Prophetic Time, Prophetic Awakening is heralding in truth, and the Shofar is sounding a warning. LORD is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever. Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men.” In our strivings in this nation, people need wisdom. Not mans, but Gods wisdom. The beginning of such wisdom is fear of the Lord. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, Psalm 111:10.
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
Prophetic Time, Prophetic Awakening is heralding in truth
“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
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“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”
“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
Prophetic Time, Prophetic Awakening
At what time will a nation of people awaken to the truth? When will people gain wisdom? For Judah of old, wisdom came after they were sent into captivity for their rebellion against the Lord. I ask you, when will America heed wisdom? When will we awaken? While America may never be sent into captivity like Judah, this nation already is in the throes of judgment. Now to avoid that judgment many Americans, Preachers, and others viewed President Trump as the answer to bring this nation back to its senses and to God. Having President Donald Trump in the White House is a message to America and the world. In this nation many do not realize they are living outside the blessings of the Lord. In short, the sin of America is piling up. As such, there are signs this nation and its judgment is nearing.
Walking After our own Devices – when people ignore the Truth that warns a people, and they decide to follow the imagination of their own evil heart! Jeremiah 18:12 And they said, there is no hope: but we will walk after our own devices, and we will everyone do the imagination of his evil heart.
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
Yet, the people of America; from Prophets and Pastors to Politicians and Preachers all know the warning signs. Many of the American people also know the issues and sins of this country. I could go into nauseating details here, but I will not. These issues of which I speak and many others I do not detail here is the one reason the American people elected Donald J. Trump as President and his team go with him into the lion’s den of the oval office. I need not describe what the President is facing, even if I knew of a certainty of all the issues. One thing is clear, two enemies have clearly marked their paths. One is the political holdouts that withstand all that the President was elected to do. The other is the radicalized and the sometimes demon possessed Democrats. The whole issue is the fear and hate these Democrats have. Further, fearing that this President would find out about the hidden agenda of these opponents whom I will designate as the “offal opposition” to Donald Trump and His team. I use the term offal on purpose here. Look it up to try to determine what I mean by this term “offal”!
We are surely a big nation, bigger in our own eyes, perhaps, than in reality. We do walk after our own devices, after all, who’s to stop us? The nation we know as America, or the formal title of the United States has been blessed beyond any measure. Even the current house of politicians we have in D.C., of whom many are millionaires and have gotten rich in during their political career continue on their merry way to have it all. Here I bring in the term, United States.
This nation and its people need to know the way they are headed will bring a snare upon them. Just like nations before who thought they were Gods in their own eyes, they were brought low. This nation will end up just like the wicked before them, who were caught in the justice of the Lord and were cut down. Will America find herself in this situation? The answer is, America is already there. Today, before I wrote this, I got a call for prayer. This prayer was for the families of two young men. These families were unrelated, yet they faced the same dilemma. Both young men had committed suicide. One succeeded, the other failed and is facing horrible consequences for his action. In both these young men’s lives, we can see the reflection of America.
Quote taken from a 2005 archive article written by Dana G Smith titled “Walking after our own devices.” Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
If indeed that term we use to describe our nation is to be believed; one would see a United Union of States, to which would be United States. However, I see division, plotting, evil, hatred, curses, warnings, threats, and a division in our nation and congress unlike any divisive thing since the civil war. The America I knew is not at all like what has occurred in this nation. We are corruptors, ill fitted to lead any group of people. That is also to say, the other nations of men are not any better. That is why judgment comes and will arrive when these people and others are least expecting. The problem is, His mercy will come to an end someday, then what? If you are not found in the bosom of Jesus Christ as His Born-Again Son or Daughter, you will be forever lost. The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:12 that we (who now know the Lord) were at one time “without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.” Having no Hope, without God in the World, this describes many in America today.
(11) Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; (12) That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: (13) But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. (14) For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; (15) Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; (16) And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: (17) And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. (18) For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
Eph 2:11-18 We are made nigh by the Blood of Christ. Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
Growing up the differences between then and now are historic. First of all, there were churches on almost every corner. Everyone went to church on Sunday. There was respect for each other and also respect for your elders. Preachers were on fire, knew God, and would warn their congregation and the nation to not backslide away from the Lord. Of course, the nation faced two major world wars of One and Two. Then Vietnam and many others. Yet this nation came out strong, resilient, and still America went to church. The reason was, Preachers preached the truth. Today the sugar daddy churches with their pablum won’t do the job. Lackluster, no Spirit of conviction, and no revivals, let alone not an anointed Word of God flowing from an anointed Preacher.
Yes, in the last year or so I have witnessed many coming to the Lord, churches with revivals, and on the street, there have been many turning to the Lord. But that still is not enough. We need to pursue more, preach more, turn to Christ more, wake up lukewarm Christians, Pastors, and entire churches, denominations, and the Political arm of America as well need to repent. If you want to save America, save yourself by coming to the Lord first and seeking His Face and Heart on what to do.
However, even today America is still a nation full of churches, fine golden crosses, plush pews, the best educated seminaries, and the richest of all people on the earth, yet it is headed for disaster. This disaster comes when people think they answer to no one. Believing also that wicked ways will not be punished. This nation has been warned for years by many godly men. Even today, there are voices that cry for this nation to repent amidst godlessness.
(7) But the LORD shall endure for ever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment. (8) And he shall judge the world in righteousness, he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness. (9) The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. (10) And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. (11) Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings. (12) When he maketh inquisition for blood, he remembereth them: he forgetteth not the cry of the humble. Psa 9:7-12 He does not forget the cry of the Humble
In closing, when we in this nation, forget God as we have been doing, this “having no hope” boils to the surface. Instead of glitz and glamour, young people become disillusioned with society. Instead of religiosity of the churches today, the young people opt for the dark side of the occult and mysticism. Instead of feeding on this nation’s secularism and hype, the young people find it shallow offering nothing of sustenance. They find that the offerings of money, fame, wealth, food, religiosity, and everyday life to be of no value. It is pure vanity, uselessness. They see adults fighting to obtain, yet having not enough, politicians fighting in Washington offering no solutions, and in school they find humanism offering the empty wisdom of man. This nation and its people need to know the way they are headed will bring a snare upon them. Just like nations before who thought they were Gods in their own eyes, they were brought low. This nation will end up just like the wicked before them, who were caught in the justice of the Lord and were cut down. Will America find herself in this situation? The answer is, America is already there.
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
At the first initial writing of this article, of which I have rewritten entirely with the exception of a few items. One reminder from many years ago that I wrote this, I penned this note within this original article. I wrote “Today, before I wrote this, I got a call for prayer. This prayer was for the families of two young men. These families were unrelated, yet they faced the same dilemma. Both young men had committed suicide. One succeeded, the other failed and is facing horrible consequences for his action.” In both these young men’s lives, we can see the reflection of America.
We see fully the list goes on. Murders, suicides, rapes, drugs and so on. The ignorance never ceases, with wisdom of wicked men who fail to see the Justice of God that will come upon all nations who forget God. The trip to hell is paved with good intentions and is one step at a time. The problem for America is that we are taking the scenic trip and everyone, including many churches is blinded to this.
(9) The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (10) But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. (11) Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, (12) Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? (13) Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
2Pe 3:9-13 We, according to his promise, look for a new heavens and anew earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness! Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
End Notes: Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening Time carries on its function so does Prophecy
Written and Published by the Watchman Dana G Smith; President of the WIBR/WARN Radio Endtime Ministry, Preaching, Teaching, Warning, and Advocate for Persecuted Church
Excerpt: Prophetic Time, Prophetic Awakening is heralding the truth, and the Shofar is sounding a warning. LORD is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever. Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men.” In our strivings in this nation, people need wisdom. Not mans, but Gods wisdom. The beginning of such wisdom is fear of the Lord. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, Psalm 111:10.
Keywords: Nations of men, America, Israel, Jeremiah, wickedness, ordain wickedness, mercy, blessed of God, Gods warnings, disaster, wicked ways, punished, nation warned, without Christ, without God, wicked turned into hell, nations forget God, secularism, vanity, repent, repentance, God, Noah, violence, society, Hamas, Jesus, Iesous, Yeshua HaMassiach,
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host. | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture is KJV of the bible unless otherwise noted.
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
🔥🔥👉Be sure to check out the section below. Click on the links to the books to see other writings and publishing we have done. We do recommend you get our latest book, “The Rising”. It is available at many fine places where books are sold. All this helps to support the websites and those who work to spread the Word of the Lord.✝😇
Join with us in this ministry, donate to help Spread the message of Jesus Christ and his Gospel to the glory of our God and Father.
Latest Books by the Watchman Dana G smith
Warning Nations – Preparing Generations
The Rising by Dana Glenn Smith
When He who opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith!
🔥🔥 Just Released! 🔥🔥
🔥🔥👉 Check out the Rising our Latest new Christian Fiction release.
The Rising is a Christian Fiction Thriller. When He who Opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith! We introduce a former black-ops sniper named Mac. He is hard core and one of the best at what he does. His work is secretive, elusive, and necessary. But he wanted out.
Steel the Darkness is Book One of the “Steel Series”
Steel the Darkness is a Biblical Christian story with roots in today’s events. While the characters are varied, the events and the situation is plausible.
Surrounded by an army of dedicated Christians, they find themselves in over their heads as all hell breaks loose.
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Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
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Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Dana Glenn Smith is a Veteran broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]! He was a Watchman when being a Watchman was not cool! He is the President of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministries and endtime preaching, teaching, and warning agency. It is also an advocate for the Persecuted church worldwide.
"This a website of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministry. We feature indepth biblical articles and teachings. ''Radio shows weekly are on the agenda. Take a look and enjoy a total Christian website and materials. All featuring the Word of God. Browse awhile. Thanks for visiting!"
"The above Navigation menu consists of the main Dana G Smith articles, Prose, Writings, and Psalms. These are works that Dana has been working on for many years. There are unpublished works as well. We will be publishing these different and well written Journalistic items on a regulare basis. Some categories are just opened up and are just beginning to have posts in them. WIBR WARN Radio "
When He who Opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith!
We introduce a former black-ops sniper named Mac.He is hard core and one of the best at what he does. His work is secretive, elusive, and necessary. But he wanted out.Check out the book today!
***** Sledge Hammer
5.0 out of 5 stars An ominous warning for America. Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2023.
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I have read this book thoroughly, and it is quite a page turner. The author, Dana Glenn Smith, wrote The Rising before all the riots erupted across America. He doesn't have a crystal ball, but he relies on the input provided by our Lord. Some folks will ask if it is possible for treasonous forces inside America to be actively trying to bring America down. The forces of the evil darkness will do whatever it takes, to satisfy their dark lord. Pick up The Rising, you'll be glad that you did.
Steel the Darkness Review
***** Sweetrain
5.0 out of 5 stars Have faith. Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2018
This book kept me on the edge of my seat, I had a hard time putting this book down. It has a few surprises along the way. I have to say there are a few characters that are my favorite, the Uncle, Tiger, the Uncle's best friend, the Pastor and his wife and the relative of the Uncle. Steel the Darkness is an enjoyable read and leaves the ending wide open for another one. The Col is an evil man, one that seems to be out for only one thing, The destruction of human souls. Will he prevail or will the faith of the People fighting against the darkness win?
WIBR/WARN Radio New Custom Mug, special picture taken with my night vision, this is high in the mountains of Wyoming early one morning. With Scripture, take a look; get one for yourself and a friend.
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The LORD, the King of Glory reminds us that those who are Christ’s chosen will obey His Word, have His Spirit, and confess their sins. These walk in the Light as Christ is the Light and also does Walk in the Light of God. We have hope beyond this world, the nations of men, politics, wars, hate, fighting, and the lusts of men and women. In the midst of a lost world we are as followers of Christ Jesus the Salt of the earth and the Light of Christ bring Hope to all men Continue reading →
Hear the Thunder of Judgment and understand the death of the innocent, the shedding of the blood of mine elect, those in whom I am well pleased. Yet fear the sound of the Thunder of coming Judgment for you have spilled, delighted in, and covered your souls in the blood of the innocent ones. For you have killed babes, to wash yourselves in iniquity as you sacrifice and wash yourselves in their blood. Woe unto these, the nations of men, the corruptors, and those who plot to do evil. Continue reading →
Ageless the Footprint of Man & the Psalm Footprint follow article! Yes, it was in the beginning that God, brought forth the earth, the heavens, and all that therein is. It was this sovereign, just, and true God, whom then was known yet unknown. For when man first came out of the earth, so God formed man, then woman afterwards. Thus, the relationship began between God and man. It is a straightforward look at the application of the human race. Continue reading →
End of Days Nemesis is a Psalm written by Dana G Smith. It is Prophetic, and looks at the battle of the Saints against their Nemesis. It is set in traditional poetic form of a Psalm and brings you into this battle in the end of days. The Word of God, the Sword of the Lord, Faith, Atonement, and the Lord Jesus Christ helps you to know what this Psalm is all about and the message to all readers of it. Continue reading →
Eternal Call of the Day of the Lord meets every human being from the beginning of time to the end of all things. Humans spend their time under the auspices of the Eternal Himself. His Grace, Mercy, Benevolence, and Love shadows over mankind even as the world which the Eternal created finds itself in turmoil. This turmoil has had gigantic effects, even during the time of these United States from creation of it to now. Continue reading →
Antichrist Anti-Christian nations of men is a special writing of the end of days. It is a written prose that brings you to a specific day and time in the future. As one which stepped from a time capsule, I bring to you this event. This has scriptural admonitions and prophetic truths wound within the address given by the dark one who is to come. Continue reading →
The Council of God Call upon Me is a collection of two psalms. These are a prophetic warning of the Day of the Lord, the Wickedness of a Nation, and a final Word to Call upon the LORD. It calls upon the nations and the people therein to take heed. A staunch warning given in two prophetic psalm Continue reading →
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Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
Prophetic Time, Prophetic Awakening is heralding in truth, and the Shofar is sounding a warning. LORD is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever. Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men.” In our strivings in this nation, people need wisdom. Not mans, but Gods wisdom. The beginning of such wisdom is fear of the Lord. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, Psalm 111:10.
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
Prophetic Time, Prophetic Awakening
At what time will a nation of people awaken to the truth? When will people gain wisdom? For Judah of old, wisdom came after they were sent into captivity for their rebellion against the Lord. I ask you, when will America heed wisdom? When will we awaken? While America may never be sent into captivity like Judah, this nation already is in the throes of judgment. Now to avoid that judgment many Americans, Preachers, and others viewed President Trump as the answer to bring this nation back to its senses and to God. Having President Donald Trump in the White House is a message to America and the world. In this nation many do not realize they are living outside the blessings of the Lord. In short, the sin of America is piling up. As such, there are signs this nation and its judgment is nearing.
Yet, the people of America; from Prophets and Pastors to Politicians and Preachers all know the warning signs. Many of the American people also know the issues and sins of this country. I could go into nauseating details here, but I will not. These issues of which I speak and many others I do not detail here is the one reason the American people elected Donald J. Trump as President and his team go with him into the lion’s den of the oval office. I need not describe what the President is facing, even if I knew of a certainty of all the issues. One thing is clear, two enemies have clearly marked their paths. One is the political holdouts that withstand all that the President was elected to do. The other is the radicalized and the sometimes demon possessed Democrats. The whole issue is the fear and hate these Democrats have. Further, fearing that this President would find out about the hidden agenda of these opponents whom I will designate as the “offal opposition” to Donald Trump and His team. I use the term offal on purpose here. Look it up to try to determine what I mean by this term “offal”!
We are surely a big nation, bigger in our own eyes, perhaps, than in reality. We do walk after our own devices, after all, who’s to stop us? The nation we know as America, or the formal title of the United States has been blessed beyond any measure. Even the current house of politicians we have in D.C., of whom many are millionaires and have gotten rich in during their political career continue on their merry way to have it all. Here I bring in the term, United States.
If indeed that term we use to describe our nation is to be believed; one would see a United Union of States, to which would be United States. However, I see division, plotting, evil, hatred, curses, warnings, threats, and a division in our nation and congress unlike any divisive thing since the civil war. The America I knew is not at all like what has occurred in this nation. We are corruptors, ill fitted to lead any group of people. That is also to say, the other nations of men are not any better. That is why judgment comes and will arrive when these people and others are least expecting. The problem is, His mercy will come to an end someday, then what? If you are not found in the bosom of Jesus Christ as His Born-Again Son or Daughter, you will be forever lost. The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:12 that we (who now know the Lord) were at one time “without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.” Having no Hope, without God in the World, this describes many in America today.
Growing up the differences between then and now are historic. First of all, there were churches on almost every corner. Everyone went to church on Sunday. There was respect for each other and also respect for your elders. Preachers were on fire, knew God, and would warn their congregation and the nation to not backslide away from the Lord. Of course, the nation faced two major world wars of One and Two. Then Vietnam and many others. Yet this nation came out strong, resilient, and still America went to church. The reason was, Preachers preached the truth. Today the sugar daddy churches with their pablum won’t do the job. Lackluster, no Spirit of conviction, and no revivals, let alone not an anointed Word of God flowing from an anointed Preacher.
Yes, in the last year or so I have witnessed many coming to the Lord, churches with revivals, and on the street, there have been many turning to the Lord. But that still is not enough. We need to pursue more, preach more, turn to Christ more, wake up lukewarm Christians, Pastors, and entire churches, denominations, and the Political arm of America as well need to repent. If you want to save America, save yourself by coming to the Lord first and seeking His Face and Heart on what to do.
However, even today America is still a nation full of churches, fine golden crosses, plush pews, the best educated seminaries, and the richest of all people on the earth, yet it is headed for disaster. This disaster comes when people think they answer to no one. Believing also that wicked ways will not be punished. This nation has been warned for years by many godly men. Even today, there are voices that cry for this nation to repent amidst godlessness.
In closing, when we in this nation, forget God as we have been doing, this “having no hope” boils to the surface. Instead of glitz and glamour, young people become disillusioned with society. Instead of religiosity of the churches today, the young people opt for the dark side of the occult and mysticism. Instead of feeding on this nation’s secularism and hype, the young people find it shallow offering nothing of sustenance. They find that the offerings of money, fame, wealth, food, religiosity, and everyday life to be of no value. It is pure vanity, uselessness. They see adults fighting to obtain, yet having not enough, politicians fighting in Washington offering no solutions, and in school they find humanism offering the empty wisdom of man.
This nation and its people need to know the way they are headed will bring a snare upon them. Just like nations before who thought they were Gods in their own eyes, they were brought low. This nation will end up just like the wicked before them, who were caught in the justice of the Lord and were cut down. Will America find herself in this situation? The answer is, America is already there.
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
At the first initial writing of this article, of which I have rewritten entirely with the exception of a few items. One reminder from many years ago that I wrote this, I penned this note within this original article. I wrote “Today, before I wrote this, I got a call for prayer. This prayer was for the families of two young men. These families were unrelated, yet they faced the same dilemma. Both young men had committed suicide. One succeeded, the other failed and is facing horrible consequences for his action.” In both these young men’s lives, we can see the reflection of America.
We see fully the list goes on. Murders, suicides, rapes, drugs and so on. The ignorance never ceases, with wisdom of wicked men who fail to see the Justice of God that will come upon all nations who forget God. The trip to hell is paved with good intentions and is one step at a time. The problem for America is that we are taking the scenic trip and everyone, including many churches is blinded to this.
End Notes:
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
Time carries on its function so does Prophecy
Written and Published by the Watchman Dana G Smith; President of the WIBR/WARN Radio Endtime Ministry, Preaching, Teaching, Warning, and Advocate for Persecuted Church
Excerpt: Prophetic Time, Prophetic Awakening is heralding the truth, and the Shofar is sounding a warning. LORD is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever. Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men.” In our strivings in this nation, people need wisdom. Not mans, but Gods wisdom. The beginning of such wisdom is fear of the Lord. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, Psalm 111:10.
Keywords: Nations of men, America, Israel, Jeremiah, wickedness, ordain wickedness, mercy, blessed of God, Gods warnings, disaster, wicked ways, punished, nation warned, without Christ, without God, wicked turned into hell, nations forget God, secularism, vanity, repent, repentance, God, Noah, violence, society, Hamas, Jesus, Iesous, Yeshua HaMassiach,
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host. | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture is KJV of the bible unless otherwise noted.
Prophetic Time Prophetic Awakening
🔥🔥👉Be sure to check out the section below. Click on the links to the books to see other writings and publishing we have done. We do recommend you get our latest book, “The Rising”. It is available at many fine places where books are sold. All this helps to support the websites and those who work to spread the Word of the Lord.✝😇
Join with us in this ministry, donate to help Spread the message of Jesus Christ and his Gospel to the glory of our God and Father.
Latest Books by the Watchman Dana G smith
Warning Nations – Preparing Generations
The Rising by Dana Glenn Smith
When He who opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith!
🔥🔥 Just Released! 🔥🔥
🔥🔥👉 Check out the Rising our Latest new Christian Fiction release.
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The Rising is a Christian Fiction Thriller. When He who Opposes Rises, believers overcome by Faith! We introduce a former black-ops sniper named Mac. He is hard core and one of the best at what he does. His work is secretive, elusive, and necessary. But he wanted out.
#TheRising #authorDanaGlennSmith #Christianfiction #Christianbooks #America, #Black-ops, #Christianity, #Faith, #Prophetic
Published by LifeRich
Steel the Darkness
Read the Reviews! Visit The Steel the Darkness Landing page for more information!
Steel the Darkness is Book One of the “Steel Series”
Steel the Darkness is a Biblical Christian story with roots in today’s events. While the characters are varied, the events and the situation is plausible.
Surrounded by an army of dedicated Christians, they find themselves in over their heads as all hell breaks loose.
Get your own copy of Steel the Darkness today!
Get this Riveting Christian Mystery today and share this page with your friends!
Steel The Darkness Paperback
Steel The Darkness Kindle
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“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
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About Dana Glenn Smith
Dana Glenn Smith is a Veteran broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]! He was a Watchman when being a Watchman was not cool! He is the President of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministries and endtime preaching, teaching, and warning agency. It is also an advocate for the Persecuted church worldwide.