Judgment, Sins, Harlotry, and Grace collide in this timely piece, Building the High Places!
A biblical and prophetic warning for a modern age! Building the High Places brings in Israel of old and looking forward to the time of the end. There is Grace, Forgiveness and Restoration. Yet the nations today maintain their own High places Amidst the Harlot Church today. To those Christians that are Truly born Again and serving the Lord Keep your eye and heart on the Lord. I address both the church and the Nations of men. The Lord Comes and with Him he will bring judgment, justice, and redemption.
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Building the High Places
From the beginning of her birth no one cared. She was born, forsaken in infancy, met tribulation, and none cared for her. The people ignored her, and the nations did not receive her. Yet, one took up her cause. It was in the youth of this young one that the LORD God spoke to her to live, even as she struggled in her own blood from birth. She did live. As she grew the God of heaven put his own covering upon her, made her his own, and entered into covenant with her. The God of heaven put his blessings upon the young one, who grew into a mighty nation. It was the LORDS anointing and mighty hand through his prophets, men of God, and Kings such as King David and King Solomon that the whole earth came to know the God of Israel.
Building the High Places in the beginning!
It was Gods hand and mighty power that shook the world, which then stood in awe of this young one who grew so much. With this growth, any nations who were pagan came to fear the God of Israel. Stature, fame, and wealth were given to Israel. The prophets of this young one were among the chief ones on the earth. Above all nations and peoples, she was exalted and the mighty gave obeisance to her. From the storehouses the LORD God put His Gold and Silver upon her, decorating her with rings, jewelry, and bracelets. Jewels of the finest made ornaments upon her foreheads, while the God of heaven clothed her with the royal garments of the rich, embroidered cloths to maintain beauty and modesty. Her feet were shod with the cloth of the Tabernacle itself, badger skins upon the feet. Fine linen girded her, and silk of the orient covered her beauty. Of the finest flour, honey, and oil she ate. Her prosperity was the finest of the nations on earth, her kings stood as the most admired of the nations, and her beauty was stunning. Into a kingdom, the LORD God made her, as word of renowned spread through all the heathen nations of the beauty of this young one which the LORD God had prospered. She was perfect through the LORD God who had created and prospered her.
Building the High Places the Fall and Temptations
Yet for all this, the young girl, grew into a woman, and a woman of the night. It was the advances of lust and pride, in which she saw the magnificence of which she had been created. So it was that Israel, the chosen of the LORD God, broke covenant with the one who loved her and took to the streets as a harlot. In her beauty, she became worn, and, in her pride, she received judgment. For it was her pride, and the harlotry that brought her to the ground, taking all the Lord had given her and making for herself “high places” of worship to other suitors, plying her trade as a harlot, committing fornication with everyone that passed by her. She removed the silk, the embroidered garments, the garments of color, and decorated for her suitors, high places of pagan worship. The offense was so bad, that it would not be so named again. For no offense she could do again or in future measure to the wickedness she committed at that time. She took the Gold and the Silver of the LORD God, which he had given her and made phallus symbols to the male idols of the pagan nations. Bowing down to Baal, Chemosh, to other Gods, she committed whoredom with them, so much so, it had never entered into the LORD God the thing that this harlot would do.
For it was then, she took incense burning it to her other suitors, and offering drink offerings, all the while prospering in her adultery. Further you made cakes of fine flour, oil, and honey, likened to the holy sacrifices which they had offered to the LORD God thus committing offense to the LORD, for she had offered these, making them detestable things, having been offered to her suitors. Prospering even more in her offenses, she took of the innocent ones, the children who were the LORD Gods, and slew them in the fire of Molech, passing them into such abominations that kindled the fire of the Wrath of Almighty God. In all this, the harlot did not remember the days of her youth, when she was forsaken, naked, bare, and polluted in her own blood. In this the LORD said unto her; “Woe, Woe unto thee”, for now even more have you set up your pagan altars, the high places on every street, and built these up in an eminent place, even in my own house called by my own name hast thou done so. You also brought the offense and the detestable things into that which is called by my name, defaming my Holy Things, and my HOLY name.
Your sins became so wretched that the very pagan nations to whom you courted looked upon it as disgust. Even the sins of Samaria and Sodom are not as yours, for your sins are more corrupted than they.
Building the high places, Israel did this, and for that, she was cast down, removed, and cursed. Yet, the Lord has not forgotten Israel, nor has his love for those today that do as Israel did. For just as Israel took all the blessings and love the Lord gave her and built up the high places; to please her other lovers, the church and many Christians today are doing the same. For just as Israel was naked, bare, cast down, forgotten, and cursed in her own defiling blood, so too are people today.
The story about Israel and her short comings are written all over the Old Testament, but the prophet Ezekiel in chapter 16, describes the course of events written at the beginning of this article. It is a sad story because it describes so many believers today as well, and even churches. The truth is all men and women have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. One man, One God, one savior was needed to bring us back into Gods favor, atonement if you will. Atonement or [At – one – ment] with God, meaning the separation between sinful men and a holy God was bridged by the sacrifice of Jesus [Yeshua] Christ [Messiah]. He did so by his vicarious death on the Cross and the resurrection from the dead, then ascending to the right hand of God, and is coming back soon.
We see this today! Even in America we can see the blessing of the Lord in this nation’s birth and growth to world-wide recognition. Both America and the churches here have been truly blessed of God. They have received of the LORD Gods Gold and silver, they have eaten of the finest flour, oils, and honey. Both Americans and Christians have known little lack and tremendous blessings. We have not seen persecution, but freedom. We have not seen cursing but blessing, that is until now. Today churches have thrown out the old, forgotten the days of their youth as did Israel, many having replaced the Word of God with new theology, theologians, and carrying a liberal bias against the real truth of God. Today we find that anything goes, where holiness is an old concept, and going along with new age teachings that there is more than one way to heaven. Many today use cheap grace to endure the sinful lust laden preachers and congregations, dismissing it as nothing.
We have in America, not only cast out prayer in schools, but have welcomed the flagrant rally cry of immorality and acceptances of pure wickedness. In all this, we have in fact been sacrificing our youth in the process. Many youths today flock to rock concerts, delve into witchcraft, and play around with horoscopes, astrology, and the new age. Our nation has been aborting fetuses for many years now and the curse of that innocent blood is on our heads. In short, like Israel, both America and the church have created for themselves convenient “high places” for pagan worship. Many times, entering into “phallus idol worship”; as the sexual agenda and freedom is forced down the throats of Americans. The filth, sin, and abominations we are seeing today are the result of these “high places” in our lives and churches.
The church today is filled with lukewarm Christians who are more excited about pay raises than about a real move of God. When anything supernatural occurs we have rich, lazy, people flocking to the meetings where carnal and proud carnival show men are accepted as true men of God. In this atmosphere, the familiar spirits and new age demonic entities are having a field day. Gone is the judgment of many today, gone is the discernment, gone is the real understanding of who the LORD God is and what he expects today. We do not preach the real gospel, nor do we teach holiness. The salt has lost is savor and the light has gone out. We are seeing a multitude of people who claim “Yes, I know Jesus.” The sad truth is, the more important thing is “Does Jesus know us?” Even the demons know “Jesus” and they are not saved.
The church and the believers today need to know what iniquity is. They need to understand Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”. Today, we walk around saying “I know Jesus” but hate our brother or sister in Christ. We are selfish, self-seeking, and shy away from even following any commandment for fear that it is keeping the Law. It is not law for Jesus Christ fulfilled the law. The law is gone, but doing the will of the Father, and keeping the commandments of the LORD is important. The Lord tells us what he expects of us in regard to all this.
The “high places” are there, but many fail to see them. In many lives of believers, there are areas which are so called “high places” that are little pockets of resistance to the will of God. We create little idols and gods, worshipping them secretly and still saying, “I am under grace, God will understand.” I am here to tell you to repent, take note, and understand not all those who say Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of heaven. Not all who say Lord, Lord, will be known by Jesus. There are those, children of God, also known as the “children of disobedience”, take note of these scriptures and study them. Look and make sure you have destroyed any sins, attitudes, and roadblocks that might have been in your life. Through Christ Jesus you can break the hold of anything that can stop Gods blessings and redemption. If you go to a church where they are blatantly forsaking purity and holiness, then leave immediately. Today the Harlot church is here and rising rapidly. It is the Harlot church which allows these “High Places” of sin to become accepted as apostate Israel did. Israel paid dearly for her apostasy, so will all Harlotry in the church and in the believers. Make no mistake here; God is no respecter of persons. The Wrath of God will come on all the “children of disobedience”.
Let none of these things be named among you as a saint of God. The list to name a few reveals that fornication, uncleanness, and covetousness are not acceptable in the sight of the Lord.. There are other things that are not convenient to do. But understand that no whoremonger, unclean person, covetous man, or idolater, will have any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. Vain men and women, full of lusts will try to convince you that all this is nonsense, but you need to know that all who do such things are indeed the “children of disobedience” this applies to all people, not just Christians. If you are found in Christ Jesus, you will escape the wrath of God. Do not be partakers with people who do those things scripture says. Separate yourself. Your soul and those of your loved ones depend on it. Loose grace and “High Places” will send you directly into the path of Gods wrath.
In this America and the church today, you are to “come out and be ye separate”. There is judgment coming upon not only America but also the Nations. But Judgment will begin at the house of God. Don’t forget that this judgment is final. Do not touch the unclean thing. For God wants you to be his sons and daughters. No unclean person will be a child of the HIGHEST God. We must repent of such things and remove them far from us. God, through his Spirit, gives us the power to do so. We have many promises from the Lord, let us keep these and walk in the way our savior would have us to do. We need to remove all filthiness of the flesh and spirit far from us and walk in the manner of holiness in the fear of God.
(16) Yet if any man suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. (17) For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? (18) And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? (19) Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator. 1Pe 4:16-19 Judgment Begins
Building the High Places, other relevant Scriptures:
Building the High Places
Originally written and published by Dana G Smith on the Fourth of June 2008.
Building the High Places Edited, Re-Written, and Re-Published in January of 2025
By the Watchman Dana G Smith.
A biblical and prophetic warning for a modern age!
Building the High Places by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host. | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture is KJV of the bible unless otherwise noted.
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Building the High Places
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Building the High Places
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Building the High Places
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Building the High Places
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Thanks Watchman…as a witness to the train wreck known as planet earth. Yes, God’s judgement is coming to, not just America, but the entire world. Since world war 2, most every church in Europe is closed. And how about the churches in America? Cheap grace? You bet. Feel good preaching? Absolutely. Pride and covetousness? Yes and yes. Just as the Lord blessed Israel, we in America have been blessed. And like Israel, America is playing the harlot. This will not end well. God is long suffering, giving us ample time to reflect on our sins, and turn back to God. But time is running out. There is no other option, but to turn to the Lord. Our Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.
Thanks for your comment and reading this, be blessed you and your family, In Christ Love the Watchman n Tower