Americas Faithful – Who are the wise among us? In our churches, political debates, and in life, who are these people. The ones standing in truth! Are they here? When life on the national scene and within private lives embroil themselves in turmoil, it is time to re-examine priorities. Today, America I call on you to examine yourself and your nation. Is this what you want? I remember this moment in time when we saw the true division, hate, and political division of America. Do you remember this event? Here it is recalled in miniature, let us not forget; but press ahead with truth and justice; along with the biblical morality that the Lord has given us.


“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | AMERICAS FAITHFUL WISE POLITICAL SERVANTS


Americas Faithful we find in the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew’s gospel these few words says it all. “Who then is a faithful and wise servant?” Living in a nation that has had massive revivals, Christian influence, and a people who cherished life; this is a good question today. The dichotomy in America is simply astonishing. It is as if someone flipped a switch from common sense and decency to vileness.

In America, we don’t punish prayer We don’t tear down crosses…  We don’t ban symbols of faith… We don’t muzzle preachers and Pastors; in America we celebrate faith… We Cherish religion… We lift our voices in prayer… We raise our sights to the glory of God. –Donald Trump SOTU address

Donald Trump State of the Union Address

Along with many others, Tower and I watched the State of the Union. To be frank; the humane and loving arena of politics, only joking here; actually, had moments of joy, love, and compassion. Howbeit, that did not come from the Pelosi led democrats who used it to reject, hiss, and make it clear; President Trump and His agenda were not welcomed.

It was as if they were saying to hell with the great economy. We could care less about the employment of women, blacks, Hispanics, and others. Forget that more jobs are available. Industry, corporations, & businesses are coming to America. Never mind those that the President honored last night including Rush Limbaugh. No! There was no compassion and surely no cheering coming from the mob of liberal democrats. All of whom sat stone faced and looked as if they hated every second. Their political agendas were in America’s face. Today the reviews of the SOTU were superb. It was one of the finest speeches and events ever. For within this moment, we found true Americans honored. People overcoming their obstacles.  However, the democrats possessed a form of political mad cow disease.

From the grandson who wants to be in the space force to his 100-year-old Great-Grandfather who is a vet. His name and rank are General Charles McGee. The only one’s cheering was those who saw the compassion and love here. It is not surprising the rat pack of anti-America like AOC and Ilhan hated this guy. I should not be astounded. But this is America. In eight years, and I am wondering here. Thus, I ask this. Did Obama turn this nation around to become such a divisive hellhole of political mudslingers. In retrospect, I would say no. This divide in America has been in the making for decades. Obama simply took advantage of it. He didn’t make it any better. In fact, he may have placed people in the government to foment change. But here, let me remind you of some good things.

Also let us not forget “Tony a veteran that was homeless and addicted to drugs two years ago. Through grit and perseverance this man secured a job and is now thriving. His is an American story of renewal and rebirth.” –Ivanka Trump Instagram

Ivanka Trump highlights a Vet

Trump speech also featured Americans like Jody Jones who is from Farmersville California. Tower and I watched as he stood up to recognize the fact of what happened to his brother Rocky Jones. He was visibly moved. His brother Rocky was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant in Tulare County, California. This immigrant had been twice removed from our nation and deported. He was a violent person and came back to America again. He was then arrested in December of 2018 for the sixth time. Due, however to California’s sanctuary policy he was released. The man went on a crime spree of injuring people, robbing, and then leading law officials on a high-speed chase. In all this mayhem, Fifty-one-year-old Rocky, a kind and gentle soul; was murdered in cold blood. So much for the liberal push for open borders.

This morning Jody Jones was asked about Speaker Pelosi’s actions last night and her shredding of President Trump’s speech. It is true here, at the end of the Presidents presentation of the SOTU; Pelosi, the house speaker made a visible charade of opposing the President Trump by tearing up the House copy of the speech. Many were upset, here is Jody’s take on it.

Jody Jones had this to say, “It felt like she ripped our hearts out. Everybody there, all the guests, we couldn’t believe it. Look, I don’t care how you feel about somebody. That was the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Because when she did that it tore us up.”

Gateway pundit

There were many moments when those in the spotlight were simply a representative spectrum of America. All races, all sexes, and all ages. The lights and camera were on them for just one small segment of time. But out of the whole speech, you came out with a compassion for those Americans and what they faced. You saw how grateful they were to President Trump. They had tears, love, joy, and hugs for each other around them.

Yet, it was here in these blessed moments when humanity shares tears and joys with each other that the democrats rallied to oppose it. Yes, some did cheer; but many sat stone faced as if the second coming of Jesus Christ would not disturb them. It was a spectacle that did not surprise me. Yet, knowing the hatred and their believing the cause which they are opposing Donald Trump is righteous is still one for the trash bin of political history.

These unrighteous puppets are the Masters of Political opposition. They know no bounds. Will stop at no obstacles. Never giving in to plain kindness in considering human mercy towards others. Has President Trump been that bad, so awful, and so demon possessed that they are righteous? Or is it that they, the one on the soapbox of vitriolic hatred are the demons here.


The many that support President Trump to those we have seen at the Trump rallies and people we talk to; the message is the same! Those in the Democratic party who are doing this are viewed as the rawest cut version of Politicians.  Simply, they are seen as one of the most vicious and spiteful group of political leaders in American history. Now I can assure you that this statement is going back a way. But it is a safe thing to assume anyway that they are on a shelf by themselves. Far ahead of anyone group I have ever read about in history. Let alone personally witnessed people doing this. Further, this is not just anyone we are talking about. These are supposed to be America’s finest. The political leaders of our country. Yet they are vile. The division is unacceptable and great. However, during the Civil War we find that divide over slavery was terrible. It at this time when Civil discourse turned into a bloody war that killed countless Americans. America doesn’t want to go down this path. The discourse must be civil or otherwise, the downfall of our republic could occur. From within like the Roman Empire.

However, in all this we do find those standing against this tide of the influenza of the spirit.  I refer to the vile hate Trump no matter what attitude. The ship of our nation has hit an iceberg of stone and is sinking. Yet as the band plays ‘nearer my god to thee’, they are sharpening knives to stab Trump just one more time.

Of course, the ‘influenza of the spirit’ here is the Make America Great push by President Trump. It is the backing of Israel, creating a plan for peace. Then we could also say it is also the push to stop late term abortion up to the moment of birth. Even further, it is jobs, factories, safe communities, safer borders, and much more. For those who hate all these things; people see this as the “Influenza of the Spirit”.  The question is obvious here. Who would not want America Great Again? Answer is clear, those human beings who despise President Trumps agenda and his supporters who are in the multiple millions.

In addition, I add here that the spirit of America wouldn’t murder babies in the womb. Certainly, the Spirit of Christ won’t tolerate murder of innocents in the womb. The spirit of human decency, Christian morality, and of Christian mercy needs a rebirth here.  CBN posted an article addressing some critical issues President Trump covered. Among these they said were “Confronting Socialism, taking a Pro-Life stand, Reuniting a Military Family, and A Last-Minute Medal of Freedom.” Here is as well, another moment in the State of the Union highlighting Americans.

There were certainly other powerful moments from the evening, like when the president honored a little girl he had invited, announcing a scholarship for her to attend whatever school she wanted so she wouldn’t be trapped in a failing government school.

Trump maintained a tone of optimism throughout much of his address, concluding, “Our spirit is still young; the sun is still rising; God’s grace is still shining; and my fellow Americans, the best is yet to come!

Source CBN

Yet, there is Christian Judgment and warning as well.  Today I ask you “who then is a faithful and wise servant”? Not only over our churches, but in our government as well. In every aspect of American society, the judgment will find you out. No hiding here! You will be searched thoroughly on the day of judgment. Everything, all deeds, thoughts, and secret sins will be revealed. In the church, the judgment will reach you before it reaches the judgment on the nations and men. Those in the church doing their Sunday and Wednesday gatherings, will be held responsible as well. Those Christians who are singers, actors, and Hollywood types; yes, all of them will be judged.  Your sins will be judged!

Moreover, today the world is in a flood of lawlessness. We report on this weekly; doing Radio shows three days a week. Two of those days are Indepth bible studies. We have witnessed first-hand these things occurring in societies around the world.  As have others. Over the years the delusion, corruption, and all this entails is overtaking the people. Because sin and iniquity abound, the love of many Christians are lukewarm.  If the believers are lukewarm what are the political leaders? For many, in many nations they are deluded to some extent or another. One day the Son of Perdition will arrive and bring with him a delusion and the nations of men will believe his lies. They will follow him into their own destruction. From looking at today’s America, many here will be following this destroyer to their own demise.

Yet, as bad as it seems; we ask this. Is it really that bad in America? To the democrats who hate President Trump, the answer is yes. To those supporters of President Trump who see the vicious liberal democrats pushing socialism; the answer is yes. But here Americans are charged with being a faithful and wise servant. God has blessed this nation. But he has not given us charge to wallow in the gutter of hedonism and hatred. He does not give us charge to reject truth and life. Be careful how you as an American and a steward of this country take your responsibility. For the Lord will hold all accountable one day as to their actions. God gives you free will, but the penalties are there if you choose un-wisely in your life here.

America is divided, but not dead. America is separated but not yet at a bloody civil war within this great erstwhile nation. While America has made achievements under President Trump, the division is ever so great. It was divided under President Obama as well. Many despised his agenda. Today, the future of America and the generations that will be born in this country is at stake. If left up to Bernie Sanders or others on the Democratic left; that America will be socialist with open borders and free healthcare for all who enter. If left up to President Trump, a quick summary is this. A better America includes God’s grace, economic freedom, national security, faith, and making sure that babies born will be safe from murder.  But the enemies of all these things are within our nation. The mirror reflects that we are our own enemy. So, my friend in America, I urge you to be a Faithful Wise Servant. This goes for the political servants within our nation. Many of whom have forgotten they are the servants of the people.

(45) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?  (46)  Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.  (47)  Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.  (48)  But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;  (49)  And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;  (50)  The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of,  (51)  And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Mat 24:45-51

Warning Nations – Preparing Generations

AMERICAS FAITHFUL WISE POLITICAL SERVANTS by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host. | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture is KJV of the bible unless otherwise noted.


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About Dana Glenn Smith

Dana Glenn Smith is a Veteran broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]! He was a Watchman when being a Watchman was not cool! He is the President of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministries and endtime preaching, teaching, and warning agency. It is also an advocate for the Persecuted church worldwide.
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