The Fourth Estate, have you heard of it? Be sure with Fake News facts are an unknown today. It is the Fourth Estate that has taken center stage today in America. Our best reality of American Fourth Estate is the tech power found in digital news, websites, social media, and their connection to Hollywood. Even today we find the constant battle between the giants of social media and the major left wing news channels. We saw the thwarting of Christian messages, political messages, and news. The liberals have set themselves up as judges in this new Fourth Estate and have become in themselves powerhouses of the art of banning individuals or companies who cross them. Here the fake news rings to a new beat as deception is brought forth as truth, which it is not. In the process we find a division and a battle.
Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day, and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”
“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
Fake News, the Fourth Estate, and Deception
When I was growing up and was on the farm helping my grandpa take care of things. We had routine. One of these was after dinner to sit down and watch the 30-minute National news broadcast, then the 30-minute local news. They had one station to view on their black and white tv. From the farm, news was received through the medium we knew as Television. At the time, no one thought of the press being dishonest in their coverage. Yet since America’s inception, deceit in America was a tool to use to achieve your goals.
Many loved the Obama Presidency. As many also hated his agenda. After eight years those of us watching the tumultuous reign of Obama, we agreed the era of Donald Trump would be welcomed. These two Presidents are as opposite of agendas as any two ever could be. No doubt many opposed Obama, however those opposed never proceeded to the low level of the Democrats who spent four years tormenting Donald Trump. Even today with him not in office, the Dems, liberals, and Rhino republicans dream of getting something on Trump. Born out of hate and politics, this presents the issue of today’s America.
Donald Trump set a new level for opposition to any setting President. Yet Pres. Trumps approval rating was at the same place of Obama was in his first year. That number was 48% approval. Now that we are heading to a new election, another president; the sides have been chosen. What many patriots and republicans’ thought was a second term President Trump, found out this was not to be. Instead, we welcomed Obama’s 3rd term with Bidens mis-election and cheating. The work of Trump was destroyed, along with border security, energy policies, energy jobs, and the economy. The troubles of Bidens mismanagement are evident, yet the opportunity for Democrats to use this opportunity to bring in a Marxist America is close to reality or so they think.
However, the number of the percentage of what Trump termed ‘Fake News’ is beyond any reality we could have known. This Fake News represents the Fourth Estate in all its power. It puts out news by the loads today. However, a billionaire like Soros and other interested companies with bucks can also shill out tons of money to eager writers at liberal news outlets. They author anti-stories following a bi-line and a lead paid for by interested parties. So, in the fight to stop Trump, fake stories, lying articles, and professional news can funnel these missiles of perfunctory lying swill to a gullible people. What is simply a lie becoming truth and to Americans who are themselves deluded, well they fall for this hook, line, and sinker. It is the same tactic used for millennia on people.
History tells us that the news is that place where it can become what is known as the Fourth Estate! Here we see the power of a free press. The free press is the guardian of a free people. That is until the guard of the free press became a mouthpiece for the government. This issue of a free press, a free people, and the government who rules are placed in the phrase the Fourth Estate.
Fourth Estate, i.e. ‘The fourth estate’ Noun Synonym: The Press
The Fourth Estate is commonly understood as newspapers and journalists in general and the political influence that they have, Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries
It is here that a News outlet, Magazine, Online News, or Television itself can be directly confronted with money at the risk of being paid to author targeted articles. Today it is expensive to run a news business. Editors like those at CNN, Washington Post, the Times, NBC, CBS, and many others all need funds, listeners, and ad revenue flowing in.
It is also true that billionaire bucks like George Soro’s have been well planted in political action groups, liberal news sites, and major news syndicates can become lifeblood support for many of these. These are the bucks that buy stories, plant articles, and then tell the people it is true do not count moral authority; it is amoral. It is purposeful and directed at a target. During the Trump Presidency we have seen liberal news, Hollywood, and major internet players all getting caught up in this dreadful fray. It is then taken to the streets and played out as equal rights.
It is also the same tool the beast will use to convince people that a “Lie is the truth”!
Who is a liar but those who denies the Father and the Son Jesus Christ! Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1Jn 2:22) Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. (1Jn 2:23) Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. (1Jn 2:24)
The Father and the Son
Living in the Last Days as we are, the subject of the Beast comes up often. In prophecy, we find the Beast specifically mentioned in Revelation 13 where he comes to power. In this section we find the power, authority, and the control of this beast is worldwide. Also mentioned is a second beast in the same section. This beast is looked upon as the False Prophet who will control and push the worship of the Beast through an image and the mark.
We today look at the Fourth Estate in reference to the Beast today. This is in reference to a fourth estate or power which controls aspects of society. It can be a political force or an institution. It can also be officially recognized according to Wiki. Many see this fourth estate as the press, more commonly the ‘free press’, seen as a voice for a ‘free people’. When we speak of such a power in society, the issue itself goes back to the founding Fathers.
Thomas Jefferson was directly speaking to this issue when he said, “If it were left to me to decide whether we should have a government without a free press or a free press without a government, I would prefer the latter”!
Moving forward in years, our family had a color television. By now grandpa was gone and we all watched the national news and local news and still again we did not think that these professionals would shade the news. We watched and trusted what they reported. Over the years we listened to Paul Harvey, Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, and many more. During those years, these voices became trusted. No one questioned their honesty. No one also did not know of their politics or whether they were Republican or Democrat. At least none of us did. No, we simply trusted them. They would take the news and report it without their own bias. At least that is what we believed at the time. We never knew the phrase, ‘the Fourth Estate’! We saw them as representing our interests, it was as simple as that!
The “Fourth Estate” describes the journalists’ role in representing the interests of “the people” in relation to the business and political elites who claim to be doing things in our names. The phrase Fourth Estate many believed; originated in the writings of Thomas Carlyle called “Heroes and Hero-Worship in History”. He quotes British politician Edmund Burke who said there were “three Estates in Parliament, but in the Reporters Gallery yonder, there sat a fourth Estate more important far than them all”.
Today, however; it can be assuredly said that many do not see this “Free Press” as the power of the people. But it is skewed, bribed, fixated on profits, and politically motivated. What is more, especially during Barack Obama’s term the press had a love affair with the president. It was mutual and to get any real news was hard. To find the truth was almost non-existent. The press repeatedly came to Obama’s aid when questions came up about His birth certificate among other issues. Today, we see that even polls point out the problem that Americans have with the journalists and media covering today’s news with an unbiased nature.
Gallup reported that six in ten Americans put “little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly.” Since the polling organization began surveying on that issue in the 1990’s, Americans have never been more down on the media than now. The current gap between those who trust and don’t trust journalists is the largest “by far,” according to Gallup.
It is here that the days we live in can get even more troubling. Especially when you find that the news and the warnings are not unbiased or fair. The Apostle Paul warns us of a time when this generation will not receive the “love of the truth”. This is the gospel, in its entirety, the Father, and the Son; all of which speak directly to redemption. Society will reject it, Paul says, and the Lord will send a delusion so the people will believe a lie. This person who arrives with miracles, signs, and wonders will deceive the world; setting himself up on the Temple of God, he will declare himself as God, and all the world will believe and follow him. The person here is known as the Son of Perdition, the name depicts that this one will be a destroyer who will make himself God on the earth. What is more, this one is also the one in Revelation 13 known as the beast. Putting theology and various interpretation aside, we can see that in this age coming there will be delusion.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. (2Th 2:7) And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: (2Th 2:8) Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, (2Th 2:9) And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. (2Th 2:10) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (2Th 2:11) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2Th 2:12)
Days of Lawlessness
Today the world, the media, the nations, and the governments are all being prepared for the day and hour when this evil one will appear. On the prophetic drawing boards by prophecy leaders and teachers we find that many see Islam on the rise and their Mahdi as the number one prospect for this Beast. Others saw Obama as the Anti-Christ. But all this is moot! The truth is, today you cannot trust the news to tell you the truth. Documentaries and movies are all slanted in their messages and purpose. You can refer to the fourth estate as something more than just Journalists and News organizations.
The Fourth Estate today is the available sources of news, media, and information that is available worldwide. All of it will be used to deliver the beast to the world. They will depict him as God, he will appear as light but have a heart of the devil. All religions will bow before him, and many will be deceived. The bible says that whosoever is not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life will take the mark of the beast. These will be those who will stand condemned at the Great White Throne judgment.
Today the Last Days Fourth Estate of the Beast is in action and is preparing you to receive the dark one who will come as light. He will be the one who once was, yet was not, and yet he will be. This one was once a power to be reckoned with. He stood in that power on this earth. Then he disappeared and was not found, his power being removed, he could no more rule on this planet in the affairs of men. But he will appear again to rule again, in power; and stand in the Temple of God, making himself to be God. This is the Fourth Estate in its entirety when we really deal with the knowledge and discovery of what the Truth really is. The Press today has a tough time with truth. In the end, when the beast arrives, the press will have no problem delivering his message to all the world.
Be sure you know the truth, my friends!
We are to let that therefore abide in us!
That which was given from the beginning! From Jesus [Yeshua] Christ to his Apostles, then to the early church.
Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. (1Jn 2:24)
Rome -Catholic forgets the truth of Islam
When did Catholic leaders abandon their realistic assessment of Islam? The turning point was the Second Vatican Council and, in particular, Nostra Aetate—the declaration on the relation of the Church to non-Christian religions. Nostra Aetate speaks of the Church’s “esteem” for the “Moslems.” It also urges both parties to forget the “quarrels and hostilities” of the past and “to work sincerely for mutual understanding and to preserve as well as to promote together for the benefit of all mankind social justice and moral welfare, as well as peace and freedom.”
Second Vatican Council
Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
(1) And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. (2) And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. (3) And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. (4) And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (5) And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. (6) And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. (7) And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (8) And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (9) If any man has an ear, let him hear. (10) He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killed with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Rev 13:1-10 Beast Rise Up Out of the Sea
Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deceptionby the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith and Tower | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
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The Rising by Dana Glenn Smith
When He who opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith!
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The Rising is a Christian Fiction Thriller. When He who Opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith! We introduce a former black-ops sniper named Mac. He is hard core and one of the best at what he does. His work is secretive, elusive, and necessary. But he wanted out.
Steel the Darkness is Book One of the “Steel Series”
Steel the Darkness is a Biblical Christian story with roots in today’s events. While the characters are varied, the events and the situation is plausible.
Surrounded by an army of dedicated Christians, they find themselves in over their heads as all hell breaks loose.
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Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
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Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Dana Glenn Smith is a Veteran broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]! He was a Watchman when being a Watchman was not cool! He is the President of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministries and endtime preaching, teaching, and warning agency. It is also an advocate for the Persecuted church worldwide.
"This a website of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministry. We feature indepth biblical articles and teachings. ''Radio shows weekly are on the agenda. Take a look and enjoy a total Christian website and materials. All featuring the Word of God. Browse awhile. Thanks for visiting!"
"The above Navigation menu consists of the main Dana G Smith articles, Prose, Writings, and Psalms. These are works that Dana has been working on for many years. There are unpublished works as well. We will be publishing these different and well written Journalistic items on a regulare basis. Some categories are just opened up and are just beginning to have posts in them. WIBR WARN Radio "
When He who Opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith!
We introduce a former black-ops sniper named Mac.He is hard core and one of the best at what he does. His work is secretive, elusive, and necessary. But he wanted out.Check out the book today!
***** Sledge Hammer
5.0 out of 5 stars An ominous warning for America. Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2023.
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I have read this book thoroughly, and it is quite a page turner. The author, Dana Glenn Smith, wrote The Rising before all the riots erupted across America. He doesn't have a crystal ball, but he relies on the input provided by our Lord. Some folks will ask if it is possible for treasonous forces inside America to be actively trying to bring America down. The forces of the evil darkness will do whatever it takes, to satisfy their dark lord. Pick up The Rising, you'll be glad that you did.
Steel the Darkness Review
***** Sweetrain
5.0 out of 5 stars Have faith. Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2018
This book kept me on the edge of my seat, I had a hard time putting this book down. It has a few surprises along the way. I have to say there are a few characters that are my favorite, the Uncle, Tiger, the Uncle's best friend, the Pastor and his wife and the relative of the Uncle. Steel the Darkness is an enjoyable read and leaves the ending wide open for another one. The Col is an evil man, one that seems to be out for only one thing, The destruction of human souls. Will he prevail or will the faith of the People fighting against the darkness win?
WIBR/WARN Radio New Custom Mug, special picture taken with my night vision, this is high in the mountains of Wyoming early one morning. With Scripture, take a look; get one for yourself and a friend.
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The LORD, the King of Glory reminds us that those who are Christ’s chosen will obey His Word, have His Spirit, and confess their sins. These walk in the Light as Christ is the Light and also does Walk in the Light of God. We have hope beyond this world, the nations of men, politics, wars, hate, fighting, and the lusts of men and women. In the midst of a lost world we are as followers of Christ Jesus the Salt of the earth and the Light of Christ bring Hope to all men Continue reading →
Hear the Thunder of Judgment and understand the death of the innocent, the shedding of the blood of mine elect, those in whom I am well pleased. Yet fear the sound of the Thunder of coming Judgment for you have spilled, delighted in, and covered your souls in the blood of the innocent ones. For you have killed babes, to wash yourselves in iniquity as you sacrifice and wash yourselves in their blood. Woe unto these, the nations of men, the corruptors, and those who plot to do evil. Continue reading →
Ageless the Footprint of Man & the Psalm Footprint follow article! Yes, it was in the beginning that God, brought forth the earth, the heavens, and all that therein is. It was this sovereign, just, and true God, whom then was known yet unknown. For when man first came out of the earth, so God formed man, then woman afterwards. Thus, the relationship began between God and man. It is a straightforward look at the application of the human race. Continue reading →
End of Days Nemesis is a Psalm written by Dana G Smith. It is Prophetic, and looks at the battle of the Saints against their Nemesis. It is set in traditional poetic form of a Psalm and brings you into this battle in the end of days. The Word of God, the Sword of the Lord, Faith, Atonement, and the Lord Jesus Christ helps you to know what this Psalm is all about and the message to all readers of it. Continue reading →
Eternal Call of the Day of the Lord meets every human being from the beginning of time to the end of all things. Humans spend their time under the auspices of the Eternal Himself. His Grace, Mercy, Benevolence, and Love shadows over mankind even as the world which the Eternal created finds itself in turmoil. This turmoil has had gigantic effects, even during the time of these United States from creation of it to now. Continue reading →
Antichrist Anti-Christian nations of men is a special writing of the end of days. It is a written prose that brings you to a specific day and time in the future. As one which stepped from a time capsule, I bring to you this event. This has scriptural admonitions and prophetic truths wound within the address given by the dark one who is to come. Continue reading →
The Council of God Call upon Me is a collection of two psalms. These are a prophetic warning of the Day of the Lord, the Wickedness of a Nation, and a final Word to Call upon the LORD. It calls upon the nations and the people therein to take heed. A staunch warning given in two prophetic psalm Continue reading →
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Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
The Fourth Estate, have you heard of it? Be sure with Fake News facts are an unknown today. It is the Fourth Estate that has taken center stage today in America. Our best reality of American Fourth Estate is the tech power found in digital news, websites, social media, and their connection to Hollywood. Even today we find the constant battle between the giants of social media and the major left wing news channels. We saw the thwarting of Christian messages, political messages, and news. The liberals have set themselves up as judges in this new Fourth Estate and have become in themselves powerhouses of the art of banning individuals or companies who cross them. Here the fake news rings to a new beat as deception is brought forth as truth, which it is not. In the process we find a division and a battle.
Fake News, the Fourth Estate, and Deception
When I was growing up and was on the farm helping my grandpa take care of things. We had routine. One of these was after dinner to sit down and watch the 30-minute National news broadcast, then the 30-minute local news. They had one station to view on their black and white tv. From the farm, news was received through the medium we knew as Television. At the time, no one thought of the press being dishonest in their coverage. Yet since America’s inception, deceit in America was a tool to use to achieve your goals.
Many loved the Obama Presidency. As many also hated his agenda. After eight years those of us watching the tumultuous reign of Obama, we agreed the era of Donald Trump would be welcomed. These two Presidents are as opposite of agendas as any two ever could be. No doubt many opposed Obama, however those opposed never proceeded to the low level of the Democrats who spent four years tormenting Donald Trump. Even today with him not in office, the Dems, liberals, and Rhino republicans dream of getting something on Trump. Born out of hate and politics, this presents the issue of today’s America.
Donald Trump set a new level for opposition to any setting President. Yet Pres. Trumps approval rating was at the same place of Obama was in his first year. That number was 48% approval. Now that we are heading to a new election, another president; the sides have been chosen. What many patriots and republicans’ thought was a second term President Trump, found out this was not to be. Instead, we welcomed Obama’s 3rd term with Bidens mis-election and cheating. The work of Trump was destroyed, along with border security, energy policies, energy jobs, and the economy. The troubles of Bidens mismanagement are evident, yet the opportunity for Democrats to use this opportunity to bring in a Marxist America is close to reality or so they think.
However, the number of the percentage of what Trump termed ‘Fake News’ is beyond any reality we could have known. This Fake News represents the Fourth Estate in all its power. It puts out news by the loads today. However, a billionaire like Soros and other interested companies with bucks can also shill out tons of money to eager writers at liberal news outlets. They author anti-stories following a bi-line and a lead paid for by interested parties. So, in the fight to stop Trump, fake stories, lying articles, and professional news can funnel these missiles of perfunctory lying swill to a gullible people. What is simply a lie becoming truth and to Americans who are themselves deluded, well they fall for this hook, line, and sinker. It is the same tactic used for millennia on people.
History tells us that the news is that place where it can become what is known as the Fourth Estate!
Here we see the power of a free press. The free press is the guardian of a free people. That is until the guard of the free press became a mouthpiece for the government. This issue of a free press, a free people, and the government who rules are placed in the phrase the Fourth Estate.
It is here that a News outlet, Magazine, Online News, or Television itself can be directly confronted with money at the risk of being paid to author targeted articles. Today it is expensive to run a news business. Editors like those at CNN, Washington Post, the Times, NBC, CBS, and many others all need funds, listeners, and ad revenue flowing in.
It is also true that billionaire bucks like George Soro’s have been well planted in political action groups, liberal news sites, and major news syndicates can become lifeblood support for many of these. These are the bucks that buy stories, plant articles, and then tell the people it is true do not count moral authority; it is amoral. It is purposeful and directed at a target. During the Trump Presidency we have seen liberal news, Hollywood, and major internet players all getting caught up in this dreadful fray. It is then taken to the streets and played out as equal rights.
It is also the same tool the beast will use to convince people that a “Lie is the truth”!
Living in the Last Days as we are, the subject of the Beast comes up often. In prophecy, we find the Beast specifically mentioned in Revelation 13 where he comes to power. In this section we find the power, authority, and the control of this beast is worldwide. Also mentioned is a second beast in the same section. This beast is looked upon as the False Prophet who will control and push the worship of the Beast through an image and the mark.
We today look at the Fourth Estate in reference to the Beast today. This is in reference to a fourth estate or power which controls aspects of society. It can be a political force or an institution. It can also be officially recognized according to Wiki. Many see this fourth estate as the press, more commonly the ‘free press’, seen as a voice for a ‘free people’. When we speak of such a power in society, the issue itself goes back to the founding Fathers.
Moving forward in years, our family had a color television. By now grandpa was gone and we all watched the national news and local news and still again we did not think that these professionals would shade the news. We watched and trusted what they reported. Over the years we listened to Paul Harvey, Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, and many more. During those years, these voices became trusted. No one questioned their honesty. No one also did not know of their politics or whether they were Republican or Democrat. At least none of us did. No, we simply trusted them. They would take the news and report it without their own bias. At least that is what we believed at the time. We never knew the phrase, ‘the Fourth Estate’! We saw them as representing our interests, it was as simple as that!
Today, however; it can be assuredly said that many do not see this “Free Press” as the power of the people. But it is skewed, bribed, fixated on profits, and politically motivated. What is more, especially during Barack Obama’s term the press had a love affair with the president. It was mutual and to get any real news was hard. To find the truth was almost non-existent. The press repeatedly came to Obama’s aid when questions came up about His birth certificate among other issues. Today, we see that even polls point out the problem that Americans have with the journalists and media covering today’s news with an unbiased nature.
It is here that the days we live in can get even more troubling. Especially when you find that the news and the warnings are not unbiased or fair. The Apostle Paul warns us of a time when this generation will not receive the “love of the truth”. This is the gospel, in its entirety, the Father, and the Son; all of which speak directly to redemption. Society will reject it, Paul says, and the Lord will send a delusion so the people will believe a lie. This person who arrives with miracles, signs, and wonders will deceive the world; setting himself up on the Temple of God, he will declare himself as God, and all the world will believe and follow him. The person here is known as the Son of Perdition, the name depicts that this one will be a destroyer who will make himself God on the earth. What is more, this one is also the one in Revelation 13 known as the beast. Putting theology and various interpretation aside, we can see that in this age coming there will be delusion.
Today the world, the media, the nations, and the governments are all being prepared for the day and hour when this evil one will appear. On the prophetic drawing boards by prophecy leaders and teachers we find that many see Islam on the rise and their Mahdi as the number one prospect for this Beast. Others saw Obama as the Anti-Christ. But all this is moot! The truth is, today you cannot trust the news to tell you the truth. Documentaries and movies are all slanted in their messages and purpose. You can refer to the fourth estate as something more than just Journalists and News organizations.
The Fourth Estate today is the available sources of news, media, and information that is available worldwide. All of it will be used to deliver the beast to the world. They will depict him as God, he will appear as light but have a heart of the devil. All religions will bow before him, and many will be deceived. The bible says that whosoever is not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life will take the mark of the beast. These will be those who will stand condemned at the Great White Throne judgment.
Today the Last Days Fourth Estate of the Beast is in action and is preparing you to receive the dark one who will come as light. He will be the one who once was, yet was not, and yet he will be. This one was once a power to be reckoned with. He stood in that power on this earth. Then he disappeared and was not found, his power being removed, he could no more rule on this planet in the affairs of men. But he will appear again to rule again, in power; and stand in the Temple of God, making himself to be God. This is the Fourth Estate in its entirety when we really deal with the knowledge and discovery of what the Truth really is. The Press today has a tough time with truth. In the end, when the beast arrives, the press will have no problem delivering his message to all the world.
Be sure you know the truth, my friends!
We are to let that therefore abide in us!
Rome -Catholic forgets the truth of Islam
Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith and Tower | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
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The Rising by Dana Glenn Smith
When He who opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith!
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The Rising is a Christian Fiction Thriller. When He who Opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith! We introduce a former black-ops sniper named Mac. He is hard core and one of the best at what he does. His work is secretive, elusive, and necessary. But he wanted out.
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Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
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Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Fourth Estate, Fake News, and Deception
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About Dana Glenn Smith
Dana Glenn Smith is a Veteran broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]! He was a Watchman when being a Watchman was not cool! He is the President of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministries and endtime preaching, teaching, and warning agency. It is also an advocate for the Persecuted church worldwide.