Category Archives: A1 Warn Radio Classic

Warriors of Jesus Christ, Gospel, Faith, Persecuted Christians

Warriors of Jesus Christ on this episode of #Advocacy for the #Persecuted #church from #WarnRadio. This week’s #Warriors episode of #JesusChrist begins with #Paul’s admonitions to #Timothy. “Be strong in the #grace that is in Christ Jesus.” Further Timothy was to find #faithful men who could #teach others as well. He was told though “endure hardness as a good #warrior or soldier of Jesus Christ.” There is no doubt Paul was addressing this to Timothy as a warrior who warred against those who would destroy the message, the faith, and the #gospel of Jesus Christ. He was warned to not get involved or entangled in the daily lives or affairs or business thereof, he was to focus on his call and purpose.
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Testify Jesus Christ Gospel Classic @WarnRadio

Testify Jesus Christ brings this Classic @WarnRadio episode brings you into the reality of the cost of following the Lord Jesus Christ. It takes faith, guts don’t just cut it. Today we face a world of nations that take issue with the gospel. In this avenue the United States continues to do business with many of them such as China. The fact is, the Lord is moving in the nations, and many are coming to him. However, the cost is real, the Martyrs for Jesus are real, the persecution of the Saints is real, and those who live for Jesus Christ must also bear his faith and his testimony to a lost and dying world. In so doing, many will pay with their lives. But even in this loss of human life; they will be saved and give a new body to live in. Not a hair on their head will perish as the Lord said. Continue reading

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Jerusalem Remnant Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt99 on Battle Lines

Jerusalem Remnant brings us to point of who is really in charge here. A pompous King Sennacherib with a large army or the #LordGod whose #Prophet #Isaiah is on the scene to declare “thus saith the Lord”. We have covered the threats, the talk, and the back and forth with Rabshakeh. But the deliverance nears even as the #Assyrians ready to break the defenses of #Jerusalem. The whole event is about relationship of a people to their God, these are the #Jerusalem #Remnant. No amount of #heathen can separate them from their #God. They can be separated if they decided to not follow the Lord. There are many situations going on here, even a #righteous #King #Hezekiah who lay on what he believes is his death bed. In the end the promises are fulfilled, and we see the groundwork laid for the next chapter.
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Faith Patience of Jesus; China oppresses, Jesus Saves, Gospel Cost, India, Pakistan

#Faith #Patience of #Jesus reminds us constantly that in world you will have #tribulation. While the #church has looked for the #comingoftheLord, we are told of the #greattribulation. Included here is the #wrathofGod portion of judgment. But the Faith and this Patience of our Lord endures and conquers in us all fears during persecution. It is no small task to go through the list of nations today and tell of the persecution against #Christians. This includes the U.K., Canada, and America today. In fact, America faces a lot of generations of young people with no faith in #JesusChrist, let alone #discipleship teaching for these youngsters who now are grown.
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Every Knee Every Tongue Book of Romans pt28 @warnradio

Every Knee Every Tongue shall #confess to #God. Every knee will bow before #JesusChrist, including devils, demons, and unbelievers. You will want to notice however, that in this section we find this phrase tied to the #Judgmentseat of #Christ. Along with that we find the issue is “#judging your #brother” or as Paul describes it; “set at nought thy brother!” Here, nought is nothing, or you do not even consider your brother. Your brethren here in Christ are not even on your list of consideration. Maybe arguments, division, or other trouble came between you. Here we must remember, as Paul says; be #reconciled with you brother. In addition, do not put a stumbling block in the path of your brother causing him or her to fall. #EveryKnee #EveryTongue in today’s society will find it is easy to get wrapped up in other things. Be sure you do not ignore the important aspects of #Christianfaith.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, B1 New Testament Series, Christian discipleship, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Romans Series | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Every Knee Every Tongue Book of Romans pt28 @warnradio

Nation Power Lords Judgment Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt98 on Battle Lines

Nation Power Lords Judgment comes into the true reality. As the #Assyrians look upon Jerusalem as already won, the fact is they already lost. #Nation #Power #Lords #Judgment finds the boasting of human power backed by pride is a loser. To boast against the #Highest #God is foolishness. It is said by Keil and Delitzsch regard a verse herein when the boast of Sennacherib was laid out. They had ravaged, but here we can see that these cities were as K.D. said “The nations in the presence of the Assyrian became, as it were, weak, delicate grasses, with roots only rooted in the surface, or like a cornfield with the stalk not yet formed.” The lesson here is the same one Pharoah of Egypt learned when contesting the release of #Israel from bondage. It is the lesson the nations will learn under the #Judgmentofnations in the #endofdays. As believers, we know the truth of this even as men and nations boast proud fully against the #True and #livingGod.
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Age of Spiritual Warfare Series

Age of Spiritual Warfare Series – Being about our Fathers business is a goal. A major part of that understands the Spiritual warfare and the battle ground the evil spirit’s use. This is a Classic Warn Radio featured series and has four episodes to it. Thus, we will cover the Supernatural Spirit Filled business of minding the Mind.” Also, important that although this is a Supernatural battle through God’s words and the tools he gives us, we live in this world. We physically are confronted through our lives and our five senses every day of the evil in the world. This is where the practices of what we will study will come into play. You cannot face these without the Supernatural warfare that the Lord gives us the power to confront spiritual wickedness. Continue reading

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Christian Living Practics Book of Romans pt27 @warnradio

Christian Living Practics [Practice] as applied within this context of scripture finds #practical #biblicaltips given by the #Apostles on how to live a #Christianlife every day. The point within this section is discussing topics that were brought to light by the behavior of those around the Apostle. #Judging other brethren for the food they eat, regarding clean and unclean more than likely here. The clash of #Christianity with #Jewishlaw on #kosher foods probably. Yet the #judgment of the #believer was imperative to the Apostle in understanding we must regard the brethren and have #love towards them. The issue was whatever you did, was it unto the #Lord. For in the end the Apostle said, no one lives to themselves, nor do they die to themselves. All that we do, we answer to the Lord. We all will stand before the #Judgment #SeatofChrist. #Christian #Living #Practics brings out these points made by the Apostle as important reminders for us living today for Christ.
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Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Romans Series | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Christian Living Practics Book of Romans pt27 @warnradio

The Word of the Lord Be Not Deceived Pt3

Be Not Deceived in America there is an endless immoral flood that is today aiming its torrent of corruption at today’s youth. Our leaders as well are ill equipped to stop it. The point being in these #endsofdays be sure you know the #True and #LivingGod and #ourFather and His Son who is the “#Almighty” in #Revelation chapter one. #BeNotDeceived Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian Living Series, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Prayer of Deliverance Isaiah’s Prophetic Book Pt97 on Battle Lines

Prayer of Deliverance becomes the marker of the day when a King servant named #Hezekiah comes directly to the house of the #Lord. It was a troubled time, a day of #rebuke, #blasphemy, and the #enemy came in like a flood. Upon the land, the surrounding nations and #Judah the tide of the enemy swept. Once at the gates of #Jerusalem, the enemy camped triumphantly before the gates and saw nothing but a victory. Yet, Hezekiah went to the Lord with the threats and words of #Sennacherib on paper. He laid it out his #PrayerofDeliverance making his case before the #Lord #GodofHosts. The #Assyrians were not frightened of Judah and felt assured of victory. Yet the threat for Judah was real and those were real warriors who meant to kill, steal, and pillage. In the face of death and threats, the King went to the #KingofKings for help. While Hezekiah had been told by #Isaiah to not be afraid of the Assyrians nor their King, he went before the Lord to make his own humble plea and to reveal the rebuke and blasphemy against the Lord that day.
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