your Miracle today!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  78. Pingback: The Word Standing out a beacon for all to find safety, herein lay the Believers foundation | Dana Glenn Smith

  79. Pingback: The Word, The Hope, and the Message| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  80. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Spiritual Fruits: War of the Worlds pt10 "Faith and God"| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  81. Pingback: Journey of Promise for both Christians and Jews pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  82. Pingback: Biblical Truth in an Unbiblical World| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  83. Pingback: Is there any central unerring Truth for people today? | Dana Glenn Smith

  84. Pingback: Immoral Morass: This Is the News and we have some questions! | Dana Glenn Smith

  85. Pingback: Rural Thanksgiving "Turkey, Prayer, and Family" | Dana Glenn Smith

  86. Pingback: Thanksgiving Be Ye Thankful it's 'More than just Stuffing'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  87. Pingback: In getting Understanding, Get this! Choice, Chance, and Consequences | Dana Glenn Smith

  88. Pingback: Choice, Chance, and Consequences!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  89. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Tribulation 101 Possess your Souls pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  90. Pingback: Journey of Promise for both Christians and Jews pt2| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  91. Pingback: American Thanksgiving 2017 - showcase for the idiocy of political correctness and strange behavior| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  92. Pingback: Thanksgiving 2017 -The Bizarre World of the Endtime America | Dana Glenn Smith

  93. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Tribulation 101 Possess your Souls pt2| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  94. Pingback: Journey of Promise for both Christians and Jews pt3| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  95. Pingback: Building God, Who or What is your God? | Dana Glenn Smith

  96. Pingback: Former Days, Former glory; today Swine and Noses; Behold! | Dana Glenn Smith

  97. Pingback: The Days of Swine and Noses in America| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  98. Pingback: Giving Thanks 2015 Pt2 -Sound the Shofar | Warn-Usa.com

  99. Pingback: Having Thanksgiving and Giving Thanks Pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  100. Pingback: Journey of Promise for both Christians and Jews pt4 'Deliverer'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  101. Pingback: Christian Clarity in an Unclear World | Dana Glenn Smith

  102. Pingback: The three cognitive C’s of an intelligible faith in Christ -Christian Clarity| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  103. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Tribulation 101 Possess your Souls pt3| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  104. Pingback: Journey of Promise for both Christians and Jews pt5 'Lords Battle'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  105. Pingback: Brethren in Christ, but Not as Cain | Dana Glenn Smith

  106. Pingback: Loving the Brethren in Christ Jesus, but not as Cain loved his Brother!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  107. Pingback: They Hated me, they will hate you; Christianity Persecuted at Christmas!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  108. Pingback: Prophecy and 2017 the Howling Change| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  109. Pingback: Howling change 2017 and upcoming Prophecy 2018 | Dana Glenn Smith

  110. Pingback: Building God, Who or What is your God?| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  111. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Tribulation 101 Possess your Souls pt4 "Thy Works"| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  112. Pingback: Sound of the Trumpet pt1 'Set the Watchman'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  113. Pingback: Christian Spiritual Warfare 12 Tips: Bring back Peace into your life | Dana Glenn Smith

  114. Pingback: Birth of the Son of God The Eudokia Secret that sets men free| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  115. Pingback: Celebrating the Birth of Christ means death for many Christians around the Globe | Dana Glenn Smith

  116. Pingback: Thy Many Gods Oh America, which one shall save thee! | Dana Glenn Smith

  117. Pingback: Thy Many Gods Oh America, which one shall save thee!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  118. Pingback: Prophecy World events Plus Christmas for Christians 2017| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  119. Pingback: Sound of the Trumpet pt2 'Alarm Judgment'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  120. Pingback: Eclipse 2017, Revelation 12 sign -Prophecy Focus 2017 Special | Dana Glenn Smith

  121. Pingback: Thomas Jeffersons lesson to America today and the threat which it faces | Dana Glenn Smith

  122. Pingback: Global Prophecy Wrap-up Year End Special Edition Pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  123. Pingback: Sound of the Trumpet pt3 'Be Agreed'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  124. Pingback: Having Hope Traveling on the Highway of our God-Prophecy Focus 2017-2018. | Dana Glenn Smith

  125. Pingback: The Twilight of the Dawning-Prophecy Focus 2017-2018 | Dana Glenn Smith

  126. Pingback: Building God, Who or What is your God? -Global Prophecy Focus 2018 | Dana Glenn Smith

  127. Pingback: The truth and the Words behind the Word which is God, of God, and sent from God! | Dana Glenn Smith

  128. Pingback: If they Keep my Word, they will Keep yours| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  129. Pingback: America 2018 Prophecy News Year End Special Edition| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  130. Pingback: Global Prophecy 2018 Wrap-up Year End Special Edition Pt2| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  131. Pingback: Sound of the Trumpet pt4 'Restoration'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  132. Pingback: Slain for the Word of God 'Murdering Jesus Christ'-Prophecy Focus 2017-2018 | Dana Glenn Smith

  133. Pingback: Howling change 2017 and upcoming Prophecy 2018 | Dana Glenn Smith

  134. Pingback: Prophecy News hour 'Christian persecution, Christian living, Iran, Israel, USA' and more!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  135. Pingback: 2017 Will it be a Good Year or one of Global Calamity -Prophecy Focus 2017-2018 | Dana Glenn Smith

  136. Pingback: Presence of Hope Pt1 'Promises' on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  137. Pingback: Sound of the Trumpet pt5 'Laodacian'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  138. Pingback: The Lord Has Proclaimed to the End of the World thy Salvation Cometh | Dana Glenn Smith

  139. Pingback: Too Busy to hear thy Salvation Cometh| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  140. Pingback: America: Dead to Rights-Prophecy Focus 2017-2018 | Dana Glenn Smith

  141. Pingback: Prophecy News hour, Christian martyrdom, Religious freedom, Bundy, America, and more!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  142. Pingback: Presence of Hope Pt2 'Revelation' on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  143. Pingback: The Night is Far Spent in America A special Message from the Watchman| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  144. Pingback: The Night is Far Spent in America, a message for you from the Watchman | Dana Glenn Smith

  145. Pingback: Sound of the Trumpet pt6 'Remnant'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  146. Pingback: Ever Learning but Not Knowing the Truth | Dana Glenn Smith

  147. Pingback: Ever Learning but Not Knowing the Truth| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  148. Pingback: Prophecy News hour, Christian Persecution World Watch 2018, North Korea, America| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  149. Pingback: Presence of Hope Pt3 'I will' on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  150. Pingback: Sound of the Trumpet pt7 'Gathering Remnant'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  151. Pingback: Father “Call No Man Your Father”| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  152. Pingback: Father “Call No Man Your Father” | Dana Glenn Smith

  153. Pingback: Prophecy News hour, Christian Persecution World Watch 2018, North Korea, China, Egypt, and more| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  154. Pingback: Presence of Hope Pt4 'God with Men' on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  155. Pingback: Saints of God Walking in the Light pt1 inheritance| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  156. Pingback: Prophecy News hour, Christian persecution, Israeli army, America, Baal, and more!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  157. Pingback: The Apocalypse Waits for No One | Dana Glenn Smith

  158. Pingback: The Apocalypse Waits for No One| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  159. Pingback: Presence of Hope Pt5 'Indwelling presence' on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  160. Pingback: Saints of God Walking in the Light pt2 fullness of Him| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  161. Pingback: The Bane of a Lawless People| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  162. Pingback: The Bane of a Lawless People | Dana Glenn Smith

  163. Pingback: Prophecy News hour, Christians, Niger, persecution, Israel, Gaza, Europe, and more!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  164. Pingback: Presence of Hope Pt6 Thy Salvation on Battle Lines on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  165. Pingback: Saints of God Walking in the Light pt3 This Promise| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  166. Pingback: Fake News, the Fourth Estate, and Deception| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  167. Pingback: Fake News, the Fourth Estate, and Deception | Dana Glenn Smith

  168. Pingback: Prophetic Endtime: Shaking and Division on Prophecy News hour| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  169. Pingback: Prophetic Endtime of Shaking and Division | Dana Glenn Smith

  170. Pingback: Prophetic Endtime of Shaking and Division| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  171. Pingback: Presence of Hope Pt7 Habitation of God on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  172. Pingback: Passover-Days of Unleavened Bread 2018 Pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  173. Pingback: The Briar Patch We Call America | Dana Glenn Smith

  174. Pingback: The Briar Patch We Call America| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  175. Pingback: Prophecy News hour, Christian Gospel, Sudan, Indonesia, India, Europe, and more| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  176. Pingback: Bowing the knee to Baal | Dana Glenn Smith

  177. Pingback: Bowing the knee to Baal| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  178. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 1 Pentecost| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  179. Pingback: Passover-Days of Unleavened Bread 2018 Pt2| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  180. Pingback: Continuing Christian Persecution, Dhimmi, Europe, Central US Weather, more on Prophecy News| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  181. Pingback: Light Shining in the Darkness| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  182. Pingback: Light Shining in the Darkness | Dana Glenn Smith

  183. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 2 "Promise" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  184. Pingback: Passover-Days of Unleavened Bread 2018 Pt3| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  185. Pingback: Nations Drunk on Wine of the Whore| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  186. Pingback: Prophecy news, Christian refugees, Christian persecution, Sex trafficking, Controlling the Web| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  187. Pingback: We are on a Journey, Faith Life 101 read this| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  188. Pingback: Faith Life 101, the Journey | Dana Glenn Smith

  189. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 3 "Notable Miracles" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  190. Pingback: Passover-Days of Unleavened Bread 2018 Pt4| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  191. Pingback: The Hammer of Justice and Freedom!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  192. Pingback: The Hammer of Justice and Freedom! | Dana Glenn Smith

  193. Pingback: Nigeria, Indonesia, Iraq, Christian Schools, Christian persecution, Plus Prophecy News| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  194. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 4 "Testimony" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  195. Pingback: Noahic Prophecy and End of Days Pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  196. Pingback: Living as Christians in a Lawless World | Dana Glenn Smith

  197. Pingback: Living as Christians in a Lawless World| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  198. Pingback: Brunson vigil, Unjust Pakistan, Nigerian Christian slaughter, Free speech America, Anti-Conservative web, plus Prophecy news| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  199. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 5 "Gospel, Persecution, Scattered" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  200. Pingback: Noahic Prophecy and End of Days Pt2 'Lifestyles'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  201. Pingback: Religious Freedom, Christian Persecution, Human rights, Chaos 101, plus Prophecy news| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  202. Pingback: Nations Drunk on Wine of the Whore | Dana Glenn Smith

  203. Pingback: Noahic Prophecy and End of Days Pt3 'Warned'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  204. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 6 "Converted, Changed" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  205. Pingback: Americana Poor Wayfaring Stranger| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  206. Pingback: Americana Poor Wayfaring Stranger | Dana Glenn Smith

  207. Pingback: Iraqi Christians peril, Syrian Christians Displaced, Israel, Erdogan, Palestinians, and Prophecy News| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  208. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 7 "A Great Number Believed" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  209. Pingback: American Social Change and Violent Overthrow| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  210. Pingback: American Social Change and Violent Overthrow | Dana Glenn Smith

  211. Pingback: Noahic Prophecy and End of Days Pt4 'Cross Bearer'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  212. Pingback: Occupy till the Kingdom Comes and be Faithful | Dana Glenn Smith

  213. Pingback: Occupy till the Kingdom Comes and be Faithful| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  214. Pingback: World Events Prophecy, Middle east War, Christianity advances amidst persecution, Miraculous Jesus Christ| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  215. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 8 "Barnabas & Saul Sent" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  216. Pingback: Ascendency of the Vilest Men Shall Not Prevail Forever| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  217. Pingback: Ascendency of the Vilest Men Shall Not Prevail Forever | Dana Glenn Smith

  218. Pingback: Noahic Prophecy and End of Days Pt5 'Perilous Society'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  219. Pingback: Sound the Shofar its Dangerous Now| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  220. Pingback: Turkey, Iran, Russia, Andrew Brunson, Christian persecution, Arab-Israeli conflict, Free Speech, and Prophecy News| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  221. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 9 "Preaching n Persecuted" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  222. Pingback: Noahic Prophecy and End of Days Pt6 'Sure Mercies'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  223. Pingback: Free Born or Slave, Children of the Promise | Dana Glenn Smith

  224. Pingback: Sound the Shofar its Dangerous Now | Dana Glenn Smith

  225. Pingback: Free Born or Slave, Children of the Promise| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  226. Pingback: Pressure to Release Brunson, Recognizing Jerusalem, Media Manipulation, Sex Ed Sit out, Christian Persecution, Prophecy News| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  227. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 10 "Reasoning Scriptures" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  228. Pingback: Noahic Prophecy and End of Days Pt7 'Rejection and Seduction'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  229. Pingback: America: Sins of Thy Sister Sodom | Dana Glenn Smith

  230. Pingback: America: Sins of Thy Sister Sodom| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  231. Pingback: The Go in the Gospel as it spreads amidst Christian Persecution and more Prophecy News| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  232. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 11 "Power, Miracles, Faith" on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  233. Pingback: Pentecost "Fullness" 2018 pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  234. Pingback: GUN CONTROL ‘TALK TO YOUR GUNS IMMEDIATELY’ | Dana Glenn Smith

  235. Pingback: GUN CONTROL ‘TALK TO YOUR GUNS IMMEDIATELY’| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  237. Pingback: Dunamis of Acts Part 12 "Overseers Church of God on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  240. Pingback: Who is Standing Guard| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  241. Pingback: World events and Prophecy unravels before us From UK to Iran to America latest show!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  248. Pingback: Hebrews Revelation of His Son Pt1 "Last Days'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  249. Pingback: America, Memorial Day, and Memories | Dana Glenn Smith

  250. Pingback: America, Memorial Day, and Memories| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  252. Pingback: Johns Gospel Witness to Jesus Christ Pt1 on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  253. Pingback: Hebrews Revelation of His Son Pt3 "Rest for People of God"| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  254. Pingback: Lesson of Egypt pt3 "Proving them"| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  255. Pingback: Prophecy Christian News, Faith-friendly Prez, Evin Prison, State Dept, Israel, Italy on World events focus| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  256. Pingback: Through the glass Darkly, Hope and the Transformation | Dana Glenn Smith

  257. Pingback: Hope and the Transformation| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  258. Pingback: Johns Gospel Witness to Jesus Christ Pt2 'The Messiah' on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  261. Pingback: Fighting God: A House Divided Pt2 Plus Prophecy News Hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  266. Pingback: Seeds of Discipleship through Fasting and Prayer Pt3 'Daniel, Esther, David'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  267. Pingback: Seeds of Discipleship through Fasting and Prayer Pt4 'Corporate Fasting'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  268. Pingback: Seeds of Discipleship through Fasting and Prayer Pt5 'Perverting a Fast'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  269. Pingback: Seeds of Discipleship through Fasting and Prayer Pt6 'Personal Struggles and Fasting| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  271. Pingback: Prophecy Christian News and World events, Sichuan, Christian persecution, Bethlehem, Dramatic conversions; more!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  272. Pingback: Johns Gospel Witness to Jesus Christ Pt3 'Revealing Messiah'' on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  273. Pingback: Hebrews Revelation of His Son Pt4 "Perfection"| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  274. Pingback: Preparing for the Deliberate Deception of That Wicked One | Dana Glenn Smith

  275. Pingback: Preparing for the Deliberate Deception of That Wicked One| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  276. Pingback: Yom Kippur 2016 Pt3 'Atoned Mercy'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  277. Pingback: Trumpets 2016 Pt2 'He shall come'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  278. Pingback: Trumpets 2016 Pt3 'Declare His Praise'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  279. Pingback: Habakkuk Faith n Tragedy Pt 1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  280. Pingback: Habakkuk Faith n Tragedy Pt2 'the Just By Faith'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  281. Pingback: Noah's Prophetic End of Days pt2 'Lifestyle choices' plus Prophecy news hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  282. Pingback: Noah's Prophetic End of Days pt3 'Light amidst darkness' plus Prophecy news hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  283. Pingback: Declaring Christ in the End of Days Pt1 Plus Prophecy News Hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  284. Pingback: Declaring Christ in the End of Days Pt 3 Plus Prophecy News Hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  285. Pingback: Prophecy Christian News and World events, Friendship Evangelism, following Jesus, Anti-Israeli, and more!| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  286. Pingback: Johns Gospel Witness to Jesus Christ Pt4 ' Son's Authority' on Battle Lines| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  287. Pingback: Hebrews Revelation of His Son Pt5 "Melchisedec Priest"| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  288. Pingback: Tabernacles 2016 Pt2 'High Priest' plus Prophecy news hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  289. Pingback: Paul to the Romans pt2b 'Law of Faith' plus Prophecy news hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  291. Pingback: Romans Called to be Saints Pt5 'The Stumbling Stone' plus Prophecy news hr| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  292. Pingback: Christian Living 'Being Kept, Not Forsaken' Pt6 'Sinful nation'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  293. Pingback: Christian Living 'Being Kept, Not Forsaken' Pt3 'Watch and Pray Always'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  294. Pingback: Christian Living 'Being Kept, Not Forsaken' Pt2 'kept from evil'| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  295. Pingback: Revelation: The Seven Churches pt3 "Overcomers" Plus Prophecy News hour| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  296. Pingback: Passover to Pentecost 2017| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  298. Pingback: Be Not partakers with them; Nutcase Politics in America! | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  299. Pingback: World Prophecy News, Wounded Lamb, Syrian report, Russia Religious freedom, Pastor Brunson, Follow Jesus, Pro-Life, Cross and Crescent, Israel, Anti-Israel, follow Jesus | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  300. Pingback: Prophecy: Bloodguiltiness in the Last Days Pt3 'Righteous Blood Shed' | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  301. Pingback: Prophecy: Bloodguiltiness in the Last Days Pt2 'Blood Crieth from the ground' | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  302. Pingback: Johns Gospel Witness to Jesus Christ Pt5 'the very Christ' on Battle Lines | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  303. Pingback: Hebrews Revelation of His Son Pt6 "Thy Will Oh God" | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  304. Pingback: American Vipers Destroying the Souls of Men| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  305. Pingback: Fourth of July and the Way it Was | Dana Glenn Smith

  306. Pingback: Fourth of July and the American Truism | Dana Glenn Smith

  307. Pingback: Fourth of July and the Way it Was | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  308. Pingback: Fourth of July and the American Truism | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  309. Pingback: July 4th America Special on Warn Radio | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  310. Pingback: Johns Gospel Witness to Jesus Christ Pt6 'Truth will make you free' on Battle Lines | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  311. Pingback: Hebrews Revelation of His Son Pt7 "Substance of Faith" | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  312. Pingback: Prophecy News, Blood Moon, Fulani crisis, Christian Persecution, Kurdish jizya tax, Yazidi rescue, More World events! | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  314. Pingback: Mercy is given, but Justice and Judgment are rewarded | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  315. Pingback: Johns Gospel Witness to Jesus Christ Pt7 'True Shepherd' on Battle Lines | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  316. Pingback: Outcasts until Yeshua Comes Pt1 | WIBR/WARN Radio

  317. Pingback: Hebrews Revelation of His Son Pt8 "Author Finisher of our Faith" | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  320. Pingback: Christian Non-conformity in the World | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  322. Pingback: Christian Persecution advocacy Brunson's Burden, Erdogan Caliphate, Christian Miracles, More on Prophecy news | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  324. Pingback: The Order of Magnus and the Prophecies of GOD | Dana Glenn Smith

  325. Pingback: Hebrews Revelation of His Son Pt9 "Concluding Things" | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  326. Pingback: Tribulation: Overcoming the World Pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  328. Pingback: Living in the days of Peril and Going Forward in His Grace! | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  329. Pingback: Examining America’s Peril in the last Days | Dana Glenn Smith

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  338. Pingback: Warn Radio TV is now streaming 'on demand'! | Dana Glenn Smith

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  340. Pingback: Time, Tide, and Eternity meet in one place at the Lords Coming! | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  345. Pingback: Peters Epistles to the Elect Pt3 "Called of Christ" | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  347. Pingback: Prophecy news, Christian Refugees, Christian persecution, Bible distribution, Faith | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  350. Pingback: Johns Gospel Witness to Jesus Christ Pt 11 "The Jewish Malefactor" Battle Lines | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  353. Pingback: If I could Praise thee Ten Thousand Times Oh Lord | Dana Glenn Smith

  354. Pingback: Kenya, Nepal, Kurdish areas, Iran, and China continuing Persecution Christians, Jihad Camps US, Prophecy News | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  355. Pingback: Johns Gospel Witness to Jesus Christ Pt 12 "That you might believe" Battle Lines | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

  356. Pingback: Peters Epistles to the Elect Pt4 "Living the Will of God" | WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  359. Pingback: THE JUDGMENT OF AMERICA AND THE NATIONS | Dana Glenn Smith

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  380. Pingback: Finite Life and the Infinite Truth | Dana Glenn Smith

  381. Pingback: Christian Foundations ‘Shaken to the Core’ | Dana Glenn Smith

  382. Pingback: Apocalypse: Johns Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt8 "Three Woes"| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  390. Pingback: Epistle Titus and Letter to Philemon pt1| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  453. Pingback: "Faithful and True" Apocalypse: Johns Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt21| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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  461. Pingback: "New Heaven New Earth" Apocalypse: Johns Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt23| WARN Radio Christian Ministry |

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