America: Seven Abominations

America Seven Abominations be sure to Count these for the end of day nations. However, you may be busy for a spell because we have many more sins than just seven. But these are scriptural abominations. Within America what have we seen, watched, heard, and witnessed? The result is one of the greatest divisions of a people in this country since the era preceding the Civil War. I ask you what do you hear? Division, Hate, & Vitriol; is this what we have become? Who can read and understand this? We look back at some important past events, elections, and troubles. Here you will find those you have heard and know about.

America Seven Abominations article image
America Seven Abominations

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

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“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | America Seven Abominations

Seven Abominations and the Proud look Prov 6:17 [Eyes of Pride]

Seven Abominations -If we could just limit the sins of men to just seven things, then maybe things would not be so bad. But here the section we look at in Proverbs six does not suggest there are only seven bad sins here that God finds morally disgusting. Matter of fact the whole of Proverbs six are directives to keep oneself pure before the Lord God. The sins and temptations are everywhere, and in this Proverb, we find a lot of practical warnings. We can see a seasoned man of faith standing before some young men, just really getting into the walk of faith and obedience here.

Pro 6:16-19

(16) These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

(17) A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

(18)  A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

(19) A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

However, in this section we find that six are sins, but the seventh one is regarded as an abomination. This doesn’t mean, however, that this is the only abomination before God. What this refers to is in verse 12 of Proverbs six where that “naughty [here Belial] person, a wicked man, who walks with a forward [perverse] mouth.” The word naughty is Belial or a wicked one, someone who is lawless and walks in sin. The word Belial here has a sense of worthlessness or coming to nothing. Meaning that such sin and works will come to nothing and eventually perdition. That is why we find the “Sons of Belial” in Judges 20:13; 1 Samuel 10:27. The “men of Belial” found in 1 Samuel 1:16; 1 Kings 21:13. Paul also warned in 2 Corinthians 6:15 “what concord hath Christ with Belial?”

Moreover, the stark meaning is that what would a Christian, a believer who follows Christ be doing with Sons of Belial who do evil and see wickedness as a way of life? The answer is, of course; no Christian would be doing such things. Yes, we can witness such people, we can work with them, and in the end though; we cannot adapt their ways nor have true fellowship with them. For just as light dispels darkness, evil and good are not companions. Christ who came to save has nothing in or with Satan or his demons who come to kill, steal, and to destroy. With America today divided as ever, we find the troubles between social media and radical politics. The push to win, the effort to have that win at any cost is what we see today. It is evil and wicked. But in this discourse, the democrats think they are the righteous and those who oppose them are evil. However, as the nation continues to falter at the altar of division and hate, the discourse is evil. Truly, America is filled the sons and daughters of Belial who raise their heads high and have that Proud look.

Proud look Prov 6:17a [Eyes of Pride]

Pro 6:17a

(17)  A proud look [Eyes of pride]

It is as Paul tells us in Romans chapter three, verse 18 when the Apostle describes that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin. First the Apostle says it is written “there is none righteous” and there is “none that seeketh after God”! This stands near Psalm 14 and verse 3 saying “they are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one”! With this we find that Proverbs 6:17 mentions “eyes of Pride”, that haughty, lifted up look that says, “I am” and “Me alone”! A raised fist in the air against God, his commandments, and his Son Jesus Christ is typical of this. A people that is against God because they disagree with his laws.

As Jesus said in John 3:19 that “everyone that doeth evil hateth the light” this is also here we find that because of this evil and hating the light; these people won’t “come to the light” because doing that would reveal his evil deeds. The Apostle John wrapping up his message to the churches in the epistles says in 1st John chapter two and verse 16 that in this world there were three things that are not of the Father. This also being true that if these things were not in or of the Father they would not be in the Son. Thus, the believers were warned not to do these things, although these things would influence them and test them. These three things Satan uses in his bag of tricks against all humans.

These are the “lust of the flesh”, things your flesh desires and battles you. The “lust of the eyes”, those things you see and want, and finally the “pride of life”, that which many have indulged in. Today especially we have pride of nation, pride of heritage, and pride of accomplishments. But that is not all, we have radical pride that flows from the Gay, Lesbian, transgender, and Queer crown. Pride of Black, Pride of White, of Indian or native, and much more!

Moreover, then we have Pride from the radical feminists, pride from the socialists and communist organizations that push against America’s current form of government. We have pride in politics today that says the goal is to win and to hell with any decency in the fight. That is currently seen in the Democrats, Soros, and other socialists’ goal to bring down Trump, Kavanaugh, and anyone else they don’t like.

These are just examples but because in today’s America many of its people are full of themselves, literally; pride and a proud look as they go about defaming you, threatening you, and even beating you up as we have seen with Antifa is common today in this nation called America. The entire world saw the leftists of the Democrats who plotted to bring down Kavanaugh along with throngs of leftist young people all beside themselves in frantic and mantic displays of horror.

Here there was no innocence until proven guilty. The Paramount rule of these leftist demonstrations where he was wrong, he was a rapist, and we were going to do everything in our power to stop him. The same hate and vitriol that we have seen coming from the left-over Trumps victory now came at the SCOTUS nominee. There were threats, hate, and even more; like the call from the moronic haters of the left to impeach Kavanaugh should he become a Supreme court judge.

Then there were tweets that called for the killing of this man. No doubt, when I saw a picture of those protesting what was viewed were young people of all ages, with a few older ones directing hatred. But we also saw others lined up for Kavanaugh and lined up against the left. But the most disturbing aspect of all these events including those continuing hate displays aimed at Trump is the fact there was no honest debate, no civility, and no American unity to really find truth.

What I have seen personally is a nation of spoiled Americans, spoiled children, spoiled brats who throw temper tantrums because mommy or daddy didn’t do what they wanted. Despite the Trump accomplishments, despite American heritage, despite everything; we are divided and will be that way for some time. For the sins of this nation have come full circle. Hollywood will continue in its ranting and hate over Trump, Kavanaugh, and anyone else who is on the team America. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and others will continue their liberal anti-male, ultra-feminists show that reveal weak minded male roles. We will continue to see the breakdown of biblical male and female role models. We will continue to see late night talk show hosts making their big bucks as they mock and ridicule the POTUS and his wife, along with anyone who supports them.

Remember these names from our not so recent history. Kavanaugh, Pres. Trump, Pence, and others on the team; next time it could be you! I heard, saw the videos, and read the reports of avowed socialists and communist groups alongside pro-abortion demonstrators. The whole of this show was over a woman’s right to kill babies. It was about changing America, bringing it down; in the process just blame Trump it is his fault. Even if Jesus Christ were here, America and her radical leftists would have crucified him again.

That is why today, America; Seven Abominations is something we need to view. I have counted and have seen all these in action. These are all abominations and America is certainly in a filthy political and social state of mind. One that can permanently destroy this nation. But then, that is precisely what some of these characters want to do. At any cost, no matter what, divide America. For a divided house will not stand! They smell blood and politics, now they get excited like lions over a fresh kill. But this time, they lost the fight and Kavanaugh won. Yet, the liberals threaten for a future fight to remove him. Friends, this ought not to be so. America, your sins will find you out!

In viewing Proverbs six, we find seven things that God sees as an abomination and evil. The seven in numbers is seen as “completion”! It is a whole, finished, and represents that fullness. In Gods numbers we see it as perfect, whole, completed. So, in the fullness and perfect sinfulness of men with their rebellion we find Proud looks, Pride, that will bring out the resolute effort to maintain that Pride no matter what.

1Jn_2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Lying tongue, shed innocent blood

Pro 6:17

a lying tongue [sham, deceitful, falsehood, liar], and hands that shed innocent blood [bloodguilt in slaughter of innocent person],

The lying tongue, regarding today’s politics; if these lips are moving politically, then there are lies about. At no time do all politicians lie. There are those, outside the smelly Washington sewer of gutter politics, who really want to be honest and open. They want to see civility return, that ability to disagree agreeably. You may not agree with someone, but you leave shaking hands, being friends, and in the end know that people have differing views. Civility not hate mongering, not giving a lying tongue to help you win at all costs, but truly finds the roads to which your views may cross and thus find a way to help both sides move forward.

The sham, deceitful, falsehood, and the liar abound today. Many believe that their views are the righteous one. Yet today the whole of America is in a raucous situation over the violence we do to each other. But when speaking of shedding innocent blood which is on this list; believe me the killing of an innocent person, shedding his or her blood brings a curse on a land and a people.

In America alone, not to mention the nations of men; Abortion has slaughtered millions of innocent young. This is the real sham here. Feminists push this abortive process and today we find that the horror is roe v wade could be overturned. For me, the blood already shed will not be helped by stopping abortions. For me, the thought of stopping abortions is sheer lunacy! Why? Because while I would like such things to stop, it never will be. In addition, the murder rate alone is another key indicator as to the shedding of this innocent blood. Blood spilled by murder is the same as Cain killing Abel.

The killing of the young in abortion or the killing of the old regarding Euthanasia are both shedding of innocent blood. I have heard the arguments and sympathies on these things; yet the shedding of blood is still murder.

Wicked Imaginations, feet swift to run after sin

Pro 6:18

An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations [to fabricate unjust plans, purposes, thoughts], feet that be swift in running to mischief [running after sin],

There are those who fabricate plans that are unjust, wicked, and with a purpose of evil. While they consider what they do to be just, there is a God who knows such things are evil. Headlines in the L.A. Times, October 4th declared in the Headlines boldly “George Soros: The ‘God’ Who Carries Around Some Dangerous Demons! To plot, to threaten, to beat people, to kill, to murder, and to overthrow; such things will bring even more evil. Today we have young people that run to do evil, seeking after mischief and sin. There are those like George Soros and others who plot to bring in globalist ideals. Soros will stop at nothing to get his agenda fulfilled. His billions bankrolled many attempts to overthrow governments and policies from Europe to America, in boasting of this as the Daily wire pointed out, and the LA Times here did as well. Soros connects with money and leverage into leftist groups; some of which are: The ACLU, Centre for American progress, Open Society foundation, funding Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and using these to oppose various policies.

But in America, the Soros push has company from Hollywood, Democrats, and the titans of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and others. All who move towards anti-Americanism and its republicanism, to a globalist and purely socialist view of what a society should be like. Does Soros work to stop Erdogan’s push for a worldwide Caliphate? Does his money and those like him give money to have Asia Bibi released from death row in Pakistan? Do the leftists even care to have Pastor Brunson released from His prison for being Christian in Turkey? So far, the answer is no, they do not care at all! It is apparent from the latest fiasco with Brett Kavanaugh the only care they have is to maintain a leftist agenda, including opposing this non-leftist SCOTUS appointee, now sworn in.

False witness that speaks lies, he that soweth discord

Pro 6:19

(19)  A false witness that speaketh lies [untrue words], and he that soweth discord among brethren [purpose to divide, literally spreading strife or discord].

To be sure that in American there is division coming from the discord we find daily played out on the liberal networks, social media, and in the news. There would be no discord at all if no one were showing it. There will always be differences, but today it is true that we find information and truth strange bedfellows. A false witness tells lies and people say it is truth. We saw eight years of Barack Obama push an anti-Israel, anti-Christian, anti-borders, pro-globalist agenda.

Today there is someone who wants to make America Great again, and he is the enemy of these leftists. But the real enemy here is the billions flowing into groups with an agenda to sow discord and cause trouble. Thinking here that the public will not see the forest for the trees, these troublemakers sow the discord and differences with evil intent to get them to vote their people in.

Today it is true that Pelosi and other dem’s live for the day they can take the House, Senate, and White House back. They can then proceed to impeach Kavanaugh. They can push globalist anti-American policies. There is no end to what they want to change and no end to their lies, discord, and attempts to purposely divide an America. A goal that could even lead to civil war, but then they would simply shrug and say it is Trumps fault.

Twenty years from now if there is any evil, any trouble, or any financial depression in America those at that time will simply blame Donald Trump and his policies along with all those who supported him.

One of the problems about being so stubborn is that you will never stop, for one day it will be too late for you. One day it will be true just as another proverb warns “Answer not a fool according to His folly lest he be wise in his own eyes!”

Here are some words from the Apostle Paul given to the Romans! Something we should give heed to as well.

As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one: (11) There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.  (12)  They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.  (13)  Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:  (14)  Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:  (15)  Their feet are swift to shed blood:  (16)  Destruction and misery are in their ways:  (17)  And the way of peace have they not known:  (18)  There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Rom 3:10-18

If there were anytime Christians need to shed the Light of the Lord and his truth to America and her people, it is now! Christians need to be unified, prayerful, and walking in the Light. Read 1st John chapter One. Rom_3:18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Warning Nations – Preparing Generations

America Seven Abominations by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host. | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.

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About Dana Glenn Smith

Dana Glenn Smith is a Veteran broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]! He was a Watchman when being a Watchman was not cool! He is the President of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministries and endtime preaching, teaching, and warning agency. It is also an advocate for the Persecuted church worldwide.
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