Tag Archives: Christian Persecution

His Cross His Life, True God, Political Agenda, Persecutions, Afflictions, @WarnRadio

His Cross His Life brings us His example. I speak of the Only #begotten #SonofGod, #JesusChrist; #Yeshua! Testifying of the #Father and bringing #redemption for all the #humanrace, we were given certain and sure Hope. #HisCross and #HisLife has been given to us. Thus, If we receive him, believe upon him, and become born again through the #SpiritofGod the #witness of the #GospelofChrist will eventually flow through us to others. The #Lord warned “if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his #cross, and follow men. Further “if you save your life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake, you shall find it.” This is the cost of spreading the #gospel, teaching the gospel, and being a Christian follow of our Lord. There is no clearer message nor redeemable fortune for us than to have this #Hope in and through #Christ Jesus. Nations will come and go, but the redemption through Christ is #eternally sure and safe and will not disappoint. It is with these thoughts we do today’s show.
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Advancing Christs Gospel on Classic Warn Radio

Advancing Christs Gospel on Classic Warn Radio brings you the real struggle of life and death overseas for many Christians. We will discuss here the situation of Leah Sharibou, also Ebola in the Congo when at the time of this show had been a threat. We look at China and other areas where the persecution of Christians is ongoing. From the Congo, to Indonesia, to China, and in Pakistan and Myanmar to name a few. Advancing Christ Gospel comes with a cost. This is a Classic Warn Radio Episode. Continue reading

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Watch and Pray Always, Finding Jesus, Saudi Arabia, Christ Blasphemy, @WarnRadio

Watch and Pray Always the Lord gives it as a warning and a command. We are to #Watch because of the trouble that is coming. We are to #Pray always. We are to avoid being so “overcharged in our lives” with #surfeiting. Here the word is as a seizure of pain like a headache from #drunkenness. This is plain and simple a #glut meaning ‘an excessive amount’. This leads to #debauchery, #excessive #indulgence that leads to #sexual #immorality. He warns about being so caught up with the cares of this life so that you do not see the end of days snare coming upon you. We are therefore to avoid those things while #Watching and #praying always that we will be accounted worthy to escape all these things which are coming. As well as being able to stand before the #Sonofman when he appears. This reflects today’s world and how we still have not grasped the fact of our duty in it. Read also #Revelation 12:11
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Finding Jesus, Pakistan persecution, Nigerian Fulani, Saudi Arabia

Finding Jesus and the #Gospel to which he is linked brings forth #redemption to all who will receive Him. It is this gift, through #faith; given by #God in his #mercy that #grace would find all people. #FindingJesus is something that is occurring daily worldwide despite #persecution. Linked to the Lord is the Father by which we find the eternal #Father of #Spirits who has lifted the Lord Jesus Christ. The #inheritance through this #RisenSavior and #Lord is ours if we finish the race set before us. The #incorruptible, #undefiled, and reserved gift of redemption is powered through the #SpiritofGod who is in us. Without such Spirit, we are none of His, as it is written you must be born again of the Spirit -John 3. The gospel and the Lord of that gospel, Jesus Christ; #YeshuaHaMassiach are bringing sons and daughters unto himself in these last days. While the nations refuse to repent along with their governments, people within the nations of men are coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
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Christian Gospel Prophecy World Events on Classic Warn Radio

Christian Gospel Prophecy World Events on Classic Warn Radio takes you into the world where many find death for the gospel of Jesus Christ. If there is not enough trouble globally, Christians are imprisoned, laying in graveyards, and pursued wherever they are. Today more than every Christians need help, advocates, supplies, and deliverance. There are many who help, while many others ignore the please. Today Warn Radio advocacies bring you true stories from Nigeria, Cuba, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, and throughout the middle east. We also bring you a story direct from a ministry that specializes in confronting the issue and raises it before the U.N. and its agencies. This is a Classic Warn Radio premier show that we have upgraded the post. Continue reading

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Full Missions ministry, Clean in Christ, Persecuted Faith, Deliverance

Upon His approaching death, the #ApostlePaul writes, “I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand, I have #fought a #goodfight, I have #finished my #course, I have #kept the #faith.” Paul writes these words mentioned afore after he admonishes his Son in the Faith, Timothy. This leads us to a phrase. It is #FullMissionsMinistry. This brings the #gospel to the table with #deliverance, #service, and #safety of those you minister to! Sometimes this cannot be done. Everyone on earth finishes their course. Some finish it for the #Lord and their work for him, others finish as they have lived their lives. It is here that in this life we have faith and have #ChristJesus. We are of the #faithofJesus, #Yeshua! The other side is, we do our own thing; a mantra of the 60’s was to “do our own thing.” But Christ died for us to deliver us from the second death. That death is after we put off this mortal coil. Today we look at the #persecuted #people in the #faith of #Christ. We look at Full Missions Ministry.
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Anti-Christ Gospel War Classic Warn Radio

Anti-Christ Gospel War Classic Warn Radio reaches into the past and finds the truth for today. From the Truth of scripture, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua. This episode is a Classic Warn Radio Episode. It brings forth a program from 2019 and how Christian Persecution was ramping up. Here we find that these are markers for this year. Those in authority have become anti-Christ. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Faithful Endurance, Freedom Religion, Deliverance, Redeemed, @warnradio

Faithful Endurance meets reality on this week’s #Advocacy for the #Persecuted #Church. No stronger direction is given than Paul’s words to “Stand therefore!” In many areas of a #believers’ life today facing those who oppose your #faith, beliefs, and standing in #ChristJesus. Thus #faithful #endurance is what believers today must have. In many nations that we find the heaviest persecution of #Christians, we can also find that the constitution or similar document guarantee’s #freedomofReligion. Yet, for some reason, they ignore that or define freedom to the point that practicing #Christiansliving out their faith will find themselves targeted. Even in #America we find this more and more. Yes you can be a Christian in America but be careful how you practice it and what you say. Not to forget those #Christianbusiness men and women who try to stand on their basic beliefs without getting sued or threatened. Welcome to the #endofdays America. The world already knows it.
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Trial of Faith, Righteous Truth, Prayer, Hope, Freedoms, Christian Persecution @WarnRadio

“Trial of Faith” discusses the persistent struggle of Christians in countries like North Korea, China, Russia, Pakistan, and India. This segment excavates the intertwining of faith and suppression, casting light on extreme persecutions faced by Christians worldwide. However, it affirms that the believers’ test, patience, love, and God’s enduring presence in their lives will indeed assure victory amidst trials and temptations. The show also urges listeners to take comfort and joy in their faith struggles. Continue reading

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Redemptive Signs, Erdogan’s Hate, North Korea, Miraculous, Uganda Persecution @WarnRadio

“Redemptive Signs” highlights challenges faced by Christians globally and signifies the second coming of Jesus Christ. The world is fraught with troubles including persecution and conflict, causing many to seek peace and assurance of redemption. Amidst this, stories of conversion to Christianity from other religions have emerged. The Christian message and hope of redemption are touted as the solution to the world’s problems as referenced to Isaiah’s words about Jesus defeating the curse that has devoured the earth. Continue reading

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