The Hammer of Justice and Freedom!

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom brings to the forefront radical lifestyle article Pete Seeger. He is known to our generation because of his folk song of change, “If I had a Hammer!” The song was catchy, well-liked, and the generations took to it, many never knowing that it was a radical song of overthrow of the USA. While Pete Seeger lived to a ripe old age, his influence continued. But one thing he never did was burn down a city full of businesses, murder anyone, commit arson, or riot. The changes he sought was through song, influence, and information. But these things above summarize what I saw it as. Having never known him personally, there is no doubt he was a great folk artist. The radicals today are different; embolden in hate, selfish-pride, and willing to burn down a city to get their way. Pushing threats, and having blood on their hands; the group of Antifa and BLM do not represent in anyway the torrid 60’s. They are now the fruits of purebred Marxism.

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom article image
The Hammer of Justice and Freedom

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day, and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for an nonstandard world!

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom

They would hammer out the message of reformed Justice and announce the freedom they wanted. Through a message written and sung by folksy artists it permeated the land of love sick, long haired hippies at the time. Then it moved into the halls of education and politics. They took over the running of this nation and from that point on this land would always face an enemy on its own shores.

“From the start, he aspired to use folk music to promote his left-wing political views, and in times of national turmoil that brought him into direct confrontation with the U.S. government, corporate interests, and people who did not share his beliefs,”

William Ruhlmann on Pete Seeger

In my world of the 60’s rebellion, love, sex, and rock n roll, there was folk music. It was attractive, told a story, and many times was a political statement. From Joan Baez, Arlo Guthrie, Bob Dylan, to others it was a tumultuous ride. Among these I remember was Pete Seeger, who at the time looked a little older than the others.

He was a folk artist and a political pusher. It was on Jan 27th 2014in New York city that Seeger died of natural causes at the ripe old age of 94. I did not notice his passing at all. Nevertheless, it was a time of change that ran from the issuance of World war by America on Japan to the end of the war by defeating the empires of Japan, Germany, and Hitler.

“A Constitution is not the act of a Government, but of a people constituting a government, and a government without a constitution is a power without right.”

–Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

While Seeger was among others like Lee Hays, the Weavers, Ronnie Gilbert, Fred Hellerman, and then in the sixties along with Peter, Paul, and Mary; folk music was a tool to use against the government, political establishment, and the generations of Americans who loved the America that they lived in.

For me, the background of the War with Japan and Germany and Italy meant that my Father and Grandfather both were involved. My Dad at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor was where our family lived which was Catalina Island. My Grandfather worked for the National Park service and was there to patrol the island and the surrounding waters. He was responsible for quite an area along the coast as well moving well past L.A. at the time. When Japan attacked the fear of an attack on the homeland was at a peak level. In California there were many native Japanese, many of whom were loyal to America; yet they were caught up in the fear at the time by being put in concentration camps.

For later generations to judge America and Americans for what happened at that time is wrong. It was war and we had never been attacked like that before. But on the island where my Dad lived, grandfather told him to take the gun and go to the docks and keep an eye out. If he saw anything like men parachuting over the island he was to shoot first and ask questions later. This was the moment when reality hits you square!

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom

My Dad went on to fight in the South Pacific, that is; he was a Navy Corpsman. He saw blood, lots of it. He witnessed dying young men, lots of them. It was not comforting, and it would change his whole life. To the day he died he was one of the generation who stood up against evil. Make no mistake Japan and Germany and Italy would have eventually done more to America if they could have! If that generation never stood then we would not be here.  If those fighting and this includes the nurses at the time did nothing to right wrong, then the hell would have been worse. They were in a dangerous place fighting a deadly enemy.

“[W]e ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds, from being too strongly, and too early prepossessed in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own.”

George Washington, letter to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1795 The Hammer of Justice and Freedom!

Dad told me that towards the end of the war the word leaked out that Japan was next. They had retaken the islands and it was very costly. The Japanese were fierce warriors and it took all we had to beat them. The word leaked down through the ranks that they were expecting about a million casualties if they would invade Japan. Fear gripped the ranks, but they knew they had to finish the job. One day, the word flooded the Islands and the command centers. It got to Dad and those around him. Our side dropped the bomb. It looked like Japan would surrender and the cost was horrific.

Moreover, no one at the time knew how many died but the word was massive. Finally, Japan surrendered, and it was over. Generations of liberals, conservatives, communists, socialists, globalists all would castigate, criticize, and push the US government into admitting their wrongs. Wrongs that these later generations who did nothing to fight would conjure up. Then one day, the socialist leanings of Germany and other communist ideals along with globalist leanings all would take over America.

Moving ahead to today I reflect on these things and know that America today is in serious trouble. The other day I was outside enjoying the sunshine and spring that had finally come to our area. It was peaceful, nice, quiet, and a good time to just take it all in. In fact, it was perfect! I like days as this one was. But in the peace and quiet my thoughts suddenly turned to “If I had a hammer”! I began singing the song with some phrases I recalled. I sang “If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in the morning, I’d hammer in the evening, All over this land.” As I sang this a few other words of the song came into my mind and I suddenly stopped. Where did this come from I asked myself.

I refreshed my memory by some research. This song is a protest song written by Pete Seeger and Lee Hays. The reason they wrote it was for the progressive movement. The song is connected to the Communist agenda as well.  It was performed publicly for the first time by Pete Seeger and Lee Hays on June 3rd, 1949 at Saint Nicolas Arena in New York City. This was a dinner for the leaders of the Communist Party of the United States.

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD. Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

Jer 23:28-29 My word as a fire and like a hammer.. saith the Lord

While we fight today for America, American values, Biblical values, Judeo-Christian roots, and more; there is a reason we are in trouble today. We have had generations of kids listening to good music, great lyrics, and socializing with those who wanted to change the fabric of America. The progressive movement, the Communist movement, the Socialists, the KKK, the Black September, the Nazis, and ultra-liberal leftists who are more socialist than true Americanism all have led the way to where we are today. The liberal agendas of change have utilized what was available to them.

They pushed their change through artists [aforementioned above] and catchy tunes using all kinds of music, and then through the movies, newspapers, radio, and television.  Liberal agendas became the mantra of generations of fooled Americans. They believed the mantra’s which were hidden in these folksy tunes, melodies, and other tools of change which were wrapped up in social justice, change, and love. Although it sounded good, it was a warped sense of justice and change. It was meant to dismantle America and her values and beliefs.

It’s easy to mock folkies as bearded hippies today, but the early folk movement was overtly and radically political, reaching across class boundaries and celebrating of common people.

The participants were preserving what seemed to them to represent an important part of the American identity, a part that was in danger of disappearing under pressure from the modern world.

The class consciousness of that movement easily (perhaps inevitably) led to socialist and communist politics. 

  Source the Atlantic The Hammer of Justice and Freedom!

Pete Seeger and others like him all had a Hammer, they also had a bell. This to which the song alludes is an activist song. They would hammer: that is they would tell, write, sing, and protest the danger and the warning. They would also include the relative term of “brothers and sisters” in the same context with love. This made for a good message to drugged out love hippies of the sixties who already were protesting the American government.

Their message in song was the hammer to hammer out or extinguish injustice as they saw it, herald freedom as they thought it should be, and continue to sing out their songs. But their target was not just the government. In truth they targeted the American way of life, the Church, the message of the Cross, values, patriotism, and much more. It was a good gimmick and Seeger was great at it.

I personally remember his songs and watched him perform. They sounded great and moved the generation towards socialism, communism, and away from a constitutional Republic as it was intended. However, the artists really felt, the tool and the message were symbiotic and alluring. It fooled many and thus the success of change can be felt even today. It is entwined in our politics and way of life. In short, America is no longer the America we used to know. Make no mistake I did not trust the government then and still do not trust it today. But I know where it is headed and prophetically what is coming as the bible points out.

Moreover, the message is reflected in how the communist party led by then Earl Bowder took Marxist phraseology to present themselves as “an indigenous reform movement”. The slogan they presented to America was an effort to blend into the American seam and be non-threatening. They were one of us, from the roots; and they wanted things to be fair. It is out of this that Browder presented the phrase “Communism is 20th Century Americanism”.  To Browder and his followers this was the America they wanted. To true blue Americans that saw this nation as a constitutional republic it was blasphemy.  Although I did not trust the government, I was not part nor parcel with communism, socialist ideals, nor any other political theology of the day. Many times the message would sound good, but if you looked closer under the roof of the whole thing you would see an anti-Americanism ideal!

“American Communism is 21st Century Americanism, but in no way is it an American Republic guided by Judeo-Christian principles, a constitution, and a bill of rights.”

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom!

Emphasizing progressive trends in American history and attempting to cast itself as an indigenous reform movement under the slogan “Communism is 20th Century Americanism.”[26] The stark phraseology of Marxism, based upon the inevitability of class struggle, was replaced by a fuzzy critique of capitalism using Rooseveltian terms like “economic royalism.” Earl Browder
David Corn writes on Pete Seeger.  Corn is a liberal writer and spin master for MSNBC and author of Russian Roulette; a spin that pushes Russia’s i.e. Putin’s war on America and the Election of Donald Trump. The piece on Seeger is particularly liberal and does not fit into the situation in world war two when America had just been hit with its greatest defeat, i.e. Pearl Harbor.

When looking at Seeger and others it is important to note that many times liberals coat the truth in socialist Americanism. Which is what is presented by David Corn in his coverage in his Atlantic article. He sugar coats the fact of Seeger’s push in communist and socialist leanings. His summary of Seeger is as follows.

Over the following decades, and as Seeger came to be seen more as a kindly uncle and graying institution than a dangerous radical, the same commitment to social justice that had led him to naively embrace Communism also led him to pen the defining anthem of the modern civil-rights era, “We Shall Overcome” and to stand side by side with Martin Luther King. It led him to protest the Vietnam War, and later against the war in Iraq. It led him to speak out against tobacco and to argue for environmental conservation. It led him to sing “This Land Is Your Land” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to celebrate Barack Obama’s inauguration, and it led him to march with Occupy Wall Street protesters, many angry at Obama, in 2011

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom

Personally, and reflectively I liked Seeger and the others with their songs. We can also apply the same song to what we are fighting against today. That is socialists, Liberals, communists, globalists, Anti-Christ’s, and those who hate the Judeo-Christian roots of America. These are the same ones that decry the founding fathers, the Constitution, and the America that we used to be. While there were troubles and injustice; make no mistake communism and socialism is not the answer. But then neither is a democracy which tends towards nihilism or anarchy.

“Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression. Without law, liberty also loses its nature and its name, and becomes licentiousness.”–James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1790

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom!

Here I summarize a few points! We have had generations upon generations of kids grow up. Many have been thrust through with ideas that will destroy them and the nation they live in. Lies permeate the corridors of American schools in relation to values, American history, faith, Christianity, Holiness, truth, and constitutionalism. We now are facing our greatest crises and it is time for us as holders of America to do the following.

Hammer in the morning, Hammer in the evening all over this land!

We need to hammer out the danger of ill-fated concepts of anti-Americanism, anti-Christ, the Christian faith, Judeo-Christian roots, and our own right to individualistic nationalism as Americans.

We need to hammer out a warning to all people as to where they are headed, which is destruction. The first rule to conquer a nation is to divide the people. For a house divided cannot stand.

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom!

It is truly ironic that Seeger sang “It’s a hammer of Justice, it’s a bell of freedom”. We have justice entwined in our Constitution and bill of rights. We have a bell, it is called the liberty bell. Yet for all of this when Seeger sang that, it was not that he was thinking of.

Today know that there is a need to realize the danger and in your own way hammer against all those things, people, and ideas that are anti-Americanism.

Globalism is not Americanism. Socialism is not true American, and communism is an enemy of our Republic! Today voices are raised from illegal immigrants to socialist Bernie Sanders and communist heralders who push the same agenda as Seeger and others.

My question is this, whose side are you on?

Do you defend the Constitution of the United States, the bill of Rights, and the signers of the declaration or are you on the side of tear it down, rebuild it, and create a new system more to your liking?

The Hammer of Justice and Freedom!

For me, I say to others; keep your mouth shut about World War Two. This war was not Vietnam, nor was Vietnam or Korea or any other modern-day conflict like World War Two. After this great war, the world changed permanently.  I also know my dad and Grandfather, had the Japanese invaded Catalina would have shot first, defended their turf, and would do it to the death! The trouble today is many would welcome the invasion and join them.

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The Hammer of Justice and Freedom by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.

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The Hammer of Justice and Freedom

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The Hammer of Justice and Freedom

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The Hammer of Justice and Freedom

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About Dana Glenn Smith

Dana Glenn Smith is a Veteran broadcaster, author, preacher, teacher, and fisherman who lives on the plains of Wyoming surrounded by Mountains and wildlife [I'm not talking about the people here]! He was a Watchman when being a Watchman was not cool! He is the President of the WIBR/WARN Radio ministries and endtime preaching, teaching, and warning agency. It is also an advocate for the Persecuted church worldwide.
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