Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House. This was written during the time of Pres. Obama and there were reasons at the time to cover this. It has been updated, polished, republished, sources checked. Some original sources and materials were not available. Today the Presidency has someone who wants to destroy America. What is more, the nation in part is shifting away from traditional and constitutional Republic more’s to which it was founded.

Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House article image
Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

In this we find a battle over faith, religion, and domination of the world. Read through this and find that for the first time, it was as if the Black Flag of Islam was over the White House. The beginning of America’s trouble is targeted during the presidency of Former President Obama. You can connect Biden to Obama, and their policies along with Susan Rice is also connected to Biden’s role in the oval office. While we do not see the threat of Islam like we did under Obama, make sure it all coincides with efforts to water down and even destroy Christian Faith, Patriotism, Constitutionalism, and all those things that made America Great.

🔥👉This article is not published to scare you. It is informative and a warning. For a very long time we have warned America of judgment and things to come. It is here now in greater portion than we have seen since the early seventies when I first warned of things coming to America.

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Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

Introduction and notes to this special report:

Before I ever wrote a note of this, as I sought the Lord, this “black flag of Islam” was given to me. The article was one pointing to the sheer magnitude of change by this President and this white house to make Islam a greater part in America. But with this came a greater surprise. I have not researched the ‘black flag of Islam’, nor any of these flags. But I did research it to do a final touch up on the article itself. What I found was the “black flag” represents the Mahdi. When Muslims see his flag arise out of the east, they will come to follow Shahada, or what we know as Jihad. But more disturbing is the vast English speaking chat sites and forums that I found. Not only is there a target for the ‘black flag of Islam over the White House’, but over ‘Downing street in the UK’ as well. Add to this the total domination by this group is expected. Now we have a President with an agenda to push Islam in America as never before. Is there another reason for this?

The question is, will it be Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House? This article written over a decade ago is a warning of things to come. With ongoing Jihad around the world, Islam is working for world domination. With the division and troubles in America today; who do you think will be waiting in the wings to takeover if they can? The Black Flag of Islam reveals a time when a sitting President was considering the Messiah by many. His administration had the appearance of an Islamic state run agenda. While nothing was said of revolt; Barack Obama said changes were coming before he got elected. While the Black Flag fizzled, we now find another figure, President Trump whose flag is the American flag and the rebellion he leads is one to make America great again. That is the irony of this article.

 Here is the report, the “Black Flag of Islam over the White House”

The Mahdi’s ascendancy to power is said to be preceded by an army from the east who will be carrying black flags or banners of war.

Sheikh Kabbani states: Hadith indicate that black flags coming from the area of Khorasan will signify the appearance of the Mahdi is nigh. Khorasan is in todays Iran, and some scholars have said that this hadith means when the black flags appear from Central Asia, i.e. in the direction of Khorasan, then the appearance of the Mahdi is imminent. Another tradition states that: The Messenger of Allah said: The black banners will come from the East and their hearts will be as firm as iron. Whoever hears of them should join them and give allegiance, even if it means crawling across snow There are two flags, one white, which we will not discuss and the black flag here. The black flag is called Ar-Raya and is used by the Muslim army. It is also called the flag of jihad, and is carried into battle.

To the Inhabitants of the Earth it is written:

17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth. 18 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. 19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. 20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. 21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. 22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited. 23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.

Isaiah 24:17-23 The Lord Jesus Christ [Yeshua] is the only one to bring in an Eternal Kingdom

This article is not, per se, about the right or wrong of what is coming. I categorically apply the right of our Lord and our God to judge the nations. For whatever comes, let it come, I will by faith and trust, allow the providence and mercy of God to apply to my life and that of my family. However as I write this, I do so to let those who would understand what I am now going to tell you, that it is important to know this fact. The takeover of America, the United States of America is now in its final stages by certain powers who deem the current place of situation and democracy to be a threat to their plans.

We have room for but one flag, the American Flag. We have room for but one language, the English language, and we have room for but one sole loyalty, and that is a loyalty to the American people. ”

– – Pres. Theodore Roosevelt.

I am reminded by a quote [above] by President Theodore Roosevelt who said, “We have room for but one flag, the American Flag. We have room for but one language, the English language, and we have room for but one sole loyalty, and that is a loyalty to the American people.” This statement says a lot, and by itself, we can conclude that those who come to this nation, and those who already have come, should have applied themselves to stand for the principles, beliefs, and laws of this great American Experiment. But this is not the case. In my own background, our roots can be traced to the beginning of this great nation.

Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House article
Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

Also, some of our kinfolk who came here did so then immediately learned English, and took new names. They did away with their own identity of other nations and became Americans. There are others, who I know that did the same. I am not saying we have to do this as such, but it merely demonstrates the true loyalty of one people to the nation, of which, they belong. Today, however, this nation is not at all like it used to be. In fact, I know of certain groups, Indians, blacks, and others who have a sorry history with the people who ran this nation in the history of America.

Many of these were powerful white men, I know that. The atrocities, bigotries, and sins committed to these people were awful, that is to say as well, those who were oppressed were not perfect in their own rights. But they were oppressed and so the sordid history of hate and bloodshed scars this land. These events in our history I do not approve of, nor at the time, would we of understood what history would of said about us. Nevertheless, it was a nation, conceived in an idea that was unique, today, though many disagree and would tear apart that first ideal. I believe the foundation of destruction has already been laid. America, is no more.

It was then I uncovered other research that some Islamic purveyors looked to a date in the future when the Islamic flag would fly over the White House.

I remember in 2006 or thereabout when researching for articles for our sites, I came across a video, website, and pictures of people stepping on the American flag in protest. I knew about these kind of actions from the sixties and anti war protests during Vietnam. Draft card burning and the like. Yet these were people who advocated Islam and they vehemently protested against America, Christians, and the people around them.

For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge

Jeremiah 4:22

Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

Islamic Thinkers Society belief in a day when “The When the Flag of Islam really does replace the American Flag.” [source-the american standard bearer, The Islamic Thinkers Envision a White House Without An American Flag 2006] . Today you can find the Islamic Thinkers society on Google. In fact, their website still exists.

The New York based Islamic Thinkers Society was back at it again Friday, this time staging a protest in front of the Israeli Consulate. You may remember that the Islamic Thinkers was the group that staged a demonstration last year at which they spread American flags out on a New York street, then proceeded to stomp on them. It’s all well and good for Americans to debate U.S. involvement in Iraq or anywhere else, but Bin Laden’s message may actually signal a change in strategy. If a significant portion of the American population can be convinced that the U.S. is wrongly targeting an innocent and peaceful Islam, despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, we may be well on the road towards the day the flag of Islam really does replace the American flag.

Now unless you think I hate Muslims, I don’t. I have talked directly person to person on various occasions and had fine conversations with them about Jesus Christ, Abraham, the Law, the jihad, and other topics. But how many today have, which I was raised as well believing, “America is a Christian Nation?” It is hard to believe that in our story book creation and history we can find that one former Fore Father of this nation was quoted by Barack Hussein Obama. The Reason, his Qur’an! President Obama has reminded Americans and the Muslim audiences to whom he has spoken of Thomas Jefferson learning Arabic, having taught himself by using his own Qur’an. Barack Hussein Obama, when before Muslim Audiences, like to use his full Islamic name. When before the American’s he uses, conveniently President Barack Obama, and he reminds us he is a Christian. But him being a Christian is not my discussion today. I will let him and the Lord work that one out!

On the Government website, in an article titled “The President in the Middle east”, dated June 03, 2009, it has the speech President Barack Hussein Obama gave. In this speech he lines up the history of Islamic gains in the nation. The first thing he mentions is Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an and the fact that newly elected Rep. Keith Ellison took the oath of office on the same Qur’an as Jefferson. He goes on to outline President Eisenhower attending the 1957 Islamic conference, and the recent President Clinton who during his terms as our leader issued the 1st Presidential greeting for Ramadan, appointed the first Muslim American Ambassador, and sent the first Eid Al Adha greetings to Muslims. Add to that, he further reminded the audience that George W. Bush place the Holy Qur’an in the White House library in 2005.

Eid Al Adha: Festival of Sacrifice” or “Greater Eid”

Is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God, but instead was able to sacrifice a ram (by God’s command). Eid is also about spending time with family and friends, sacrifice, and thanksgiving for being able to afford food and housing. In traditional or agrarian settings, each family would sacrifice a domestic animal, such as a sheep, goat, cow, or camel, by slaughter (though many contemporary Muslims do not sacrifice an animal as part of their observance). The meat would then be divided into three equal parts to be distributed to others. The family eats one third, another third is given to other relatives, friends or neighbors, and the other third is given to the poor as a gift.

[source wikipedia, Eid Al Adha

The history of the relationship between America and Muslim communities is deeper and more complex than the common perception might suggest. Thomas Jefferson taught himself Arabic using his own Quran kept in his personal library, and had the first known presidential Iftaar by breaking fast with the Tunisian Ambassador at sunset. President Dwight Eisenhower attended the dedication ceremony of the Islamic Center in Washington, D.C. on June 28, 1957. President Bill Clinton issued the first presidential greeting for Ramadan, appointed the first Muslim American ambassador, M. Osman Siddique, to Fiji, and sent the first presidential Eid al-Adha greeting to Muslims. And one year after President George W. Bush placed the Holy Quran in the White House library in 2005, Representative Keith Ellison took the oath of office on the same Quran owned by Thomas Jefferson two hundred years before.

Now I don’t mind qualified people being nominated, nor do I mind the Qur’an, Muslims, or the right of this President to make American History seem like Muslims were in the beginning with Jefferson. The Qur’an was, but not the Muslim scope and agenda to take over the world. It is especially striking when you put all the picture together of this President and what he has said!

It was in 2009, the first celebratory year of Obama’s reign that the news hit the wire’s, President Barack Obama is hosting a dinner party to celebrate the “Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan”.

Obama hosts Ramadan dinner party in 2009, WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is hosting a dinner celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. One of those values is the freedom to practice your religion — a right that is enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution.

Nashala Hearn, who joins us from Muskogee, Oklahoma, took a stand for that right at an early age. When her school district told her that she couldn’t wear the hijab, she protested that it was a part of her religion. The Department of Justice stood behind her, and she won her right to practice her faith. She even traveled to Washington to testify before Congress. Her words spoke to a tolerance that is far greater than mistrust — when she first wore her headscarf to school, she said, “I received compliments from the other kids.”

President Obama in his speech at the dinner party gave the example of how the First Amendment worked for a young Muslim woman who wanted to wear a hijab to school. The school said not, she said it was part of her religion, the Department of Justice stepped in and behold, she now as able to wear it to class. As I read this I wondered where is the First Amendment for the Christians in this ‘So Called Christian Nation?’ Tolerance? What about Christians in a true Islamic society? How many rights do Christians and Jews really have at the hands of the intolerance of Islam? There is none!

‘Wearing a hijab, is okay for a Muslim woman, but praying, saying Jesus Christ in class, or reading from our bibles is not allowed’ A Christian nation? where? America, not likely!

Really? Well they will kill, behead, and do what they can to bring it to pass! Even follow the black flag of the mahdi in Shahada!

Nonetheless, we can allow them to do this, this is America. Freedom of Religious expression so we allow them to do this. Mind you, in a foreign Muslim nation, Christians would not be able to do this! But in America, headed by certain folk who want an Islamic nation here, well, that’s nice this is going on! The point of this article is to get you to look closer at this Islamic agenda and the White house. We need to find out more about this mans [Obama’s] agenda! He says it is to bring Muslims closer to America, to bring our understanding together, etc. The goals are laudable, but at what expense? CNN also ran the story of the Muslim day of Prayer on Capitol hill, along with an excerpt that gave a staunch warning from An Anglican statement! It warned of a ‘well defined strategy’ to Islamize American society. Replace the Bible with the Koran, the cross with the crescent, and the church bells with the Athan [muslim call to prayer]. CNN may have tried to put the light on this man just to make it look like he was paranoid, but it brings a momentus red light to this as we see how our President and current society is moving.

September 25, 2009, Muslim day of Prayer on Capitol Hill WASHINGTON (CNN) — Thousands of Muslims gathered Friday on Capitol Hill for a day of prayer that organizers said was intended to inspire American Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

“hafiz of the Qur’an, and may God’s peace be upon you”, Muslim speak, from a Muslim President, to a Muslim audience, from a Muslim nation, America! President Obama Addresses the U.S.-Islamic World Forum Feb 13, 2010

Hafaz of the Qur’an: Hafiz (Arabic: ?????, h.a-fiz., pl. huffa-z., f. h.a-fiz.ah), literally meaning ‘guardian’, is a term used by Muslims in modern days for someone who has completely memorized the Qur’an [wikipedia: hafaz of the Qur’an] I make note here that in Obama’s White house staff is one whom he told the Muslim audience was one who was a ‘hafaz’ or guardian of the Qur’an. This is given or used by Muslims in modern days for that person who has completely memorized the Qur’an.

On an Egyptian Website, Al Arabia, I found an article heralding President Barack Obama’s Appointment of an “Egyptian Born US Muslim to advise the White House”. This was April, 2009!

“Egyptian-born US Muslim to advise White House”, headlines on Al Arabia website, April, 21st, 2009 The first Muslim scarf-wearing woman appointed to a position in President Barack Obama’s administration met with lawmakers Monday and discussed her role on an interfaith advisory board the new administration hopes will broaden dialogue and understanding.

Dalia Mogahed’s dimpled smile shined from under her hijab, the Muslim headscarf, as she addressed senate staff and think tanks at a meeting organized by the Congressional Muslims Staffers Association to discuss American Muslim public opinion in the wake of a recent survey.

The Egyptian-born American who heads the Gallup American Center for Muslim Studies, a non-governmental research center providing data-driven analysis on the views of Muslim populations around the world, became the first Muslim veiled woman to be appointed to a position in the White House.

Now while you may think me nuts here, let us consider that a man is known by what he says and does! Okay! If I say I am a fruit vendor but I actually sell weiners, you can rightfully ask, okay “wheres the fruit?” I will then tell you, it’s the tomatoes stupid! You then look at me like I am being to smart for my own good and concede that tomatoes are a fruit. While Obama says he is a Christian, I have never seen him enter a church. I have never heard him mention Christianity except in political speeches. I have never heard him point to any laudible Christian connections that I could verify his veracity. Nevertheless, I could have overlooked it! But below, are plain comments by President Hussein Obama on America.

He said at a press conference in Turkey in 2009 and you can verify this on Youtube or the Huffingtonpost that “”we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation” B.H.Obama in a speech in Turkey! At a press conference in Turkey, President Obama casually rebuked the old chestnut that the United States is a Judeo-Christian nation.

President Obama said “We’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world”

B.H.Obama in a speech in Riyadh to Muslim conference.

It is important to note that “if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world”. So says President Barack Obama. Or I should say: Barack Hussein Obama. That’s right: Barack Hussein Obama. Say it proud. Say it out loud. The middle moniker that dared not speak its name during the election campaign is now front and centre of the US president’s attempt to woo the Muslim world, the theme of his visits to Riyadh on Wednesday and Cairo on Thursday. He further said America is “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world”

B.H.Obama on Canal Plus, a french tv station with Laura Haim.

The Delusion in place:

This section is called, “The delusion in place.” It is already in motion, but lest you blame Obama, let me tell you, Clinton and Bush W. Also had a hand in this agenda. Bush Senior called for a “New world order.” But nowhere has this nation seen a “Messiah, cult like figure come to power like, President Barack Hussein Obama. Below is proof of people who spoke their heart felt love for this man. But they have fallen in love with a persona, a person with dark power, and a delusion. Read the quotes and the short excerpt from a young black woman who met Obama at one of his rallies. She then went to work for him shortly after, campaigning for him.

In a prominent place, a poster was displayed at Obama’s Lake City, Florida campaign headquaters.

Worldnet daily ran the photo which read: “To God be the Glory Great things he has done, OBAMA, thy kingdom come, thy will be done”. “Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He’s sort of GOD”

Newsweeks Evan Thomas “Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama.” — Dinesh Sharm

“A Meeting with B.H.Obama!”

Samantha Fennell a young black woman became so enamoured with the President Elect Obama, that she ended up leaving to Join his campaign for president. Here are her remarks upon being in Obama’s presence at a meeting. She wrote this in a column on a blog, Friday July 18th, 2008!

I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment, as I realized that the aisle that was keeping me from my seat was created for him and his secret service escort to make their way to the stage. Within seconds, he was a few feet from me. Cameras were flashing, everyone was cheering, and I knew this was my moment. I pushed my way up to the barricade as he shook hands with as many people as time would allow. I squeezed up front, but Obama was moving quickly and just passed me by.

Then, in a moment of divine intervention, he saw me, clad in my red stop-sign of a dress, back-tracked ever so slightly in his procession, grabbed my hand, and gave that brilliant smile of his.

I literally said out loud to the woman next to me who witnessed my good fate, “I’ll never wash this hand again.”

The flag over the White house looks like old glory as many call the flag of America. But it waves over a torrid situation in America where all is not as it seems. The forces are content to let destruction come, in the after mass, the flag that many would not of believed would of fallen, will do so.

For many others, they have a replacement for it. It has a crescent and a star, and represent the end times prophecy that they believe will come to pass. They too are looking for the End time Islamic one who they believe will come to conquer all and set up Islam. But make note here, the Beast is come to set himself up. He is the one who will declare himself God! He will oppose all thing Godly, oppose all who follow the True God our Father and his only begotten Son Jesus Christ.

This one coming will be here in great delusion:

On the heels of lawlessness in its full, shall come the Lawless One, the adversary of God and of Christ, in him deception shall rule to those who are themselves lawless.

What is the current agenda of the White House? We have had an ongoing muslim agenda for years! Islam is crying to bring about the above, both for the USA and to see it fly over Downing in the UK, and elsewhere in the world.

So am I saying Barack Hussein Obama is the Antichrist, the Beast of Revelation? I read nowhere in the bible where the deceiver to come is married. The dark resources of this one is seen not in his skin color but in his godless policies, his current goals in power, and the supernatural forces who bring him in. Barack Obama has power, he has said as much admitting, “I have a gift”. That he does. He likes images, digital mastery, podiums, speaking, and does not like criticism. But for all he is, he is the one to bring final delusion and judgment on America. After which the one who is coming will be revealed. When that one is truly revealed, we then will truly know!

What will it come to? Well prophecy will be fulfilled, and the LORD God is the One who will come out on top! Our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach is coming soon to put down all enemies, for he is LORD of LORDS and KING of KINGS!

Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House on Battle Lines by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host. | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture is KJV of the bible unless otherwise noted.

Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

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Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

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Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

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Is it MAGA or the Black Flag of Islam over the White House

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