Tag Archives: christian faith

Eternal Call of the Day of the Lord

Eternal Call of the Day of the Lord meets every human being from the beginning of time to the end of all things. Humans spend their time under the auspices of the Eternal Himself. His Grace, Mercy, Benevolence, and Love shadows over mankind even as the world which the Eternal created finds itself in turmoil. This turmoil has had gigantic effects, even during the time of these United States from creation of it to now. Continue reading

Posted in Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Occupy till I Come Nighttime in America

Occupy till I Come Nighttime in America. There are times when in the course of daily living, you stand and look up to see who is poisoning your water. This is a way to express that today’s show took a turn to see clearly the year and the experience this nation has gone through. Join me by listening to the show. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian living, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

 Discipleship Occupy till I Come; Lord Redeems Pt13

The Lord will Redeem us, rescue us, save us, and bring the believers in #JesusChrist, #Yeshua #Massiach unto himself. The Lord will wait until the proper time, yet the Lord can and will deliver his #believers in #Yeshua the #Messiach from “The Evil.” As the Psalmist says, “Many are the #afflictions of the #righteous, but the Lord delivered him out of them all -Psalm thirty-four, verse nineteen.” This week we remind and encourage all who hear to #seektheLord and be assured the Lord can and #willdeliver us from “The Evil”. #LordRedeems, #TheEvil Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on  Discipleship Occupy till I Come; Lord Redeems Pt13

Prophetic Warning, Forced Conversion, Faith of Saints, Deliverance, Persecute Believers, Gospel Advocacy, @WarnRadio

Prophetic Warning greets us this week to prepare for what is coming.
The threat to societies globally and to Christians specifically at the hands of Militant forces. Also persecuted Christians in China, while England moves from its historic base of Christianity to now warning the believers there, Nepal Christians face trouble and we cover the corruption and persecution agenda globally specifically looking at a special report on it. Today globally as we report on the Persecuted church, we never are lack for the true stories of persecuted Christians. However, also trouble comes via natural disasters, war, prison, famine, and more. In the world Christians will have tribulation. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Prophetic Warning, Forced Conversion, Faith of Saints, Deliverance, Persecute Believers, Gospel Advocacy, @WarnRadio

Occupy till I Come and be Faithful

Occupy till I come reflects the readiness of those who are Christians. The real question is this one. Are Christians aware of what is going on? Today, where people are so caught up on daily events it is easy to be caught off guard. It is truly something to behold when we spend so much time in our own little worlds, we have no clue as to what is going on. Further, we allow the rampant fake news to inform us. Whether it is true or not, people will sit there and soothed into unconsciousness. Numbed to it all, especially any warning of a new Kingdom Come of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to Occupy till the Lord returns, and we are required to be faithful. Continue reading

Posted in Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Occupy till I Come and be Faithful

 Discipleship Occupy till I Come; Isaiah’s Apocalypse Pt12

Isaiah’s Apocalypse arrives as we look at tribulation, trouble, and the LORD making the earth empty, a waste, turning it upside down, and scattering all the inhabitants. Isaiah’s Apocalypse describes a world that is literally coming apart at every angle, area, and this falls on absolutely every person on the earth at that time. However, one note to look at here is that the earth is defiled under the inhabitants thereof. The Curse has devoured the earth, Isaiah points out. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on  Discipleship Occupy till I Come; Isaiah’s Apocalypse Pt12

Contending Faith, Corruption, Algeria, Nigeria, Aid for Christians, Christians Starve, @WarnRadio

#Contending #Faith has various degrees or levels of conflict. In #America, we still face troubles and issues; but take for example overseas, Christians face corrupt officials, government oversight, and murderous outlaws who contend for their #faith by #murdering #Christians. Contending Faith, this week finds corruption and persecution on our list as the ICC looks into various issues in this trouble. Meanwhile, Christians are starving in many areas, some to the point of death. Then if these brethren do obtain food, a supply of Aid for Christians, usually provided by Christian Humanitarian ministries are vital Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Life, Christian Faith Persecution, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Contending Faith, Corruption, Algeria, Nigeria, Aid for Christians, Christians Starve, @WarnRadio

Watchman’s Word Journal

Watchman’s Word Journal E-Book is the Perspective Journal of God’s Word to sustain the Daily Life. It has been in my archives over the years as I wrote and published more and more articles, PDF’s, and wrote Books. It was then in early 2024 I began going through my archives to republish articles that were on other websites that I had. As it stands now the word count is now approximately 17,667 Words on Sixty-three pages. I created this Journal to track the words, phrases, and other items. Continue reading

Posted in Christian Faith Life, Commentary, DanaGSmith Articles, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Watchman’s Word Journal

Discipleship Occupy till I Come Awaken Pt11

He Comes so Awaken to this prospect! Today’s show focuses on Awakening to a new era of #peace, #love, #joy, and much more. Yet, there will be #weeping of #joy, and #wailing of #agony for those who rejected our #savior #JesusChrist. Realize the prospect that one day, life as we know it will end. No more #life and #death, but #Eternal and the rule of #Yeshua overall things. This is the final chapter of mankind. From there mankind has moved to a new destiny fulfilled through our Savior Jesus Christ. There are some surprises along the way, however; life as we know it is and forever over. #HeComesAwaken Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Discipleship Occupy till I Come Awaken Pt11

House of David’s Immanuel Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt8

House of David’s Immanuel -The prophet Isaiah in bringing his message to Judah has an announcement. His is one directly to the House of David and the coming Hope. It is here that within the Prophets we find fulfillment of truth.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, B2 Prophets Isaiah series, Christian discipleship, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on House of David’s Immanuel Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt8