Patient Endurance and Righteousness

Patient Endurance greets the end of days with a gasp. The eyes behold, the ears hear, but the heart at times is unwilling to move ahead. For chaos is reaping her reward, while the turmoil of men and women shakes the very soul. There are those who push violence and upheaval for personal reasons and gain. There are wicked people and even viler principalities and powers at work. But for the Christian disciple who beholds their Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings; victory is near as the battle heats up.

Patient Endurance and Righteousness article image
Patient Endurance and Righteousness

Patient Endurance and Righteous unto the Coming of the Lord!

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Patient Endurance and Righteousness

Patient Endurance and Righteousness

In the mid-seventies at our church, evening services were over. The topics of late had been the end of days. We had gone through a litany of what it would be like. Gathered at the front were a bunch of us, Guys. All married, and along with Tower and I we made up several couples. Out of that church nine couples went into the ministry under our Pastor. Tower and I were one of those couples. I think of that time, we were young and had not one clue as to the reality of what we discussed. Today the image of a young woman naked from waist up protesting along with BLM and others hit social media. A large city in America was hit with riots and the local city council and mayor did nothing. No one got arrested if they did; being released was the rule of the day. NYC was a prime example of this as were Seattle and Portland. Even today we see this same thing occurring in the same major liberal cities. Add on to that skyrocketing murder rates and lawlessness.

Another scene, the same woman it looks like from the head shot of her. It is so many days later a post on the feed comes up. She sits naked, wet, and faces outward with legs spread eagled sitting on the ground looking forward. Social media claimed her name was Athena. Athena is a Greek mythos worshipped as the patron goddess of warfare among other things. So now in her world it makes sense. A goddess of BLM and Antifa warfare to overthrow America.  Nevertheless, from the sixties, seeing females do such things in protest was common. But mostly it was bare breasts. Total nudity was common in those days from the hippie generation.  The woman sits with the protesters to her back no one touches her.  A young man, naked from waist up is some distance from her and is looking at her. These were the clips of highlights from the rampant rioting in major cities.

In another part of America, a black military group marches with black battle gear, auto-firing rifles, or similar things hanging from their shoulders. A black military leader stands out and demands that the United States gives him Texas or else.  In Congress, the democrats are blaming President Trump. Liberal Governors and Mayors do little to solve the rioting. Charges are dismissed against any rioters arrested at that time. Later some states and cities would charge rioters and hold them accountable. At times, the rioting seemed hopeless. The authorities would encourage the rioting, calling back police to stand down as the cities burned.

This is the new America. It reminds me of the story, Nero fiddled while Rome burned. So, have these liberal governors and mayors. Let her burn. It is a protest, so it is okay to do this. In the process, people were murdered. Blood was shed, but in hindsight to those involved this was of little consequence, unless it was a loved one of yours that was killed. Today, much later we still see the lawlessness repeated as it was then. Same groups, same liberal political hacks, and same purpose. But this time calls for more police hit the airwaves but there isn’t any. They got rid of them. So now a vulnerable public who voted for these liberal politicians have what they deserve. Or do they?

Covid-19 hits America again sometime later after the major riots begin. Now people struggle with masks. Laws of Governors who become dictators are the new standard. No rights here, just obey. In California, a government subsidized Apartment building filled with seniors and disabled are locked in. Their key cards are disabled. Armed guards were stationed to keep them in. They are commanded to take COVID tests. If they are positive, they are forced to be locked up for two weeks.

But they already were locked up. This is new standard for Americans brought to them by Governor Gavin Newsome. New orders now supersede the constitution as local mayors give out what their citizens may or may not do. Churches in California are told not to sing or worship, then are told to flatly stay home. The only ones allowed on the streets are protesters. Score one for the rebellion, thanks again go to the Governor of California.  Talk of civil war is all over social media and the news. Welcome to the new America. This is a place where the actions of people and politicians leave little doubt. The simple truth, they are all crazy. Yet here we are.

In America, the world is upside down. Values are corrupt.  It is true as well, in the world; righteousness will be humbled [brought low, criticized], and unrighteousness [sin, morality] is to be exalted [heralded as the new truth, no sin here], this is the truth of scriptures. Paul defines the Mystery of iniquity and lines up delusion and judgment. Lawlessness is thus found in 2nd Thessalonians chapter two. We find that the world has arrived, well, not quite. The Son of Perdition, the Beast is yet to be revealed. For now, we are our own worst enemy. The truth is, we are good at doing things that are bad for us and our nation. Hatred, division, and contempt rule the day for many. Around the world, there are troubles and chaos too. In the end, the unrighteous will be humbled and those righteous shall be exalted. But that day has not come yet. Today the Mystery of Iniquity is in your face. The massive sudden eruption of Iniquity and lawlessness is what makes it a Mystery! It has now been released, mankind has rebelled and Psalm Two describes it.

Scriptures line out that the Lord will come.  The righteous will be triumphant, and their kingdom will be great as the glory of the Lord covers the seas. The earth shall find its redeemer, the curse will be lifted, and all those who have come to the Lord will be rewarded for their steadfast faithfulness. Everlasting joy shall be on their heads and the Savior will be in their midst. That is the condensed version of the coming of the Lord. But until that time, you as a believer will need Patient Endurance and Righteousness. This is the New America, and many don’t like where they have arrived. The ones trying to overthrow the nation are overjoyed that their time has come. Some on social media already push the notion that help from China and Mexico rebels are in the cards. But little proof. They hate this nation, blame the white man, castigate people of their own color for loving MAGA and here we are. It is hard to keep silent. People in this country are stressed beyond measure and we have only begun this process.

Patient Endurance is not easy. It is patience amidst the turmoil of this world. Endurance is to endure, keep walking, no matter the obstacle. Pick up one foot, put it forward, and finish your step. Then move the other foot to step forward. It is to endure and that requires patience. A quick fix is not always available. Then there are those who bring death, heartache, and other destructive ways. These are the fruits of unrighteousness which tears down, breaks apart, destroys, and hates. Many in America do not consider the path they choose to walk. While people have many choices in life, there are two paths one may take.  One of those paths is the one which the Lord requires of the redeemed to walk. It does lead to eternal life, but it is filled with persecution and trouble. However, one is popular and promising, but it will lead to delusion and death. Two paths, one choice.  

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

(Pro 14:12)

 A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good.

(Pro 16:29)

Patient Endurance and Righteousness

The many troubles in America and the world provides a lot of latest news for social media and the networks. So is common to find people buried trying to keep up on all the latest news.  Be sure, this works for a while. Sooner rather than later you’re sick of it all. Then you stay away as much as possible. But even then, your curiosity keeps you checking it anyway. The problem is people tend to be problem solvers. Watching news, even talking to it; “Why don’t they do something about this?”  It is not the news; per se, it is the fact that the same oppression, murders, and hate go on all the time. Talk shows talk, media heads pontificate, and politicians follow the party rather than unity to solve troubles. Troubles don’t get solved. All this media doesn’t solve a thing and you watch it day after day. You get on social media day after day. Nothing changes.

I believe the result for many is one issue many people can find themselves taking on the sins of the world. The issues do not go away and in many cases get worse. So, some people fret over it. Finding ways to calm down and relax can be hard when riots are outside your door. It could be you next. People want answers and if they don’t get them, they take on the issues. Some protest, others get violent, while others sit at home and fret.

The threats are clear. For us in America today it is obvious as you see BLM and others would have all whites be shamed for slavery. Yet they keep saying black lives matters. However, the deaths of blacks and other inner-city people are on the rise. Then the BLM is calling for the destruction of America. Radical socialists come forward.  The ongoing problem still exists. Since the riots have pushed the BLM mantra, black on black violence is ongoing. BLM also takes in donations and many corporations have been on board giving money. Where does all that money go? For sure, it has not been reported that BLM has donated hundreds of thousands for the inner-city blacks. In addition, radical Islamic extremists are also involved in all this. Today now, sometime later; The Biden administration in its liberal whack-a-doodle fanfare have made things miserably worse. Two years in of this lawless administration and it is clear someone has had this planned and is working the timetable of destruction with Biden and his minions.

Today things have worsened to the point of a collapse, civil war, and much more but the dangers are real. For the enemy has taken up inside America. For over two decades on our show and our articles I have researched and found many examples of Islamic jihadists training in America. Even doing Radio shows, one such show that featured the President of a black extremist organization said he could not wait to “Hang every Cracker from a light pole.” If you think these are mere kids, remember America helped to win World War 2 with 18-year-old kids. I was in the Navy at the age of seventeen, so early enlistment is possible. These kids have been influenced by radical left-wing professors, teachers, politicians, and the radicals themselves.

  It is true we see lots of trouble not just in America but globally. There are many issues and problems. But you cannot blame yourself, feel guilty, or try to solve all the issues by yourself. You can, however, take care of your own attitude both heart and soul. You can take care of your family and friends. You can help take care of issues in your community. But the sins of the nation or of a people, no; that’s not your job. Jesus Christ died for the sins of all humanity. To him all lives are important. Finally, as a believer you can fast and pray. But also, you can fast social media and the news. That is take time from both and go enjoy your life and forget about it. R-E-L-A-X and enjoy your family and friends.

But just as Jesus Christ died for all people, they need to believe on him; receiving him [John chapter 1] and become born again of the Spirit of God [John chapter 3].  Repentance and confession are keys also in this. We are to walk in the Light as He [Jesus Christ] is the Light. By doing this we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse us of sin [see 1 John chapter 1]. 

In this world though there is prophecy. That prophecy is found throughout scripture. One portion is found in Matthew chapter 24 and verses 12-14. It describes a time when “Iniquity [wickedness, transgression of the law, unrighteousness] shall abound [multiply]. As this lawlessness is going on the people in general are transgressing Gods commandments, Read Romans Chapter 1 for example. They are wicked or unrighteous. Believers seeing this from day to day have their soul vexed or troubled from seeing it. Horrific sinfulness coupled with pride will bring a haughtiness to those children of disobedience. What all this does to believers is like throwing water on an open flame. A little water on a hot fire won’t extinguish the flame. But do that enough and it will eventually cool down and go out. So, the scripture says the “Love of many shall wax cold.” A tough situation, a lawless society, and we are then told “he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” It is not enough to just begin this journey as a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ, we must follow through to the end.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Patient Endurance and Righteousness | Mat 24:12-14 Endurance

Sinfulness is awful. In the eyes of God sin cannot abide in His presence. He knew that the people he created would fall from His Grace. They also will need a redeemer. Thank the Lord that we have such a Redeemer in Jesus [Yeshua] Christ [Massiach]. People may think that they are sinners when they go sin. The truth is people sin because they are sinners. Christ died to redeem all sinners and to give them power to overcome. That is why today we find ourselves in challenging times surrounded by evil, murders, riots, and more. It is not BLM, Antifa, White Race, Black Race, Hispanic, Native American. Not at all, it is sin and that can only be buried under the atoning sacrifice of our Lord. We are to do, therefore, the very thing that may be hard for us. First, we are to get right with our God and Father through the Lord Jesus Christ. Then we are to be patient and wait for the return of our Lord. We are to stablish our heart, strengthen it, nourish it in God’s word, soaking it in prayer with a fast or two.

Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receives the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door. Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

Patient Endurance and Righteousness | Jas 5:7-11

While it is hard not to be upset or have emotions when we see things that grieve our hearts, it is imperative we find our source in the Lord. It takes our eye focused on the Lord, His Word, and his moving our hearts. He can heal the hurt, deliver the sinner, and bring to pass the miraculous. But in all this, we are to be focused and know that before us; many people have suffered for being Christians. Our goal is not just to endure painful suffering but to make it through to the end. We can do it with Christ’s help. He can deliver us, empower us, guide us, heal us, and so much more.

Further, the whole point is this question. Why is this going on? Simply, God is allowing the fruits of the labors from the rebellious to come upon them. At the same time God is working in the hearts of people. He has long patience for the harvest of the earth. He does not want anyone to die and go to hell. God has commanded all men to repent. Christ died for all people. It is in times of upheaval, trouble, and yes even walking in the valley of the shadow of death that many people find themselves awakening to the Lord. Finally, then understanding the eternal truth of pure redemption through Christ Jesus.  Iran, for example has been cracking down on Christianity there. But COVID 19 raced through the country. Thus, in a Muslim nation many people were asking questions. This is leading many to online gathering of Christians. The latest word we received from the field was that many Muslims are coming to Christ Jesus in Iran during the last horrific COVID pandemic. But today we face so many more threats to deal with. The least of which is a pandemic. The worse of it all is the Global Reset being sold to all the nations of men through the World Economic Forum.

But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: For there is no respect of persons with God

Patient Endurance and Righteousness | Rom 2:5-11

Now while God has worked out a plan of salvation for all people, he won’t force it upon them. It is their choice. But to get into heaven, to enjoy what God has in store for his Sons and Daughters of God; there is only one way. Again, through Jesus Christ. Scripture is full of the end of day prophecies. Many tell us how dangerous it will be. Revelation is pertinent here. We are told “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still -Rev 22:11.” If you want to be unjust, then this scripture says to all “let him be unjust.” If you want to be righteous, then this scripture says to all “let him be righteous.”  This also reveals that in life, until the Lord returns; there will be holiness, righteousness, unrighteousness, filthiness, and those people who are unjust.

Truthfully and thankfully, we have hope. In Revelation chapter one Christ calls himself the “Almighty” and in Revelation 22 he says, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”  Revelation is the final book with the final warnings. It is also a book of deliverance, redemption, and eternal glory. For you it is a matter of what do you want to be and how do you want to live. Whatever it is, God will hold you accountable. While God has patience for his harvest, he has set an appointed time to judge all souls. Ezekiel 18:20 reminds us “the soul that sinneth, it shall die.”  Paul in Romans says “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” -Romans 3:23. The truth is while sin entered the world by one man, and thus death by sin; so, then this death passed to all men for all have sinned. But Christ died for our sins so that we would not be hurt of the second death but pass from death to life eternal. Therefore, we find in Revelation 22:12 that he will “come quickly” and whatever you did in this life will be rewarded to you for he says, “my reward is with men to give to every man according as his work shall be.

Tribulation and anguish, sorrow and death can be found in the nations of men every year. We have ongoing gangs of those like Boko Haram, Al-Shabab, the Fulani herdsmen, and others who target to kill those who oppose what they do. Most of their targets are Christians. We find worldwide that Christians are being targeted for the faith as never before. In America we have now reached a point where Christianity is a target as is America herself. Then there are those radicals here who target the white race. These are radicals that are armed to the teeth for a war to take over America.

For over two decades Warn Radio has been warning of judgment in America. We warned of the civil war a long time ago. Many things today reflect what we already know. We knew it because the Lord revealed it to us. However, we are living in a tough time for America and the world. Many believe without a doubt the end of days is here. We are seeing America divided as no other. I prophesied this when the Lord revealed to me in the Great Summer Eclipse how bad the divide was in this nation. The enemy wants to kill and steal and destroy. I am not talking about Satan, but Satan in the hearts of these who do such things.

It is that enemy we see parading down the streets of America. This is featured on the news. Many of those on that street are working to bring this country down. Add in the fact the news, tech industry, movie industry, and liberal democrats hate the motto MAGA. They hate the thought of America being Made Great Again that is why they hate Donald Trump, his followers, those who put him in office, and frankly speaking have said as much regarding getting rid of them all. Today, hatred and division are the worst and getting to the point of no return for America. Yet we can overcome this, by Gods Mercy and help.

I bring to you these truths, number one we are to have patience in all this, with endurance. This means we don’t quit serving the Lord. We are to be the difference; we are salt and light to a world of lost people. We don’t want our enemies murdered but redeemed. We have seen miracles overseas with our contacts there. The very enemies of Christians being saved through a miracle of deliverance at the right moment.

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus

Patient Endurance and Righteousness | Rev 14:12

In addition, we don’t defund the police. We do not allow rogue police officers to do what they do. But to suggest Police is the problem is a lie, which, radical Marxists use to prepare a society for their takeover. We have laws in this country. But the left driven political machines of the mayors and governors choose to release all lawbreakers back onto the streets. These rioters simply rejoice and then do it repeatedly. We don’t hold them accountable. We encourage their behavior. One day soon they will stop playing games with the politicians and begin the real war once their side is reinforced. The bottom line is as believers we must be prepared for all eventuality. With food, clothing, shelter, and a place to go if our current living arrangements are found to be too dangerous.  There are many aspects to this, however in this article we will not cover these. Today, we must have a Patient Endurance and walk in Righteousness before our God. That means walking in his light. 

Today we see many more threats than we did during COVID, lockdowns, and riots. America is lost and those who are trying to bring this nation back are the enemy of those working to destroy this country.

Patient Endurance and Righteousness by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host. | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.

The Work and Ministry of the WIBR/WARN Radio is about: The Testimony of Jesus Christ, Through the faith of Jesus Christ; By the Mercy of God our Father through His Grace extended, flowing from the Love of God to all People everywhere; Commanding everyone to Repent!

Patient Endurance and Righteousness

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Patient Endurance and Righteousness

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About Dana Glenn Smith

Dana Glenn Smith is a Veteran broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]! He was a Watchman when being a Watchman was not cool! He is the President of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministries and endtime preaching, teaching, and warning agency. It is also an advocate for the Persecuted church worldwide.
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